What's New in Oxygen SDK 26.1

March 25, 2024

Oxygen XML SDK version 26.1 adds a variety of new API methods.

API Additions

Create an Editor Component for a Certain Content Type

The StandalonePluginWorkspace.createEditorComponentProvider API now allows you to create an editing component that can be used in custom side views by passing an extra content type parameter. This means you can create editing components to edit HTML5 or JSON content.

Create a Text Area with Syntax Highlights

The new OxygenUIComponentsFactory.createTextArea(String contentType, boolean highlightCurrentLine) API method allows you to create a text area with syntax highlights for a certain content type and it also controls whether or not the current line should be highlighted. One example of a use case is that it enabled undo/redo events to be selected when editing a chat message in the AI Positron Assistant.

Access Batch Operations Listener for 3rd-Party Plugins

The newly added PluginWorkspace.getBatchOperationsListenersAccess() API method can be used by third-party plugins to notify other plugins when a batch operation that modifies multiple resources is in progress.

Reload Content of a Document

The WSEditor.reload() API method now allows for the content of an opened document to be reloaded from the original URL location (whether it is a local or remote location).

Reload Content of a Document if Change is Detected on Local Disk

The new WSEditor.reloadIfChangeOnDiskDetected() API method can be used to reload the content of an opened document from the local disk if the content on disk has changed in the meantime.