Japanese Webhelp search seems to hang in loop

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Japanese Webhelp search seems to hang in loop

Post by ckabstein »


Oxygen 21.1, DITA OT 3.3.1

It looks like the webhelp responsive search function does not work properly with Japanese. All topics and ditamaps' xml:lang attributes are set to ja-JP, the transformation is running properly, but when I run a search in the output, the search doesn't provide any results but seems to hang in a never-ending loop. Any ideas what could be done?

Thanks and best regards,
oXygen XML Editor 25.1 build 2023070306
DITA OT 3.7.4
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Re: Japanese Webhelp search seems to hang in loop

Post by Costin »


We have updated the jQuery library in a maintenance build of the previous version 21.1.
This could generate issues for some users that were using a custom publishing template defined in an older version, that includes older version HTML layout files.

In the default publishing templates that come predefined with oXygen, the updated has been already reflected, so this should not occur when using them.

Therefore, please try using a default publishing template (like Oxygen[tiles], or Oxygen[tree]), instead of a custom one.
If this solves the search issue, the next step you should try is also migrate the publishing templates remnant from an older version to the newer one (v21).
HERE is a section that describes the steps on how to migrate your publishing templates to v21.

If you still encounter issues even after trying my suggestions, to investigate further, we would need you to send a minimal sample DITA Map hierarchy (a DITA Map with just a few topics) that reproduces the search issue.
You could use support@oxygenxml.com , or the online technical support form for that.

Costin Sandoi
oXygen XML Editor and Author Support
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Re: Japanese Webhelp search seems to hang in loop

Post by cparrott »

Hi there,

Was there ever a resolution for this issue? I'm seeing the same thing, and it persists when I use the standard oxygen[tile] template. Just as Christina said, this is only happening for me with Japanese--no other language seems to be having an issue with search. Happy to email a sample to the support address, but wanted to see if others had gone that route first!

Thanks very much,
Posts: 842
Joined: Mon Dec 05, 2011 6:04 pm

Re: Japanese Webhelp search seems to hang in loop

Post by Costin »


The issue related to the search remaining in loop, when using Japanese language on a DITA Map published to WebHelp was already fixed in a maintenance build of the version 22.
Therefore, if you download, install and use the latest version 22.1 available on our website, thearch should not remain in loop and return results.

Best Regards,
Costin Sandoi
oXygen XML Editor and Author Support
Posts: 145
Joined: Fri Apr 24, 2015 12:28 pm

Re: Japanese Webhelp search seems to hang in loop

Post by ckabstein »

Yes, I can confirm now that the search in the Japanese webhelp in 22.1 no longer remains in loop and returns results.
Thanks, Costin

Best regards,
oXygen XML Editor 25.1 build 2023070306
DITA OT 3.7.4
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Re: Japanese Webhelp search seems to hang in loop

Post by justyna_i »

I am having the same problem of endless hanging search loop with Spanish language. I am using template made in version 20.1 but I have 5 other languages that all work with no problem. I also tried publishing webhelp with default template and it was not working.
The same ditamap transformed from oXygen 20.1 is working well. I am using oXygen 25.1.

Any advices on how to fix this?

Posts: 43
Joined: Thu Mar 05, 2009 11:44 am

Re: Japanese Webhelp search seems to hang in loop

Post by marius »

Hi Justyna,

Following a comprehensive analysis and several email exchange, we determined that the issue you are currently experiencing is different from the original problem reported on this thread.
We wanted to inform you that your issue has been resolved. The fix for this will be incorporated into the forthcoming Oxygen maintenance build.

Best regards,

Marius Ciolacu
Syncro Soft / Oxygen XML
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