VideosGenerating Directory Comparison Reports Using Command-Line Scripts


Duration: 04:56

This video offers a demonstration of using scripts from a command-line tool to compare directories and generating comparison reports in various formats.


00:00:07The purpose of this video is to demonstrate  how to generate various reports that show the  
00:00:11results of a directory comparison using  scripts in a command line window.  
00:00:17First I'll use the help command to display  the documentation for this script. 
00:00:24And I'll paste a command for a  very simple directory comparison.  
00:00:29By default, the comparison report is sent  to the standard console in YAML format.
00:00:35But, other output formats are available,  including JSON, XML, and HTML. 
00:00:40I can use the -out option  to specify the format.  
00:00:44For my example, I'll specify XML for the  format but I'll use the "raw" qualifier,  
00:00:50which means that the detected differences  won't be grouped, and instead, simply  
00:00:55listed in the order they were detected. I can also choose to direct the results to  
00:01:01an HTML output file using the -outfile option to  make the results easier to view and interpret.  
00:01:07I'll open the resulting file in my browser. The  report displays information about all the detected  
00:01:14differences in a user-friendly interface. It has filtering options at the top ... 
00:01:24I can click on a file links to  open the resource in the browser.  
00:01:31I'll do the same for the corresponding  difference on the right side.  
00:01:38I can also specify some filtering  options when I run the command.  
00:01:45For example, I"ll paste a command  that will exclude JPEG files.  
00:01:52If I open the resulting report file in  the browser, you can see that the Gerbera  
00:01:57JPEG file that I clicked on in the last  report is now missing from the results table. 
00:02:03For another example, I'll paste  a command that will include  
00:02:07only files with a .dita file extension.  
00:02:11If I open the resulting report file, you can see  that only "dita" resources have been compared.  
00:02:19Suppose I want to exclude the "test"  directory that appears in the report.  
00:02:24I can achieve that using an exclude filter.  
00:02:30And when I open the corresponding report,  that difference is now excluded. 
00:02:37For all pairs of modified files highlighted  in the report, it would be ideal to be able  
00:02:42to concretely visualize the differences. I can do that by using the ifcr qualifier for  
00:02:49html format as noted in the help documentation. I'll paste an example using that qualifier. 
00:02:58And I'll open the resulting report file ... ... and if I click on one of the diff symbols  
00:03:05in the middle cells, a new report is opened with  details only about that specific difference. 
00:03:14That qualifier option also creates  a new directory that contains the  
00:03:18additional file comparison reports.  
00:03:25The 3-way directory comparison mode is also  available. I simply need to specify the paths  
00:03:31of the 2 directories to be compared, immediately  followed by the path to the base directory. 
00:03:38I'll open the resulting report. I can click on the diff symbol in one  
00:03:43of the middle cells to open a report of  the differences for that file pair.
00:03:52I can use filtering options in my  command to filter differences.  
00:04:00And I'll open the resulting report and if  I click on the symbol in the middle cell,  
00:04:04you see that there are now fewer differences. 
00:04:09The concept of merging "incoming" differences  also applies to 3-way directory comparisons.  
00:04:15In this case, you see the  results in the console ...  
00:04:19and it also results in a newly created  directory called merge-output,
00:04:27and you can see that its structure is based upon  the results of the merge operation and  
00:04:32the information in both of them corresponds to  the differences we saw in the HTML report. 
00:04:39As you can see, there are a lot  of different options that you have  
00:04:42available to refine the HTML reports  to suit your specific needs.
00:04:47This concludes the demonstration.  Thank you for watching.

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