Build Notes for Version 25.0 of Oxygen XML Editor/Author/Developer

Build ID: 2023013006

Wed, 01 Feb 2023 11:00:00 GMT

Framework Extension Script: Fixed an issue where external Author actions from the base framework were not imported in the extension.

XML/Validation: Fixed an issue where erroneous errors were reported that IDs were not unique when XML files contained ID attributes or element content.

DITA/Editing: Fixed an issue where the icons and drop-down menu of the "note" element were presented for the "hazardstatement" element.

DITA/Editing: Fixed an issue where notes previewed in the Reuse Content dialog box were presented incorrectly.

DITA Reusable Components: Fixed an issue where reusable components detected in warehouse topics were not presented in the DITA Reusables Components view.

WebHelp/Core: Fixed an issue where the copy action for a codeblock element in a topic page did not work.

Oxygen PDF Chemistry/Text Layout: Fixed an issue where CJK texts that were combined with other texts had baseline alignment issues when a fallback font was used.

DITA to Zendesk Publishing: Updated the netty-transport library to version 4.1.86 to avoid CVE-2022-41881 that could happen during the publishing and uploading of DITA topics to the Zendesk Help Center.

DITA-OT publishing: Fixed an issue where the root DITA map content was overwritten when a DITA topic was published to PDF in the context of the root DITA map using the CSS-based engine.

DITA to PDF - based on XSL-FO: Fixed an issue where the DITA <note> icons were missing from the PDF output.

Build ID: 2022121306

Tue, 13 Dec 2022 09:00:00 GMT

Author: Fixed a serialization issue where whitespaces disappeared from the saved XML content when comments were added over content that ends with whitespaces.

Author/DITA: Fixed an issue where Markdown documents were not converted to DITA when references to these types of files were inserted in DITA content.

DITA/Smart Paste: Fixed an issue where the application stopped responding when smart-pasting an HTML fragment that contains an empty table (without rows) into a DITA document.

DITA Publishing: Fixed an issue while publishing DITA to PDF where DITA topics that contained PDF images failed when an older DITA-OT installation folder that was configured externally was used.

XProc/XML Calabash: Fixed an error ("Resolver for unparsed-text() returned unrecognized Source (javax.xml.transform.sax.SAXSource)") regarding the Catalog Resolver used in Calabash that happened when unparsed-text() was used in an XSL used in a pipeline.

DITA to PDF - based on HTML5 & CSS: Fixed some CSS rules that were hiding the Task context element when it contained change tracking elements or other empty elements.

Oxygen Publishing Engine/Security/Component Update: Updated the Jackson Databind (jackson-databind) library to version

Build ID: 2022110706

Mon, 7 Nov 2022 09:00:00 GMT

Security/Component Update/SVG support: Updated the Batik library to version 1.16 to avoid vulnerabilities CVE-2022-41704 and CVE-2022-42890.

Author/Content Completion: Fixed an issue where content completion proposals where sometimes not properly computed when "xi:include"'ed content was presented.

Author/XInclude: Fixed a NullPointerException error that happened when expanding <xi:include> elements that contain empty <xi:fallback> elements.

DITA/Editing: Fixed an issue where a note with a content reference displayed the note type icon twice.

DITA Publishing: Fixed an issue where the "syntaxdiagram" element was not properly rendered in the WebHelp Responsive and PDF-CSS-HTML5 outputs.

XSLT/Validation: Fixed a validation error for XSLT stylesheets when the version is missing.

XSLT/Validation: Fixed an issue where unsaved changes made to XSLT modules that are open in the application were not taken into account when validating the main XSLT files.

XSLT/Debugger: Fixed an internal error ("Internal error evaluating template rule") that happened while debugging an XSLT stylesheet that iterates groups.

Content Completion/Saxon: Re-added the following removed Saxon extension functions in the content completion proposals list: saxon:compile-query, saxon:is-defaulted, saxon:key-map, saxon:last-modified, saxon:parse-dateTime, saxon:send-mail, saxon:query, saxon:unparsed-entities.

JSON Diagram: Fixed a back/forward navigation issue in the JSON Diagram that happened when selecting a reference from a different file.

Component Update/XProc: Updated the XML Calabash library to version 1.5.2-110 that solves some errors regarding the integration with the Saxon processor.

XProc/XML Calabash: Solved NullPointerException in commentBuffer. 'Cannot invoke "net.sf.saxon.str.UnicodeString.substring(long, long)" because "this.tree.commentBuffer" is null'.

XProc/XML Calabash: Solved usage problem of Calabash in regard with Oxygen's Catalogs. Resolves the error 'Cannot invoke "org.xmlresolver.Resolver.resolve(String, String)" because "this.catalogResolver" is null'.

WebHelp Responsive: The user is redirected to the "index.html" page when the "cshelp.html" page is accessed directly.

WebHelp Responsive: Fixed an issue where clicking on a link on the main page TOC did not open the corresponding topic.

WebHelp Responsive: Fixed an issue where extra padding was added to the titles of topics.

Oxygen PDF Chemistry: Fixed an issue where margins for blocks inside table cells where discarded.

Oxygen PDF Chemistry: Fixed a pagination issue caused by how line breaks were handled for space-preserving elements (such as codeblocks) when inside a list.

Oxygen PDF Chemistry: Fixed an error ("getValue() called on AUTO length") that happened when transforming files that contain images with the "height" attribute set.

Oxygen PDF Chemistry: Added the -oxy-space-before-conditionality and -oxy-space-after-conditionality properties to offer better control for discarding margins.

Oxygen PDF Chemistry/Security/Component Update: Updated the Apache Batik library to version 1.16.

Oxygen Publishing Engine/Security/Component Update: Updated the Apache Batik library to version 1.16.

Build ID: 2022101006

Thu, 13 October 2022 15:30:00 GMT