.framework in oxygen24 and oxygen26 for a custom insert operation
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.framework in oxygen24 and oxygen26 for a custom insert operation
Post by vishwavaranasi »
- image2022-9-12_19-8-18.png (3.35 KiB) Viewed 836 times
We have a custom insert image operation for the below
- image2022-9-12_19-8-18.png (3.35 KiB) Viewed 836 times
here is the entry
Code: Select all
<field name="fieldPath">
<field name="index">
<field name="value">
<field name="xpathCondition">
<String>oxy:allows-child-element("*", "class", " topic/image ")</String>
<field name="argValues">
<field name="operationID">
<field name="patchHandling">
<field name="anchor">
- oxygen24.png (47.22 KiB) Viewed 836 times
entry 1 is oxygen default and entry 2 - which is pointing to our custom insert - because of these 2 entries in oxygen 26 the insert image showing oxygen default instead our custom.
- oxygen26.png (75.61 KiB) Viewed 836 times
Re: .framework in oxygen24 and oxygen26 for a custom insert operation
Oxygen 24 is in our end of life stage so we no longer officially support it in any way (including technical support, security patches, fixes):
Instead of creating your own "insert.my.image" action and using it in the content completion, toolbars and menus instead of the original "insert.image", you edited the original "insert.image" action and changed the custom operation that it calls. This indeed saves a patch with your changes in the framework. Later on I think probably in a newer Oxygen version the base "insert.image" action was changed by us and its xpath was changed. And somehow now there are problems as Oxygen is unable to correctly apply the patch so that it works both with Oxygen 24 and 26.1 (or our latest Oxygen
As possible workarounds I see:
- Give up support for Oxygen 24 and support only Oxygen 26 or newer, making changes to the framework extension only in Oxygen 26.
- Create in Oxygen 24 your own custom action "insert.my.image" in your framework extension and use that in all places (toolbars, menus, content completion window) instead of editing the base "insert.image" action.
- Keep two extension framework files, one for Oxygen 24 and one for Oxygen 26 and maybe two add-ons to install your frameworks, one for each Oxygen version.
Oxygen 24 is in our end of life stage so we no longer officially support it in any way (including technical support, security patches, fixes):
Instead of creating your own "insert.my.image" action and using it in the content completion, toolbars and menus instead of the original "insert.image", you edited the original "insert.image" action and changed the custom operation that it calls. This indeed saves a patch with your changes in the framework. Later on I think probably in a newer Oxygen version the base "insert.image" action was changed by us and its xpath was changed. And somehow now there are problems as Oxygen is unable to correctly apply the patch so that it works both with Oxygen 24 and 26.1 (or our latest Oxygen
As possible workarounds I see:
- Give up support for Oxygen 24 and support only Oxygen 26 or newer, making changes to the framework extension only in Oxygen 26.
- Create in Oxygen 24 your own custom action "insert.my.image" in your framework extension and use that in all places (toolbars, menus, content completion window) instead of editing the base "insert.image" action.
- Keep two extension framework files, one for Oxygen 24 and one for Oxygen 26 and maybe two add-ons to install your frameworks, one for each Oxygen version.
Radu Coravu
<oXygen/> XML Editor
<oXygen/> XML Editor
- Posts: 168
- Joined: Fri Feb 28, 2020 4:02 pm
Re: .framework in oxygen24 and oxygen26 for a custom insert operation
Post by vishwavaranasi »
Thanks for the inputs Radu.
We will consider moving to newer version of oxygen.
We will consider moving to newer version of oxygen.
- Posts: 168
- Joined: Fri Feb 28, 2020 4:02 pm
Re: .framework in oxygen24 and oxygen26 for a custom insert operation
Post by vishwavaranasi »
Hello Radu , we are now moving to Oxygen 27
where do we can find the Xpath Expression for "insert.image" for version 27?
right now our .framework file has this action defined for oxygen 24
where do we can find the Xpath Expression for "insert.image" for version 27?
right now our .framework file has this action defined for oxygen 24
Code: Select all
<field name="fieldPath">
<field name="index">
<field name="value">
<field name="xpathCondition">
<String>oxy:allows-child-element("*", "class", " topic/image ")</String>
<field name="argValues">
<field name="operationID">
<field name="patchHandling">
<field name="anchor">
Re: .framework in oxygen24 and oxygen26 for a custom insert operation
You can probably open from the installation folder of Oxygen 27 the "frameworks/dita/dita.framework" configuration file and look there at how the action is defined.
You can probably open from the installation folder of Oxygen 27 the "frameworks/dita/dita.framework" configuration file and look there at how the action is defined.
Radu Coravu
<oXygen/> XML Editor
<oXygen/> XML Editor
- Posts: 168
- Joined: Fri Feb 28, 2020 4:02 pm
Re: .framework in oxygen24 and oxygen26 for a custom insert operation
Post by vishwavaranasi »
Thanks Radu , i have looked at the oxygen 27 installation folder and found this
for oxygen 24
in general what does it mean hazardstatement incase of oxygen 27 ? , does this add any extra info when we render in pdf or html?
Code: Select all
<field name="xpathCondition">
<String>oxy:allows-child-element("*", "class", " topic/image ") or ancestor-or-self::hazardstatement</String>
Code: Select all
<field name="xpathCondition">
<String>oxy:allows-child-element("*", "class", " topic/image ")</String></field>
Re: .framework in oxygen24 and oxygen26 for a custom insert operation
More about the hazardstatement element:
https://www.oxygenxml.com/dita/1.3/spec ... ement.html
It has a hazardsymbol sub-element which is kind of an image reference. And I think the main idea was that if the caret was inside a messagepanel which was inside a hazardstatement, inserting an image should have been enabled in order to insert the hazardsymbol image reference after the messagepanel.
More about the hazardstatement element:
https://www.oxygenxml.com/dita/1.3/spec ... ement.html
It has a hazardsymbol sub-element which is kind of an image reference. And I think the main idea was that if the caret was inside a messagepanel which was inside a hazardstatement, inserting an image should have been enabled in order to insert the hazardsymbol image reference after the messagepanel.
Radu Coravu
<oXygen/> XML Editor
<oXygen/> XML Editor
- Posts: 168
- Joined: Fri Feb 28, 2020 4:02 pm
Re: .framework in oxygen24 and oxygen26 for a custom insert operation
Post by vishwavaranasi »
Thanks Radu.
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