How to create a minimal xsd flat file?

This should cover W3C XML Schema, Relax NG and DTD related problems.
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Joined: Wed Feb 27, 2008 7:13 pm

How to create a minimal xsd flat file?

Post by Renuplex »

Hey guys,

Here is the situation:

I have defined a relatively simple xsd which includes a big xsd and only uses a few types from the latter.
The big xsd file only contain industry standard types.

Now I am using my simple xsd in a wsdl file, which is then used to create Ruby classes.

Now the problem is that the wsdl-to-ruby script creates classes for all the types contained in all the included files resulting in a huge 'mess' of classes I don't need.

The solution I was thinking of was to create a flat file, which would only embedd the types I am actually using and not all the other ones.

Is there a way to do this? Anyone has other proposals?

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Re: How to create a minimal xsd flat file?

Post by sorin_ristache »


If your WSDL to Ruby script creates classes from all the types found in the input XML Schema then I think you have to create an XSD file that includes only the types that you need. I am sorry, oXygen does not offer XSD refactoring actions yet for moving or copying an element between two XML Schema files.

Posts: 2
Joined: Wed Feb 27, 2008 7:13 pm

Re: How to create a minimal xsd flat file?

Post by Renuplex »


Thanks for your quick answer. Do you know of any other tool that would eventually do it?

My problem is that I dont want to go through all these types dependencies myself and especially not redo if we need to extend the schema later on.

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