Convert XML files to Html

This should cover W3C XML Schema, Relax NG and DTD related problems.
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Convert XML files to Html

Post by patc890 »

Hi, I have a some books that are in XML and need to covert them to HTML. I'm not sure if Oxygen is the right program for this?

Can anyone tell if I've got the right program and if so any pointers on how it's done?


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Post by sorin_ristache »


oXygen provides powerful XSLT transformation and debugging features which I think can assist you with the translation to the HTML output format. Once you define and associate a transformation scenario to an XML file (or to an XSLT stylesheet) running the scenario to get the desired output is as simple as clicking on the button "Apply Transformation Scenario" on the Transformation toolbar. To define a transformation scenario means to specify parameters like the XSLT stylesheet applied to the XML document (or the XML document to which the XSLT is applied), the XSLT parameters of the stylesheet, the name of the output file, how the output is displayed (in a results panel at the bottom of the oXygen window or in an external application like a Web browser), etc. You can find more details in the User Manual.

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