DITA maps Manager dialog box missing

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DITA maps Manager dialog box missing

Post by pixelhead »

Hello everybody,
openening a ditamap file from the SVN window usually shows a dialog box "DITA maps Manager" whether opening it in DITA Maps or not. I do not get this message box anymore. In the properties of the Synchro SVN Client the part how to open such file in DITA -> Maps -> "When opening " the "always ask" radio button is set / signed. I want to open via the Synchro SVN Client.
The "DITA maps Manager" dialog box opened only once. Now not anymore. Neither with any other ditamap file I open.
Via Synchro SVN Client the file opens in the oxygen XML editor in the middle window for "Text" or "Autor". But NOT in the left window of the DITA Maps Manager. It is all empty.
Oxygen XML Editor Version 23.1
Any idea how to solve this? Thank you!
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Re: DITA maps Manager dialog box missing

Post by Radu »

Officially Oxygen 23.1 is in our end of life stage and we no longer support it in any way.
Do you open the SVN client from inside the started Oxygen application (from the Tools menu for example)? Or do you open it as a separate executable application from the Windows startup menu for example?
So in the Oxygen Preferences->"DITA / Maps" page the "Always ask" radio button is checked, correct?

Radu Coravu
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Re: DITA maps Manager dialog box missing

Post by pixelhead »

Yes, expected the version number is a bit tricky.

I open the SVN client from inside the started Oxygen application (from the Tools menu for example).

So in the Oxygen Preferences->"DITA / Maps" page the "Always ask" radio button is checked,
-> Exactly, it is checked.
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Re: DITA maps Manager dialog box missing

Post by Radu »

I can reproduce this problem even with the latest Oxygen 27:
Open SVN client from inside Oxygen (Tools menu).
Use "Open with Oxygen" on a DITA Map, the map always opens in the main editor.

And looking at the code, I think things have always worked this way when the SVN client is opened from inside Oxygen. I added an internal issue to make in a future release (hopefully 27.1 March this year) a small improvement in this area and ask you where you want to open the DITA Map.
You mention this used to work at some point, is it possible that you were starting the SVN client not from inside Oxygen but by running the SVN client executable separately from the startup menu?

Radu Coravu
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Re: DITA maps Manager dialog box missing

Post by pixelhead »

I started SVN always within Oxygen, not from the outside.

The way of opening a file that I expected was / is:

Open Oxygen application.
Open SVN within Oxygen via Tools navigation.
Choose ditamap file.
Choose in right click context menue open in Oxygen.
File opens in Oxygen XML Editor.
Window for "Text" or "Author" shows the file..
To the left the DITA Maps Manager window shows the DITA maps structure.
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Re: DITA maps Manager dialog box missing

Post by Radu »

The default mechanism of opening a DITA Map in Oxygen is to ask the end user if they want to open it in the DITA Maps Manager or in the main editor area. The small fixes I will implement will attempt to use this default behavior also when opening the DITA Map from the SVN client tool.
Radu Coravu
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Re: DITA maps Manager dialog box missing

Post by pixelhead »

What I see now is an error message in the status line on the bottom of the oXygen window. It appears with the exact same procedure for openen a DITA map file like I have written above. I did not mention it before because I simply have not seen it. Sorry!
The message:
"[DITA Map] Validierung fehlgeschlagen. Fejler: 12."
I think in English it looks like.
"[DITA Map] validation failed. Error: 12."
What means 12?
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Re: DITA maps Manager dialog box missing

Post by Radu »


That message indicates there are 12 validation errors found in the opened DITA Map, Oxygen should also highlight those problems in the opened DITA Map or show a detailed problems list if you use the "Validate" toolbar button.
The label in English is something like "Errors: 12" so it's a plural, it indicates 12 errors have been found, it was translated to German to "Fehler", not sure if it should have been translated better to some plural form of the noun, I do not know German, maybe you can help me here if you want us to rectify this message to make better sense in German.
Radu Coravu
<oXygen/> XML Editor
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Re: DITA maps Manager dialog box missing

Post by pixelhead »

Fehler is plural. All fine.

Der Fehler = the error.
Die Fehler = the errors.
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