Broken <a> links on the index.html file (no navigation possible)

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Broken <a> links on the index.html file (no navigation possible)

Post by Vinny »

I’m trying for the first time the Webhelp Responsive framework. So I simply opened a project that works for PDF and changed the transformation type.

Apparently, it works, but I can’t get to navigate past the index.html root page. All the links are broken.
My DITA files are in DITA/A/B/C/DITA_Sources(/references)
The main files (index.html, etc.) are located in, say, the DITA/A/B/C/DITA_Sources/out/webhelp directory (as expected). But the reference files are not located in the reference subdirectory as the <a> links expect, nor are the top-level topics in the base directory. They’re in DITA/A/B/C/DITA_Sources/out/webhelp/A/B/C/reference. As a results, all the links are dangling and no navigation is possible.
What configuration parameter must I change to get a working tree?
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Re: Broken <a> links on the index.html file (no navigation possible)

Post by Costin »

Hi Vinny,

It is known that DITA-OT is having issues resolving references when there are resources referenced in the DITA Map but which are located outside the directory where the published DITA map is found. By default, it does not even copy the referenced topics to the output directory.
This is also described in this section of our online documentation and it seems that's what's causing the issue at your side too.

To solve this, you should either copy all of the outside resources in the same level with the DITA-Map (in the same folder or a subfolder of it), or - in case you are using one of our GUI-based products (Editor/Author/Developer), you could also try using the dedicated transformation scenario parameter "".
You can find more details on this in the above mentioned section from the online User-Guide.

Costin Sandoi
oXygen XML Editor and Author Support
Posts: 25
Joined: Wed Jan 12, 2022 1:07 pm

Re: Broken <a> links on the index.html file (no navigation possible)

Post by Vinny »

Thank you, setting the fix. … parameter does indeed solve most of the issue.
But I’ll have all files moved into a common parent directory anyway.
Thanks a lot of your help! I probably would not have been able to figure it out by myself so quickly.
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