Custom Operation dialog box in Author mode?

Posts: 33
Joined: Wed Dec 20, 2017 9:56 pm

Custom Operation dialog box in Author mode?

Post by csun »

It's good to see that it's doable to connect to a database and insert certain data to the XML document, as explained here: ... ments.html

Is it possible to invoke a dialog from the Author mode, display the SQL results there, allowing users to preview, sort, filter, and select certain rows of data to insert to the XML document? Thanks. (I went through the Oxygen XML SDK documentation but didn't seem to find the information about customizing the Operation dialog to that extent; it would be really helpful if it's doable though.)
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Re: Custom Operation dialog box in Author mode?

Post by Radu »

You can use the Java Swing libraries to create your own custom dialogs which are shown when the custom operation you invoke.
Radu Coravu
<oXygen/> XML Editor
Posts: 33
Joined: Wed Dec 20, 2017 9:56 pm

Re: Custom Operation dialog box in Author mode?

Post by csun »

Thanks for confirming this, Radu. How about displaying a web app in a custom Oxygen dialog window--is that possible, too? (A naive approach I think of is to use jEditorPane.setPage(String url) to read a URL and display that web page, but jEditorPane’s support for HTML and CSS is a bit too limited, and it doesn’t work well for displaying modern web applications.)
I think Oxygen SDK documentation mentions that it offers support for integration as a server side web application with an HTML5 front-end. Does it mean the capability of opening a web app from inside Oxygen Author or Oxygen Editor?
Posts: 9343
Joined: Fri Jul 09, 2004 5:18 pm

Re: Custom Operation dialog box in Author mode?

Post by Radu »

The Oxygen desktop application is based on Java swing so its possibilities to render HTML content inside are quite limited. Indeed you can use JEditorPane's, you could also try to use maybe a JavaFX component which is more advanced and can run Javascript. Some of our clients I think had also managed in the past to embed Chromium based browser components as third party components from Oxygen plugins but I have not tested this myself.
Radu Coravu
<oXygen/> XML Editor
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