Keywords Query

Oxygen general issues.
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Keywords Query

Post by Stacey »

Hi There:
I am new to applying keywords (<keyword>) to things and I'm wondering if there's a quick way of applying certain keywords to multiple topics. For example, synonyms of "view" could be "see" or "show". If I have 20 topics to add these keywords to, can I create a list somewhere, or some sort of matrix (like a reltable for keywords?).
Or any other suggestions on speed/accuracy/automation for this sort of thing?

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Re: Keywords Query

Post by xephon »

You could use the Oxygen refactoring mechanism to replace, for instance, '<keyword>see</keyword>' with '<keyword>see</keyword><keyword>view</keyword>'. – Your DITA/DITA-OT XML consultant
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Re: Keywords Query

Post by Radu »


This also depends on the search engine you are using. Our default offline WebHelp search engine does not work with retrieving topics which match synonyms of the searched words.
Our Oxygen Feedback product has semantic search so it can locate topics better based on the searched words: ... earch.html

Radu Coravu
<oXygen/> XML Editor
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Re: Keywords Query

Post by Stacey »

Okay. Thanks! (Currently using the default.)
Is there a way to tell it to need a space? For example, I want to use "time off" as a keyword, but it seems to be applying "time" and "off". Is there a character that represents the space? Or are there some hoops I can jump through to make it see "time off" as a single keyword?
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Re: Keywords Query

Post by ionela »


Thank you for these details.
To avoid any mistakes, could you please provide us more details about the context of this problem? Are you encountering difficulties when using keywords in DITA topics during documentation editing, or does the problem arise when searching within the WebHelp output?

Ionela Istodor
oXygen XML Editor and Author Support
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