DITA specialization framework

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DITA specialization framework

Post by birgitstrackenbrock »

I have created a DITA specialization and made a framework.
In older Oxygen versions (now 26) I could just install it via "Help/New add ons" but now I get the message that the folder I have stored my framework cannot be accessed: "C:\LCE\lce_framework (Access is denied)"
How should I install a new DITA framework? I cannot find the right documentation for it.
Please help. Thanks
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Re: DITA specialization framework

Post by Radu »

I'm not sure if I understand your entire setup. So you have some kind of a custom "C:\LCE" framework folder containing a ".framework" file with the DITA extension?
Did you refer to this "C:\LCE" folder as an extra frameworks folder in the Oxygen Preferences->"Document Type Association / Locations" page?
Or did you create an extra Addon extensions.xml file which refers to a zip containing the framework folder? If so, how does the contents of your extensions.xml file look like?
Radu Coravu
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Re: DITA specialization framework

Post by birgitstrackenbrock »

I have created an extra Addon extensions.xml file which refers to a zip containing the framework folder:

Code: Select all

<xt:extensions xmlns:xt="http://www.oxygenxml.com/ns/extension"
    xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.oxygenxml.com/ns/extension http://www.oxygenxml.com/ns/extension/extensions.xsd">
    <xt:extension id="lce_dita">
        <xt:location href="lce_dita_v2p7.zip"/>
        <xt:author>Birgit Strackenbrock</xt:author>
        <xt:name>DITA Specialization LCE</xt:name>
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Re: DITA specialization framework

Post by Radu »

Hello Birgit,
Your "extensions.xml" looks good.
What do you do next with it? I assume you go to the Oxygen main menu "Help->Install new add-ons" and use the "Show add-ons from -> Browse for local file" chooser to select the "extensions.xml", right? And Oxygen should show you the add-on name and allow you to install it. When Oxygen installs it, it actually copies the entire zip to a separate folder in your user home, unzips it and copies the framework directory to a special Oxygen settings folder. So I do not know why you would receive an error about the "C:\LCE\lce_framework (Access is denied)". When do you exactly receive that error?
Radu Coravu
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Re: DITA specialization framework

Post by birgitstrackenbrock »

I have made a small change in my add-on.xml and now it is installed. In de add-on was standing that it is for Oxygen 26.1+ but I am working with 26.0.
But now it is installed and I can open a special template Oxygen tells me that the urn of the schema is unknown but it is defined in the catalog.
Any idea what could be wrong? Or do I have to run a certain function?
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Re: DITA specialization framework

Post by Radu »

Hi Birgit,
So how is that catalog file set up? Is it referenced in your DITA extension framework configuration? If so with what path is it referenced?
Do you only want to validate DITA XML files with that specific schema or also to publish them?
Is your catalog part of a DITA OT plugin which needs to be installed? It would need to be installed as part of a DITA OT plugin if you also want to publish.
https://www.oxygenxml.com/doc/ug-editor ... ation.html
Radu Coravu
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Re: DITA specialization framework

Post by birgitstrackenbrock »

Hi Radu,
As fare as I can the catalogs are ok.
Unfortunately, I cannot attach my framework zip, it's to big.
The folder structure looks like this (see attachement).
Maybe that's not ok?
framework-structure.jpg (18.14 KiB) Viewed 1063 times
Kind regards, Birgit
image.png (22.43 KiB) Viewed 1063 times
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Re: DITA specialization framework

Post by Radu »

Ok, so your framework seems to be bundled with your own DITA OT folder.
In the Oxygen Preferences->"DITA" page you should refer this folder as the default used DITA OT folder if you want Oxygen to start using its XML catalogs for validation and to also use the custom DITA OT for publishing.
Radu Coravu
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Re: DITA specialization framework

Post by birgitstrackenbrock »

Hi Radu, I change the preferences but it still isn't working.
The issue I have is that I want some people to use my DITA specialization. But those users don't have install rights on there laptops and cannot just integrate the DITA specialization in the DITA OT/plugin.
In older Oxygen version it was quite easy. I made a framework as shown above and the users could install the framework.
But now in Oxygen 26 it isn't working this way anymore :-(
Do you have an example and/or video how to build the framework and how to install it?
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Re: DITA specialization framework

Post by Radu »

Hi Birgit,
I do not remember having changed anything in this regard in Oxygen 26 and newer.
Maybe you can zip your entire add-on and attach it to out tech support:
Ideally the zip should contain also one of your sample specialized DITA topics.
Radu Coravu
<oXygen/> XML Editor
Frank Ralf
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Re: DITA specialization framework

Post by Frank Ralf »

Hi Birgit,

I had the same problem when trying to install two custom plugins directly in the DITA-OT in the Oxygen installation directory (Oxygen 26.1, Windows 11). I could copy the plugins into the plugins folder but running the Integrate / Install DITA OT Plugins transformation only worked when running Oxygen with admin rights.

Frank Ralf
parson AG
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