Red error message, 'DITA' framework deleted in Document Type Association page

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Red error message, 'DITA' framework deleted in Document Type Association page

Post by Olivier »

There is a persistent red error message displayed at the top of dita files in oxygen:
'Cannot load the associted CSS file(s).
The error was: "No CSS file specified."
Please switch to the text mode and use the [Associate the XSLT/CSS Stylesheet] action
to associate a CSS Stylesheet to your document.
smetimes the message can vary to
"Document type association cannot load the associated css files. The error was "(specific path and filename)"
I tried:
  • Restoring defaults in the Document Type Association page and the Locations page
    Reinstalling Oxygen XML
    Restoring Global Options and
    Importing Glocal Options

But nothing worked, it's stil the same*.
Note: The 'DITA' document type framework seems to have been deleted inadvertently, could this be a cause? How can it be restore?
Please help fix this urgently!
Thanks and regards,
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Joined: Mon May 09, 2016 9:37 am

Re: Red error message, 'DITA' framework deleted in Document Type Association page

Post by sorin_carbunaru »

Hi Olivier,

We cannot know for sure what happened there, especially if something got accidentally deleted... We can only try to guess...

Normally, the DITA frameworks come inside the Oxygen installation folder. So, I expect that, if you loaded the frameworks from the default location, the DITA framework would also be loaded successfully after re-installing.

Other than re-installing Oxygen, I would also try completely resetting the options, by going to "C:\Users\[YOUR_USERNAME]\AppData\Roaming" and renaming the "com.oxygenxml" folder to "com.oxygenxml_2" or something like that. This way we keep a backup of the old options, but also force Oxygen to start with fresh ones. Be aware that doing so will also require you to provide the license again.

After starting Oxygen, create a new project, just to make sure we don't load some custom options from another project. In some screenshots you have a preferences page at the project level, in others you don't, so let's try to remove that out of the way. Then check if the DITA framework is available.

Good luck,
Sorin Carbunaru
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