Wrong version of frameworks actions used

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Wrong version of frameworks actions used

Post by Isabelle »


Currently we use the version of oxygen-sdk, and we face a problem with custom frameworks.

We have this architecture in our framework directory com.oxygenxml.author.component\[...]\ApplID\frameworks\S1000D :
- add.elementItem.action.xml

- add.paragraph.action.xml
- drop.action.xml
- remove.paragraph.action.xml

- remove.paragraph.action.xml

- add.elementItem.action.xml
- add.paragraph.action.xml
- drop.action.xml

proced-custom_externalAuthorActions > proced_externalAuthorActions
- add.elementItem.action.xml

As you can see we have drop.action in common actions directory (externalAuthorActions) and in proced actions directory (proced_externalAuthorActions).
But when oxygen build proced-custom_externalAuthorActions > proced_externalAuthorActions directory, there is not drop.action in it.
And when we use this action in our application in a proced context, this is the common action which is used and not the proced one.

After tests, I have found that only actions defined in externalAuthorActions and proced-custom_externalAuthorActions > proced_externalAuthorActions are used by Oxygen.
The result of

Code: Select all

shows the combinaison of this two directories.

Is it the normal behaviour ?
Can you explain how the *-custom_externalAuthorActions is build,
and how to force the use of specific actions instead of common actions.

It seems that only the actions which are only in proced_externalAuthorActions directory and not in externalAuthorActions directory, are copied in proced-custom_externalAuthorActions > proced_externalAuthorActions.
But what about specific actions from proced_externalAuthorActions ?

Moreover, is it possible to configure Oxygen to not build the proced-custom_externalAuthorActions > proced_externalAuthorActions directory automaticaly.
I have tested to launch our app with an already existing proced-custom_externalAuthorActions > proced_externalAuthorActions with all of our actions, and it not worked.
It seems this directory is rebuild at every start of the application.

Posts: 1011
Joined: Wed Nov 16, 2005 11:11 am

Re: Wrong version of frameworks actions used

Post by alex_jitianu »

Hi Isabelle,

Thank you for reporting this issue and I'm sorry for the inconvenience! I managed to reproduce it myself and I will record an issue to fix it. Perhaps I will be able to plan it for the next 25 maintenance release. Meanwhile, a possible workaround is to place proced_custom in a different framework directory than the base one, proced. So you will have frameworks/proced/proced.exf (with all the actions) and frameworks/proced_custom/proced_custom.exf
Moreover, is it possible to configure Oxygen to not build the proced-custom_externalAuthorActions > proced_externalAuthorActions directory automaticaly.
I have tested to launch our app with an already existing proced-custom_externalAuthorActions > proced_externalAuthorActions with all of our actions, and it not worked.
It seems this directory is rebuild at every start of the application.
Yes, we create this directory proced-custom_externalAuthorActions/proced_externalAuthorActions automatically and we copy all the actions from the base framework. Another workaround would be to manually place all the actions in a place like: proced-custom_externalAuthorActions/{a-dir-name-of-my-choice}. We will consider this to be actions specific to the extension (proced-custom) and we wont touch them.

Best regards,
Posts: 145
Joined: Fri Jan 20, 2017 1:11 pm

Re: Wrong version of frameworks actions used

Post by Isabelle »

Hi Alex,

Thanks for the workaround, it works fine.
It will be enough until you fix the issue.

Posts: 1011
Joined: Wed Nov 16, 2005 11:11 am

Re: Wrong version of frameworks actions used

Post by alex_jitianu »

Oxygen 25.1 was released and in it we've fixed this issue. Thank you again for your feedback, and please keep sending it!
Best regard,
Alex Jitianu
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