deep-chapter-scope without numbering sections or stopping at a point

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deep-chapter-scope without numbering sections or stopping at a point

Post by verostarry »

I have a couple of questions about the deep-chapter-scope numbering detailed here: ... intro.html.
It appears to be what I need - page numbering that resets at each chapter. It's introducing two issues out of the box that may be a bad interaction with my CSS or something. First, I don't want sections to also be numbered. I just care about page numbering per chapter. Second, while the first part of the numbering works, the second stops at either 5 or 15 depending on what ditamap I'm generating a manual from. For example, I can have a chapter footer that says Page 10 of 5. It keeps counting above its lower limit, but I want I want the lower limit to be the number of pages in a chapter, not to stop at 5 or 15.
Copying the snippets of our CSS that have to do with numbering. Can also send a full CSS if helpful.

Code: Select all

*[class ~= "map/map"] > *[class ~= "toc/toc"] + *[class ~= "topic/topic"][is-chapter],
*[class ~= "map/map"] > *[class ~= "topic/topic"][is-frontmatter] + *[class ~= "topic/topic"][is-chapter] {
  counter-reset: page 1;
*[class ~= "map/map"] > *[class ~= "toc/toc"] + *[class ~= "topic/topic"][is-part],
*[class ~= "map/map"] > *[class ~= "topic/topic"][is-frontmatter] + *[class ~= "topic/topic"][is-part] {
  counter-reset: page 1 chapter;

Code: Select all

*[class ~= "topic/topic"][is-chapter]:not([is-part]) > *[class ~= "topic/title"]:before {
    content: counter(chapter) ". " !important;
*[class ~= "map/topicmeta"] > *[class ~= "topic/navtitle"]:before {
    display:none !important; 
*[class ~= "map/map"][numbering^='deep'] *[class ~= "topic/topic"][outputclass="before-toc"] + *:not([outputclass="before-toc"]) {
    counter-reset: chapter;
*[class ~= "map/map"][numbering^='deep'] 
*[class ~= "map/topicref"][is-chapter]:not([is-part])[outputclass ~= 'zero-numbering'] 
> *[class ~= "map/topicmeta"] + *[class ~= "map/topicref"]{

*[class ~= "map/map"][numbering^='deep'] 
*[class ~= "topic/topic"][is-chapter]:not([is-part])[outputclass ~= 'zero-numbering'] > *[class ~= "topic/topic"] {
*[class ~= "map/map"] {
	counter-reset: chapter 3
	toc-chapter 3
	figcount 0
	tablecount 0

*[class ~= "topic/topic"][is-chapter]:not([is-part]):not([is-index]){
    counter-increment:chapter toc-chapter;
    counter-reset: section1;
@page :left, :right, chapter{
  @bottom-center {
    content: string(maptitle) " \A" counter(page) " of " counter(pages) !important;
  @bottom-right-corner{          content:"Rev 2: 08-22-2022"  }
  @bottom-left-corner{          content:"Effectivity: SN714-900" !important }
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Joined: Wed Oct 16, 2019 3:47 pm

Re: deep-chapter-scope without numbering sections or stopping at a point

Post by julien_lacour »


I tried to create a sample with the given CSS and the numbering look correct to me.
(2.33 KiB) Downloaded 70 times
Could you indicate which structure your ditamap have, you can start from my sample and update it to reproduce the error.
Then I will be able to analyze and fix any problem.

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