Find in the files but return only files with errors

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Joined: Thu Sep 02, 2021 6:32 pm

Find in the files but return only files with errors

Post by phil_mz »

I would like to find all files that include a specified string or element AND that do not resolve (do not have the "green square" in the upper-right corner). For example, I have hundreds of files with image file names that are capitalized differently from the reference in the file. They build, but they clutter the transformation problem results. I would like to find and fix the problems without having opening files pose no issues.
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Re: Find in the files but return only files with errors

Post by Radu »


How about if you go the other way around? Find all files which have validation errors and fix them? I mean, fixing all validation errors should be beneficial for the project.
In the Oxygen project you can right click a folder and there is a "Validate" submenu which allows you to apply validation to all topics in the folder.

Radu Coravu
<oXygen/> XML Editor
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