Getting the failed-assert from the sch file

Oxygen general issues.
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Getting the failed-assert from the sch file

Post by raul »

I have an .sch file provided by PEPPOL website: ... 31-UBL.sch and we need to convert it to .xsl. We have done the conversion using a tool called oXygen.

This is the snipped from .sch that generates the [BR-S-06]

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<rule context="cac:AllowanceCharge[cbc:ChargeIndicator=false()]/cac:TaxCategory[normalize-space(cbc:ID)='S'][cac:TaxScheme/normalize-space(upper-case(cbc:ID))='VAT']">
      <assert id="BR-S-06" flag="fatal" test="(cbc:Percent) > 0">[BR-S-06]-In a Document level allowance (BG-20) where the Document level allowance VAT category code (BT-95) is "Standard rated" the Document level allowance VAT rate (BT-96) shall be greater than zero.</assert>
This is how I am expecting a rule to show as:

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<!--RULE -->
  <xsl:template match="//cbc:InvoiceTypeCode" priority="1012" mode="M7">
    <svrl:fired-rule xmlns:svrl="" context="//cbc:InvoiceTypeCode"/>

    <!--ASSERT -->
      <xsl:when test="@listID = 'UNCL1001'"/>
        <svrl:failed-assert xmlns:svrl="" test="@listID = 'BR-S-06'">
          <xsl:attribute name="id">BR-S-06</xsl:attribute>
          <xsl:attribute name="flag">fatal</xsl:attribute>
          <xsl:attribute name="location">
            <xsl:apply-templates select="." mode="schematron-select-full-path"/>
          <svrl:text>[BR-S-06]-In a Document level allowance (BG-20) where the Document level allowance VAT category code (BT-95) is "Standard rated" the Document level allowance VAT rate (BT-96) shall be greater than zero.</svrl:text>
    <xsl:apply-templates select="@*|*" mode="M7"/>
This is how it is actually shown:

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<!--RULE -->
   <xsl:template match="cac:AllowanceCharge[cbc:ChargeIndicator=false()]/cac:TaxCategory[normalize-space(cbc:ID)='S'][cac:TaxScheme/normalize-space(upper-case(cbc:ID))='VAT']"

		<!--ASSERT -->
         <xsl:when test="(cbc:Percent) &gt; 0"/>
            <xsl:message xmlns:iso="">
               <xsl:text>[BR-S-06]-In a Document level allowance (BG-20) where the Document level allowance VAT category code (BT-95) is "Standard rated" the Document level allowance VAT rate (BT-96) shall be greater than zero.</xsl:text>
      <xsl:apply-templates select="@*|node()" mode="M10"/>
I am expecting to see the failed-assert element because it also contains the id/flag/location rather then what i currently get which is a message.

To run the validation using Saxon we have the following code:

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public static Dictionary<string, List<ValidationResult>> ValidateXML(string xslTemplate, string xslName, XmlDocument document)
            Dictionary<string, List<ValidationResult>> resultToReturn = new Dictionary<string, List<ValidationResult>>();

            XmlNamespaceManager xmlNamespacesForDocument = GetAllNamespaces(document);
            var transformAssertFailed = new List<ValidationResult>();
            var processor = new Processor();
            var compiler = processor.NewXsltCompiler();
            var executable = compiler.Compile(new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(xslTemplate)));
            var destination = new DomDestination();

            MemoryStream xmlStream = new MemoryStream();
            xmlStream.Position = 0;
            using (xmlStream)
                var transformer = executable.Load();

                transformer.SetInputStream(xmlStream, new Uri("file:///C:/"));
            return resultToReturn;
I am not sure what is wrong here, maybe the .sch file that I started with or maybe the .sch to .xsl converter.
Posts: 365
Joined: Thu Jul 01, 2004 12:29 pm

Re: Getting the failed-assert from the sch file

Post by tavy »


The Schematron compilation provided in Oxygen does not generate an SVRL output, it generates only the messages.
If you want to generate an SVRL output you can use the Schematron compilation stylesheets from the Schematron Github page:

There is also a video presentation made by me where I explain how to generate an SVRL output:

You can find the sample files here:

Best Regards,
Octavian Nadolu
<oXygen/> XML Editor
Posts: 3
Joined: Mon Aug 19, 2019 11:29 am

Re: Getting the failed-assert from the sch file

Post by raul »

Hello Tavy,

Thank you very much for the help! This is exactly what I was looking for, been struggling with this for a while.
This thread can now be closed.

Kind Regards,
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