Schematron impact on oXygen performance

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Schematron impact on oXygen performance

Post by mu258770 »

Hi team,

We have some queries related to schematron validation in oXygen.

We are using oXygen 18.0 author eclipse plugin version. The tool has an additional schematron validation for topics as well as maps with our own rulesets (we integrated it using document type association). We would like to know whether the schematron validations in the tool (existing oxygen validations and the additional schematron) is having any impact in loading topic/bookmap in the tool. We have below queries,

1) Is it when the topic/bookmap is already loaded in view, then the Schematron executes and give warning?
Is the schematron starts as soon as a topic/map starts loading in author view?

2) Is there is any interference while opening topic/bookmap due to the schematron integration.

Please help us with the clarification on the above queries.

Thank you!

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Re: Schematron impact on oXygen performance

Post by Radu »

Hi Shabeer,

We have two types of validation, manual validation which starts when you click the "Validate" toolbar button and automatic validation.
Automatic validation is first done after the file has been opened. It is done on a separate parallel execution thread so while validation is done the user interaction is not blocked, users can still edit. Because it is done on a separate thread and after the document has been opened, it should not influence the time it takes to open the document.
After this initial load, all the time when you are editing, Oxygen schedules an automatic validation task. When you stop editing for a second or two, Oxygen will again start the automatic validation parallel thread to present real-time information of the encountered problems.

Radu Coravu
<oXygen/> XML Editor
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Re: Schematron impact on oXygen performance

Post by Radu »


A couple more things:

The Schematron based validation may take a long time, this would not impact the user because it's a separate execution thread.
Usually the Schematron based validation takes a long time either because the Schematron is badly written, or because it loads various additional resources or because it has lots of rules to check or if the validated XML document is very large.

Radu Coravu
<oXygen/> XML Editor
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