How to for DocBook olinks

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How to for DocBook olinks

Post by pwatt »


I can't find a clear example of set up and use olinks for cross-references between files in a multiple-file DocBook5 book. I want to output to PDF and I suppose that affects the setup. It would help if you could give me an example using my file names. My book file looks like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?oxygen RNGSchema=" ... bookxi.rng" type="xml"?>
<book xmlns="" xmlns:xi=""
xmlns:xlink="" version="5.0">
<info><title version="1.3">Onyx User Guide</title><author>
</author><subtitle>Onyx Version 1.6</subtitle>
<xi:include xmlns:xi="" href="OnyxUserGuide_Introduction.xml"/>
<xi:include xmlns:xi="" href="OnyxUserGuide_GettingStarted.xml"/>
<xi:include xmlns:xi="" href="OnyxUserGuide_ViewingParticipants.xml"/>
<xi:include xmlns:xi="" href="OnyxUserGuide_ManagingWorkstation.xml"/>
<xi:include xmlns:xi="" href="OnyxUserGuide_ManagerTopics.xml"/>

In the Oxygen XML Editor manual, I found Example 7.9 but I'm not sure what it means. Do I have to set up a bunch of files to be able to use olinks: like target.db? I also wonder if using namespace would simplify my filenames and is a good practice.

Thanks--your answers are always very helpful.
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Re: How to for DocBook olinks

Post by iulian_velea »

Hi Patricia,

You can find a good step by step tutorial about using olinks in DocBook 5 at the following address:

Of course when working with Oxygen you will have to configure the transformations to work from within Oxygen. Best way is to duplicate the preset transformation scenarios, like "DocBook PDF" or "DocBook HTML" and adapt them to generate the appropriate output and target.db files for each of your documents. Therefor parameters like "collect.xref.targets", used for generating the "target.db" files, or "target.database.document" and "current.docid", used to generate the output, must also be configured correctly in the transformation scenarios.
I cannot give you a complete working example based on your files because as you may notice the process involves creating some additional files like target.db or the target database document that depend on the actual structure of your documents, the elements "id" attributes and the title elements.
I hope this will help you with your work.

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