oXygen on a public PC (webstart)... how to unregister ?

Oxygen general issues.
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oXygen on a public PC (webstart)... how to unregister ?

Post by b.gagnon »

I frequently use oXygen in the computer lab at my university. I use the Java webstart link which works flawlessly on the WinXP machines. I then paste in my license key to register the app.

I'm concerned that my license isn't really safe after I logout from my session. We have accounts and passwords on the computers but I would like to ensure the license I enter in oXygen is effectively destroyed after my work session.

I figured out how to get rid of the webstart cache for the app but it seems my license information is still present after a redownload of the app.

How can I really cover my tracks after I'm done using oXygen ?
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Joined: Fri Jul 09, 2004 5:18 pm

Post by Radu »


Oxygen saves the license along with all user options into it's preferences file.
Oxygen creates a preferences directory in each user's home folder.
In Windows the folder is called "com.oxygenxml" and can be found in: "Documents And Settings\YOUR_USER_NAME\Application Data\"
For Linux the folder is called ".com.oxygenxml" and can be found in "/home/YOUR_USER_NAME". For Mac OS X the location is in [userHomeFolder]/Library/Preferences/com.oxygenxml.
I guess you can remove this folder before logging out, of course this means you will lose any options set in Oxygen during the session.

Regards, Radu.
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