Jump to (Open) a Java file in Eclipse?

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In Eclipse Plugin, right click to open another XML or Java file?

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Jump to (Open) a Java file in Eclipse?

Post by rav4ski »


There are so many Java frameworks putting the full Java class name in the XML nowadays. A lot of them also refer to other XML in the XML. (Spring, HiveMind and most of those IoC pattern frameworks or even Struts-config.xml... etc)

It will be extremely useful when viewing the xml, if double clicks and highlight some thing like the following in the Eclipse plug-in,




Then right click menu can actually provide an option to "Open Declaration" or "Open XML file" for us to go there immediately, as long as the files are in the class path or under the WEB-INF,

Finding those things from the left menu bar is such a pain. I don't think there is any other XML plug-in provide this feature. It will be a huge time safer when browsing this kind of XML files in Eclipse.

Any better idea?

