Bug: Cannot change UI layout when in XSLT or DB Perspectives

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Bug: Cannot change UI layout when in XSLT or DB Perspectives

Post by eeverman »

Using oXygen/ XML Editor 17.0, build 2015072912

When in the XSLT or the Database Perspective (Window | Open Perspective), it is not possible to drag to move tabs. My UI currently has two tab groups for the XSLT Perspective and I cannot drag a tab from one group to the other or reorder the tabs. It is also not possible to drag a tab off to a create a detached window. When I click and try to drag a tab in the XSLT or DB Perspective, nothing at all happens - its not recognized as a draggable item and no window outline drag hint is shown.

Switching to the Editor Perspective reenables all of these actions.

A possibly related annoying aspect: If I drag a tab out of the UI to create a detached window while in the Editor Perspective, then switch perspectives and back again to the Editor Perspective, the detached window location is lost. This is really annoying if I have moved that detached window to a 2nd monitor because it re-opens that detached window on top of the main ui, not on the 2nd monitor where I had placed it.


System details:

Code: Select all

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user.timezone America/Chicago
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Re: Bug: Cannot change UI layout when in XSLT or DB Perspectives

Post by Costin »


Thank you for your post.

Please note that, by design, the UI for the XSLT and XQuery Debugger perspectives contains two separate panels (tab groups) - the (XML) source tabs group in the left side and the (XSL) stylesheets group in the right.
This is even the intended behavior in order to keep the perspective's content in a tidy manner and avoid mixing source files and stylesheets.

What should be improved indeed is changing the tabs order inside their own group and for that we already have an improvement request logged in our internal issue/improvement tracking system, in order to be analyzed by the development team for a possible implementation in a further version of oXygen.
I've just added your vote and logged your remarks on it.

However, we could not reproduce any problems while in the Database perspective, as the grouping limitation is only present for the XSLT and XQuery perspectives. Maybe the XQuery perspective is the one you referred to.

Regarding your 2nd observation, we've tested it and succeeded indeed in reproducing the issue.
There seems to be a problem with the oXygen's docking framework determining the loss of a floating window from the 2nd monitor and its re-positioning over the main oXygen window.
However, please note that from our tests, this issue seemed to only occur when adding additional monitors or changing the monitors layout order with oXygen already running. If oXygen was launched after the monitor was added or the monitors order was changed, we could not reproduce the strange behavior.
Given this, you should try to restart oXygen and the issue should not occur anymore.

I have already logged this in our tracking system as well.

Thank you for the feedback you provided and let us know whenever you encounter any other issues or might need any information.

Costin Sandoi
oXygen XML Editor and Author Support
Posts: 10
Joined: Fri Feb 22, 2008 10:07 pm

Re: Bug: Cannot change UI layout when in XSLT or DB Perspectives

Post by eeverman »

Thank you for the detailed response.

You are correct about the perspectives: It is the XSLT and XQuery perspectives - the DB one works just fine.

With regards to the external window on an external monitor: I have a permanent desktop setup (I never unplug my 2 external monitors) and have restarted Oxygen several times - The issue persists that when I switch out of the Editor Perspective and back again, the external window is placed on top of my main Oxygen window. Perhaps its related to the OS version?

Also, I would like to point out that closing that external window is an anti-feature. I often want to have a schema or sample document off to the side to refer to while I work - I don't want it closed by Oxygen at all.

Thank you,

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Re: Bug: Cannot change UI layout when in XSLT or DB Perspectives

Post by adrian »

With regards to the external window on an external monitor: I have a permanent desktop setup (I never unplug my 2 external monitors) and have restarted Oxygen several times - The issue persists that when I switch out of the Editor Perspective and back again, the external window is placed on top of my main Oxygen window. Perhaps its related to the OS version?
We are not able to reproduce the issue with a static desktop setup in OS X 10.10. It may be the combination of OS version and Java version.
Have you tried the distribution of Oxygen that works with the legacy 'Java for OS X' from Apple, Mac OS X 10.6 and later (Requires Java SE 6)?
Also, I would like to point out that closing that external window is an anti-feature. I often want to have a schema or sample document off to the side to refer to while I work - I don't want it closed by Oxygen at all.
I see your point, but that is the current limitation of the debugger perspective. Note that the external (floating) editor is not literally being closed, but it is stacked together in the group of editors of that type.

Adrian Buza
<oXygen/> XML Editor, Schema Editor and XSLT Editor/Debugger
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Re: Bug: Cannot change UI layout when in XSLT or DB Perspectives

Post by sorin_carbunaru »


In the newly released oXygen 19.0 the editors from the XSLT/XQuery Debugger perspective are floatable/dockable and can be moved around and rearranged.

Best wishes,
Sorin Carbunaru
oXygen XML
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