Specifying a root map for key references resolving programma

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Specifying a root map for key references resolving programma

Post by yury.eroshenkov »

We are using integrated Oxygen Web Component for our web application and using Oxygen only like a topic editor. To resolving a key referencing we need to specify a root map. But we would like do not present a root map directly as a map, but as a context and switching the context in the background, so, is there any way to specify a root map programmatically using Author Component API?

Thank you, Yury E.
Head of DITAworks development department, *instinctools Gmbh
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Re: Specifying a root map for key references resolving progr

Post by Radu »

Hi Yuri,

One possibility would be this API:


which would allow you to provide the map of keys to be used by our code when computing conkeyrefs, keyrefs, clicking keyref links and so on.
The API would be implemented something like this:

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    AuthorComponentFactory.getInstance().setDITAKeyDefinitionManager(new KeyDefinitionManager() {
public List<KeyDefinitionInfo> getContextKeyDefinitions() {
List<KeyDefinitionInfo> kds = new ArrayList<KeyDefinitionInfo>();
KeyDefinitionInfo kdInfo = new KeyDefinitionInfo();
kdInfo.setProperty(KeyDefinitionInfo.NAME, "test");
kdInfo.setProperty(KeyDefinitionInfo.HREF, "topic2.dita");
try {
kdInfo.setProperty(KeyDefinitionInfo.DEFINITION_LOCATION, URLUtil.correct(new File("test/EXM-26565/test.ditamap")));
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
return kds;
or you could create a DITAMapTreeComponentProvider using AuthorComponentFactory.createDITAMapTreeComponentProvider()
and load in it the DITA Map content. This provider can also be added to a swing JPanel and presents the DITA Map in a tree-like fashion. But even if you just create it and load in it the DITA Map, it should be used as a default for the component to load the keys from.

Radu Coravu
<oXygen/> XML Editor
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Re: Specifying a root map for key references resolving progr

Post by alexandr.golovach »

Hi, Oxygen guys!
I tried to use your suggestion(create a DITAMapTreeComponentProvider using AuthorComponentFactory.createDITAMapTreeComponentProvider()) and I have some questions.
I have some contextMap for example

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<map id="contextMap" xmlns:ditaarch="http://dita.oasis-open.org/architecture/2005/" xmlns:xml="http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="urn:oasis:names:tc:dita:xsd:map.xsd">
<title />
<keydef keys="keyFirst">
<keyword>This is first key</keyword>
<keydef keys="keySecond">
<keyword>This is second key</keyword>
<keydef keys="reuseTopic" href="reuseTopic.dita" format="dita"/>
This map contains 2 keyword definition and 1 keydef for reuseChunk( <keydef keys="reuseTopic" href="reuseTopic.dita" format="dita"/>).

Also I have reuseTopic.xml file for example

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<topic xmlns:ditaarch="http://dita.oasis-open.org/architecture/2005/" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" id="library" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="urn:oasis:names:tc:dita:xsd:topic.xsd">
<p id="keyP">This is test p.</p>
when I defined reuse chunk <p id="keyP">.

When I created DITAMapTreeComponentProvider and loaded this contextMap as root context, I opened new topic and insert into some element as

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 <keyword keyref="keyFirst"/> 
. This key contains in contextMap and it's work great - in the author page I see "This is first key".
Then I tried insert some element as

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<p conkeyref="reuseTopic/podoP"/> 
. But this key doesn't resolve.
I create all example topics in Oxygen standalone Xml Editor - all my cases work great.
How should I solve this problem? May be I should use you first suggestion with KeyDefinitionManager ? How I should resolve this key

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<keydef keys="reuseTopic" href="reuseTopic.dita" format="dita"/>
in root context map?

Regards, Alex.
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Re: Specifying a root map for key references resolving progr

Post by alex_jitianu »

Hi Alex,

What I've noticed in the given snapshots:

1. Inside the map the href attribute value is reuseTopic.dita and a little further down, you talk about reuseTopic.xml (so the extensions differ). Please make sure the correct extension is being used in the keydef.
2. Inside the topic file, the reuse content has id keyP, not podoP. I think the conkeyref should look like this:

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<p conkeyref="reuseTopic/keyP"/>
After doing these two corrections, the conkeyref resolved correctly. Please let me know if these changes make the sample files work for you too. I've tested inside an Oxygen desktop installation but I don't think it should be any difference.

Best regards,
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Re: Specifying a root map for key references resolving progr

Post by alexandr.golovach »

Hi, Alex
I am sorry for my mistakes in the previous post.
Now, I used correct reuseTopic.dita file and I insert correct conkeyref attribute

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 <p conkeyref="reuseTopic/keyP"/>
But there were no changes - this key doesn't resolve.

As I wrote above,I create all topics in Oxygen Standalone Xml Editor - all my cases work great.

How Oxygen will know where it need to load reuseTopic.dita file?
May be I should used implements some filter for resolving links?

I am using integrated Oxygen Web Component for our web application - when Oxygen Auhtor Component need resolve conref or other links we send http request for special HttpServlet and return InputStream in Oxygen. May be I need to change value in keyref href attributies?

Best regards, Alex
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Re: Specifying a root map for key references resolving progr

Post by alex_jitianu »

Hi Alex,

What version of Author Component are you using? I've also tested the sample files inside our sample applet implementation and it worked just fine. Could you try it too (the scenario inside the sample project) and tell me if it works for you too? Inside AuthorComponentSample, I've changed DEFAULT_DOC_CONTENT to contain <p conkeyref="reuseTopic/keyP"/> and I've loaded the map at the end of the constructor:

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// Load the MAP.
DITAMapTreeComponentProvider mapProvider = AuthorComponentFactory.getInstance().createDITAMapTreeComponentProvider();
try {
mapProvider.load(URLUtil.correct(new File("D:\\Desktop\\support\\alexmprog\\rootMap.ditamap")), null);
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
You should be careful to load the map before loading the topic. The strange part is that you say the keyref is resolved but the conkeyref isn't...
How Oxygen will know where it need to load reuseTopic.dita file?
May be I should used implements some filter for resolving links?
The map loaded inside the DITAMapTreeComponentProvider will be parsed and all key definition will be collected. The process knows that the key reuseTopic is mapped to reuseTopic.dita and will know to parse reuseTopic.dita when that particular key is encountered. The whole mechanism, the needed resolver, are built-in inside DITAExtensionsBundle. I don't think you need to do anything else to make it work. Have you, by any chance, overridden createAuthorReferenceResolver() from DITAExtensionsBundle?

If you are using an AuthorComponent version 15 or later, you can also set the root map like this:

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try {
AuthorComponentFactory.getInstance().setObjectProperty("keys.context", URLUtil.correct(new File("D:\\Desktop\\support\\alexmprog\\rootMap.ditamap")).toString());
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
This way you don't have to load the map inside DITAMapTreeComponentProvider anymore. Please try it this way too to see if it's any difference.

Best regards,
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Re: Specifying a root map for key references resolving progr

Post by alexandr.golovach »

Hi, Alex
Thank you for your suggestions, but I have not solved problem.

As I wrote above, I am using integrated Oxygen Web Component for our web application - when Oxygen Auhtor Component need resolve conref or other links we send http request for special HttpServlet and return InputStream in Oxygen.
In your examples you used file(contextMap.ditamap) from local filesystem and you create URL for this as

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URLUtil.correct(new File("D:\\Desktop\\support\\alexmprog\\contextMap.ditamap"))
But I have not this file in local filesystem - I load this file from ContentRepository with special HttpServlet: I generate URL as

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StringBuilder request = new StringBuilder(urlServerBaseHref);
request.append(URLEncoder.encode(path, "UTF-8"));
So my URL look like as

Then I create create DITAMapTreeComponentProvider

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 if (ditaMapTreeComponentProvider == null) {
try {
ditaMapTreeComponentProvider = AuthorComponentFactory.getInstance().createDITAMapTreeComponentProvider();
} catch (AuthorComponentException e) {
Then I try load my contexMap

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StringBuilder request = new StringBuilder(urlServerBaseHref);
request.append(URLEncoder.encode(path, "UTF-8"));

String urlText = request.toString();

URL url = new URL(urlText);

ditaMapTreeComponentProvider.load(url, null);
but nothing changes - map not download. I think, that Oxygen wrong resolve URL like this
So I decide load map before call ditaMapTreeComponentProvider.load() - I used this code

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protected InputStream loadBufferingContent(final URL url) {

final Future<InputStream> future = BACKGROUND_EXECUTOR.submit(new Callable<InputStream>() {

public InputStream call() throws Exception {

final URLConnection connection = url.openConnection();

final InputStream source = connection.getInputStream();
try {

final ByteArrayOutputStream temp = new ByteArrayOutputStream();

final byte[] buffer = new byte[512];

for (int lenght = source.read(buffer); lenght != -1; lenght = source.read(buffer)) {
temp.write(buffer, 0, lenght);

if (temp.size() < 1) {
return null;

return new ByteArrayInputStream(temp.toByteArray());

} finally {

try {
return future.get();
} catch (final InterruptedException e) {
} catch (final ExecutionException e) {

return null;
and then

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URL url = new URL(urlText);

InputStream loadBufferingContent = loadBufferingContent(url);

ditaMapTreeComponentProvider.load(url, new InputStreamReader(loadBufferingContent));
and map load correctly - all keywords resolved.

I have DITAReferenceResolver class(implements AuthorReferenceResolver) for resolving conrefs. I this class I make some changes for resolving links as this
<keydef keys="reuseTopic" href="reuseTopic.dita" format="dita"/>
- I used the same method for load contextMap( loadBufferingContent ) - but then nothing changes if I insert content like this
<p conkeyref="reuseTopic/keyP"/>

How I can solved this problem?

I try to used your first suggestion -

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AuthorComponentFactory.getInstance().setDITAKeyDefinitionManager(new KeyDefinitionManager() {
public List<KeyDefinitionInfo> getContextKeyDefinitions() {
List<KeyDefinitionInfo> kds = new ArrayList<KeyDefinitionInfo>();
I create KeyDefinitionInfo objects with NAME and DEFINITION_LOCATION properties but when Oxygen try to load object thrown exception - NullPointerException in URLUtil.getEditorLocationKey()

I set in DEFINITION_LOCATION property URL like this

How I can solved URL problems?

Best regards, Alex
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Re: Specifying a root map for key references resolving progr

Post by alex_jitianu »

Hi Alex,

Oxygen should have no problem reading from an URL like that. One thing that wont work well with it though, is the relative path resolving. When the URL to reuseTopic.xml will be computed, it will be done similar with the code below.

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String mapLocation = "http://nobrui.com:8888/repository_root?sourceDocPath=null&destDocPath=%2FDitaWorks+Root+Folder%2FSANCHO_ORG%2FNEW_PROJECT%2FMain%2FContent%2Flibrary%2Froot%2FcontextMap.ditamap";
System.out.println(new URL(new URL(mapLocation), "reuseTopic.xml"));
Running the code above will not produce the expected result (I think) :http://nobrui.com:8888/reuseTopic.xml

So I suggest that before loading the map, to add a resolver that knows how to create the absolute URLs from the relative locations inside the map:

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final String map = "http://nobrui.com:8888/repository_root?sourceDocPath=null&destDocPath=%2FDitaWorks+Root+Folder%2FSANCHO_ORG%2FNEW_PROJECT%2FMain%2FContent%2Flibrary%2Froot%2FcontextMap.ditamap";
final URL resolvedMap = URLUtil.correct(new File("D:\\Desktop\\support\\alexmprog\\rootMap.ditamap"));

factory.getXMLUtilAccess().addPriorityURIResolver(new URIResolver() {
public Source resolve(String href, String base) throws TransformerException {
if (base != null && base.equals(map)) {
return new StreamSource(URLUtil.resolveRelativeSystemIDs(resolvedMap, href).toExternalForm());
return null;
Before proceeding with our search for the culprit, please try this and let me now how it goes.

Best regards,
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Re: Specifying a root map for key references resolving progr

Post by alexandr.golovach »

Hi Alex,
I don;t understand why in previous example you have written
final URL resolvedMap = URLUtil.correct(new File("D:\\Desktop\\support\\alexmprog\\rootMap.ditamap"));
, because the way to my contextMap contains in variable
final String map

Oxygen load contextMap in temp file in local fileSystem?
Could you explain once again this moment?
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Re: Specifying a root map for key references resolving progr

Post by alex_jitianu »

Hi Alex,

That's just an example on how I tested to see if it works. In my case I had to resolve to something that made sense on my machine. In your case you should probably resolve into something like:

[pre]http://nobrui.com:8888/repository_root? ... %2Flibrary

But you know better than me how to resolve reuseTopic.dita relative to the map URL...

Best regards,
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Re: Specifying a root map for key references resolving progr

Post by alexandr.golovach »

Hi, Alex
I tried to use your last suggestion but it didn't work.

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AuthorComponentFactory.getInstance().getXMLUtilAccess().addPriorityURIResolver(new URIResolver() {

public Source resolve(String href, String base) throws TransformerException {
System.out.println("Resolve link " + href + " " + base);
and here result method calls
Resolve link XSD2Schtrn.xsl jar:http://nobrui.com:8888/oxygen-editor/li ... atcher.xsl
Resolve link RNG2Schtrn.xsl jar:http://nobrui.com:8888/oxygen-editor/li ... atcher.xsl
Resolve link iso_schematron_skeleton.xsl jar:http://nobrui.com:8888/oxygen-editor/li ... essage.xsl

I used ditaMapTreeComponentProvider.load(url, null) for load contextMap.

Rather than this method differs from my override DITAReferenceResolver, where I resolved <keydef href=""> links?
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Re: Specifying a root map for key references resolving progr

Post by alexandr.golovach »

Hi, Alex

I think, that your first suggestion (used KeyDefinitionManager) more flexible method to solve our problem.

For example, I have contextMap.ditamap file - it is this source

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<map id="contextMap" xmlns:ditaarch="http://dita.oasis-open.org/architecture/2005/" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="urn:oasis:names:tc:dita:xsd:map.xsd">
<keydef keys="sheldonKey">
<keyword>This is Sheldon</keyword>
<keydef keys="podoKey">
<keyword>This is PODO</keyword>
<keydef format="dita" href="..%2F..%2FDITA%2FTopics%2FTopic%2FTOPIC_DW_Professional_1.1.56.dita" keys="conkeyrefchunk_podo_Test" navtitle="podo_Test" props="p p_topic_body_p"/>
Please, explain me, how can I create KeyDefinitionInfo for
<keydef keys="podoKey">
and for
<keydef format="dita" href="..%2F..%2FDITA%2FTopics%2FTopic%2FTOPIC_DW_Professional_1.1.56.dita" keys="conkeyrefchunk_podo_Test" navtitle="podo_Test" props="p p_topic_body_p"/>

I tried to use KeyDefinitionInfo.NAME and KeyDefinitionInfo.DESCRIPTION for
<keydef keys="podoKey">
element but it doesn't work without KeyDefinitionInfo.DEFINITION_LOCATION.

When I used KeyDefinitionInfo.DEFINITION_LOCATION for
<keydef format="dita" href="..%2F..%2FDITA%2FTopics%2FTopic%2FTOPIC_DW_Professional_1.1.56.dita" keys="conkeyrefchunk_podo_Test" navtitle="podo_Test" props="p p_topic_body_p"/>
element I have problem with resolve URL.

My map location is

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String mapLocation = "http://nobrui.com:8888/repository_root?sourceDocPath=null&destDocPath=%2FDitaWorks+Root+Folder%2FSANCHO_ORG%2FNEW_PROJECT%2FMain%2FContent%2Flibrary%2Froot%2FcontextMap.ditamap";
Please, give me example how I should create KeyDefinitionInfo objects for my contextMap.

Best regards,
Posts: 19
Joined: Tue Mar 11, 2014 11:56 am

Re: Specifying a root map for key references resolving progr

Post by alexandr.golovach »

Hi, Alex

Some additions for previous post.
in KeyDefinitionInfo property I added

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new URL(http://nobrui.com:8888/repository_root?sourceDocPath=null&destDocPath=/DitaWorks%20Root%20Folder/SANCHO_ORG/NEW_PROJECT/Main/Content/library/root/contextMap.ditamap)
<keydef keys="podoKey">
Then I insert content like this

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<keyword keyref="podoKey"/>
and I get exception as

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18:49:01,171 215314 ERROR [ AutomaticallyValidation ] ro.sync.exml.editor.lb - Automatically validation thread stopped because java.lang.NullPointerException
at ro.sync.util.URLUtil.getEditorLocationKey(Unknown Source)
at ro.sync.ecss.dita.d.b.f.i(Unknown Source)
at ro.sync.exml.q.b.h.l(Unknown Source)
at ro.sync.exml.q.g.d(Unknown Source)
at ro.sync.exml.editor.validate.c.e(Unknown Source)
at ro.sync.exml.editor.validate.o.v(Unknown Source)
at ro.sync.exml.editor.validate.o.l(Unknown Source)
at ro.sync.exml.editor.validate.o.g(Unknown Source)
at ro.sync.exml.editor.lb.e(Unknown Source)
at ro.sync.exml.editor.lb$1.jnd(Unknown Source)
at ro.sync.ui.application.u.run(Unknown Source)
Best regards,
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Re: Specifying a root map for key references resolving progr

Post by alex_jitianu »

Hi Alex,

I really expected the resolver to solve the problem. You set the URI resolver before loading the map, right? Please try to set it again just before loading the topic that uses the keys... perhaps there is some code that resets the resolvers (if that happens, that would be a problem on our part).

It might be useful if you could send the DITAReferenceResolver on our support list.

Regarding the KeyDefinitionManager, here is a sample on how to create one:

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AuthorComponentFactory.getInstance().setDITAKeyDefinitionManager(new KeyDefinitionManager() {
public List<KeyDefinitionInfo> getContextKeyDefinitions() {
List<KeyDefinitionInfo> kds = new ArrayList<KeyDefinitionInfo>();
try {
URL mapLocation = URLUtil.correct(new File("D:\\Desktop\\support\\alexmprog\\rootMap.ditamap"));

KeyDefinitionInfo kdInfo = new KeyDefinitionInfo();
kdInfo.setProperty(KeyDefinitionInfo.NAME, "reuseTopic");
kdInfo.setProperty(KeyDefinitionInfo.HREF, "reuseTopic.xml");
kdInfo.setProperty(KeyDefinitionInfo.DEFINITION_LOCATION, mapLocation);


kdInfo = new KeyDefinitionInfo();
kdInfo.setProperty(KeyDefinitionInfo.NAME, "keyFirst");
// TODO If a HREF is not available, give the map location.
kdInfo.setProperty(KeyDefinitionInfo.HREF, mapLocation.toExternalForm());
kdInfo.setProperty(KeyDefinitionInfo.META_CONTENT_PROVIDER, new MetaContentProvider() {
public String getContent(String nodeClass) {
return "This is first key";
kdInfo.setProperty(KeyDefinitionInfo.DEFINITION_LOCATION, mapLocation);
} catch (Exception e) {
return kds;
What you should notice in the code above:
1) for keyFirst, even though it doesn't have a HREF, I've linked it to the location of the map. If you leave it unbound, you get that NullPointerException you've reported. I'll add an issue to further investigate this.
2) for reuseTopic I've used a relative value for HREF. In your case, please try and build an absolute URI, so that no resolving will be necessary:

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kdInfo.setProperty(KeyDefinitionInfo.HREF, "http://nobrui.com:8888/repository_root?sourceDocPath=null&destDocPath=%2FDitaWorks+Root+Folder%2FSANCHO_ORG%2FNEW_PROJECT%2FMain%2FContent%2Flibrary%2Froot%2F..%2F..%2FDITA%2FTopics%2FTopic%2FTOPIC_DW_Professional_1.1.56.dita");
I pretty sure that relative references like:

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<keydef format="dita" href="..%2F..%2FDITA%2FTopics%2FTopic%2FTOPIC_DW_Professional_1.1.56.dita" keys="conkeyrefchunk_podo_Test" navtitle="podo_Test" props="p p_topic_body_p"/>
will not be correctly resolved using a baased URI like :

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That's why I suggested to add the URI resolver and that's why I expected the resolver to solve the issue. You could try to set an URIResolver also when having a KeyDefinitionManager implementation and see if it's receiving calls for your URIs. By the way, what version of Author Component are you integrating?

Best regards,
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Re: Specifying a root map for key references resolving progr

Post by alexandr.golovach »

Hi, Alex
I tried to used you suggestions for resolve keywords element - it works great.
For conkeyref element resolving I changed our AuthorReferenceResolver implementation and added conkeyref resolving - it works great too.

Now, I have some problem - when I create new KeyDefinitionInfo list, I want to reload AuthorComponent content and resolve actual values in editor. I tried to used this code

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After that all keywords get actual values, but conkeyref elements not changed. Conkeyref elements changed after I switched Text And Author tabs in AuthorComponent.

How can I reload all conkeyref elements programmatically using Author Component API?

Best regards,
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Re: Specifying a root map for key references resolving progr

Post by alex_jitianu »

Hello Alex,

I can't tell you how glad I am that we are making progress!

First of all, I understand you continued on the KeyDefinitionManager path. One aspect that I feel necessary to be mentioned is that the getContextKeyDefinitions() method can be called quite often so it might be a good idea to implement some sort of cache for list of keys.

Next, like you've already noticed, WSAuthorComponentEditorPage.refresh() only refreshes the keyrefs. If you want to refresh conref/conkeyrefs, then you can invoke the "Refresh References" action, like this:

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AuthorActionsProvider actionsProvider = authorAccess.getEditorAccess().getActionsProvider();
Map<String, Object> authorCommonActions = actionsProvider.getAuthorCommonActions();
Object refreshRefAction = authorCommonActions.get("Author/Refresh_references");
One aspect to consider is that all the references from the current document will be refreshed. Does this aspect brings some performance issues for you? How often during an user editing session do you need to fire such a refresh? If you need to do it too often, then perhaps we can offer a more specific API or maybe I can think of a workaround...

Best regards,
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