Eclipse & Citrix

Oxygen general issues.
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Joined: Thu Jun 30, 2011 2:05 am

Eclipse & Citrix

Post by ditatizer »

I have three citrix users (license for both ixiasoft and Citrix is not a problem)
-I installed Eclipse SDK and published the eclipse.exe
-user runs the Eclipse application via Citrix
- Each user configured eclipse to connect to ixiasoft DITA-CMS server with unique credentials
-All users use default workspace
-The environment works fine (user can create topics, task, search CMS) but only one user can generate output, the rest of the users will get an error stating that request to generate output failed.
Ctx 5.0
Eclipse SDK 3.5.2
Oxygen 13.1

Anybody familiar with this issue/solution?
Posts: 2855
Joined: Tue May 17, 2005 4:01 pm

Re: Eclipse & Citrix

Post by adrian »

-All users use default workspace
Hopefully each user has a separate workspace location. Eclipse doesn't accept concurrency over the same workspace(multiple instances running on the same workspace at a time).

Can you provide more details about what sort of output are you producing?
Is it the output of an Oxygen transformation or is it CMS related?

Adrian Buza
<oXygen/> XML Editor, Schema Editor and XSLT Editor/Debugger
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