Search defaults, debugger messages and undo

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Search defaults, debugger messages and undo

Post by willismorse »

- Search/Replace dialog defaults: Right click on an item in the project and choose Search/Replace. Choose "Selected project files" in the Search path section, then search. Bring up the search dialog again. Note that all settings from the last search are saved EXCEPT the Search path setting. It always defaults to the worst possible setting, "Project files". If it remembered the setting, then I could set up a replace operation by right clicking on one file, and then easily apply that replace to another file by right-clicking on it and hitting return. When I tried this, it did the replace on the entire project, which was a disaster. See "Better undo" below :-)

- XSLT Debugger messages: It's not obvious what the debug status is. When you run a successful XSLT in the debugger, error messages from the previous run aren't removed. Combined with the very small debug status notice in a very unobtrusive location, this can be confusing. I notice that when I run an XSLT, I immediately look at the Test.xml tab pane. Maybe that would be a good place to put an error notice: if the XSL succeeds, you see the XML, but if it fails, any XML from a previous session is cleared and you just see a failure notice.

- Better undo: Everything needs to be undoable, especially large destructive operations like multi-file replace.

Willis Morse
Site Admin
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Joined: Thu Jan 09, 2003 2:58 pm

Post by george »


We already fixed the path saving in the Find/Replace in files dialog and the management of the errors view in the Debugger perspective in the current development stream.

The replace in files operation automatically creates backups for the modified files. You can configure the extension to be used from the Search/Replace in files dialog, by default it is bak.

Best Regards,
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