Generate XSL templates from XML or schema

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Generate XSL templates from XML or schema

Post by Zearin »

Oxygen currently has some handy abilities to generate schemas and documentation.

However, I've often wondered if there is a way to generate a skeleton XSL file from an XML source document or schema. This would be REALLY useful, because it would allow people to take advantage of XML in circumstances where they otherwise might retreat from the drudgery of writing the template skeletons for a huge number of elements.

One example would be something I've wanted to do for some time: write some XSL for iCalendar files stored as XML (sometimes RDF/XML, sometimes just XML). I know the model, and UML Class diagrams help me to navigate the model visually and quickly, but that doesn't mean I'm up for typing up templates that gigantic number of objects. :)

That's by no means the only example, just one I think communicates the use case well.

-- Zearin
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Joined: Fri Mar 28, 2003 2:12 pm

Re: Generate XSL templates from XML or schema

Post by sorin_ristache »


Thank you for your request. Generating an XSLT skeleton from an XML document or XML Schema is not possible yet. We plan to add this feature in a future version of oXygen.

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