Generate specialized sample DITA files

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Frank Ralf
Posts: 480
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Generate specialized sample DITA files

Post by Frank Ralf »


I would like to use Oxygen's "Generate Sample XML Files" to generate sample DITA files for a customer specialization. However, the feature only works with XML Schema (XSD) whereas the DITA specialization has been implemented with modular DTD files as a DITA-OT plugin. I think I heard something about a script that "flattens" a DITA specialization into one DTD or XSD file from George Bina but cannot remember where to find it. Is there such a script available somewhere?

Best regards,
Frank Ralf
parson AG
Posts: 9343
Joined: Fri Jul 09, 2004 5:18 pm

Re: Generate specialized sample DITA files

Post by Radu »

Hi Frank,
In the Oxygen main menu Tools->"Generate/Convert Schema dialog" one can attempt to convert DTD to XML Schema. But the DITA DTDs are quite complex, not sure if this will work.
George seemed to have a stylesheet to convert RNG to DTD but this is not what you want:
Radu Coravu
<oXygen/> XML Editor
Frank Ralf
Posts: 480
Joined: Thu Jan 23, 2014 2:29 pm
Location: Hamburg

Re: Generate specialized sample DITA files

Post by Frank Ralf »

Hi Radu,

Thanks for the pointers. I will try that.

Best regards,
Frank Ralf
parson AG
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