how to enable semantic search without open ai api key

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how to enable semantic search without open ai api key

Post by galanohan »


I just subscribed a 12-month team plan for oxygen feedback 4.0.

I want to enable semantic search but the open ai api key service isn't available to China mainland.
image.png (6.29 KiB) Viewed 497 times
Is it the only way to enable Semantic Search feature?
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Re: how to enable semantic search without open ai api key

Post by alin »


The semantic search functionality is implemented using the OpenAI's public API. The API key is required by Oxygen Feedback to be able to access that API.

If you cannot access the OpenAI service to obtain an API key I'm afraid that you cannot enable the semantic search feature.

Alin Balasa
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Re: how to enable semantic search without open ai api key

Post by galanohan »

For the next step, I'll think of immigrating to other countries to make use of this feature.
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