Error in generated Text for cross references in Oxygen Webhelp for DocBook

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Error in generated Text for cross references in Oxygen Webhelp for DocBook

Post by fsteimke »

Hi all,
we are using DocBook 5.1 and produce WebHelp as well as PDF with the stylesheets that are delivered with Oxygen XML Editor 24.0.
For cross references we use the xref element and the @xrefstyle Attribute. A typical cross reference woul be

Code: Select all

<xref linkend="requirements" xrefstyle="select:label"/>, Requirements: gives an overview of 
In PDF the result is as expected: Section I.1.2, Requirements: gives an overview of

In WebHelp, however, the label is missing. It reads Section , Requirements: gives an overview of
When i remove the @xrefstyle attribute, the result is the section called “Requirements”, Requirements: gives an overview
So there must be a problem with the interpretation of the "select:label" value of xref/@xrefstyle.

This may be a bug in the DocBook XSL Stylesheets. I report it here in the oxygen Forum, because the transformation scenario calls .../com.oxygenxml.webhelp.classic/build_docbook.xml I dont't kow whether you have patched or customized the original Stylesheets.

Frank Steimke