Use entities and relax schema?

Oxygen general issues.
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Use entities and relax schema?

Post by pb »


I wonder whether it's possible to use a relax ng schema and stil have a rudimentary dtd for 'unusual' characters. oXygen does not complain (the file validates all right), but it does not offer the dtd entities in the popup completion window either.

So the top of my file looks like:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!ENTITY lsquo "&#x2018;" >
<!ENTITY rsquo "&#x2019;" >
<!ENTITY ldquo "&#x201C;" >
<!ENTITY rdquo "&#x201D;" >
<?oxygen RNGSchema="file:/C:/Program%20Files/Oxygen%206.2/frameworks/tei/xml/tei/custom/schema/relaxng/tei_all_pb.rng" type="xml"?>
<TEI xmlns="">

And I would like to see lsquo etc. added to my choices when I begin to type '&'. The option 'show all entities' is on. I'm using version 7.1.

(My other option is using the TEI P5 gaji module, and I'm still trying to find out which will work best)

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Post by george »

Hi Peter,

Oxygen has an option (enabled by default) to ignore the DTD for validation if some other schema is also specified and use the DTD only for entities support. That is why the document is reported valid. If you disable this option you will see a lot of validation errors caused by the validation against the DTD. The content completion uses only the Relax NG schema in this case thus there are no entities offered.
To conclude your document is fine, it is validated by oXygen against the specified Relax NG grammar. You have in oXygen the limitation that only the Relax NG schema is used in this case for content completion and because of that no entities are presented in the content completion popup. My recommenation will be to use the new g element anyway, if possible.

Best Regards,
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