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Adding Custom Content to the Feedback Component

It is possible to add custom content to the area before or after the Oxygen Feedback commenting component (if generated) at the bottom of the output page.

Figure 1. Custom Content Placeholder Before and After Feedback Component

A sample Publishing Template is available in the Oxygen samples repository: https://github.com/oxygenxml/oxygen-publishing-template-samples/tree/master/templates/feedback-custom-fragments. It contributes custom HTML content before or after the Oxygen Feedback commenting component in each topic page.

How to Add Custom Content Before or After the Feedback Component

To use the aforementioned sample publishing template to add your own custom content:
  1. Download the sample publishing template from: https://github.com/oxygenxml/oxygen-publishing-template-samples/tree/master/templates/feedback-custom-fragments.
  2. Create your custom HTML content. Read the information in: WebHelp Responsive: How to Insert HTML Content. There are several things to consider in regard to the custom HTML fragment.
  3. Depending on the location where you want to add the custom HTML fragment, copy your fragment in either of the following files:
    • before-feedback-fragment.xml
    • after-feedback-fragment.xml
  4. Reference your custom content in the transformation by following this procedure: Referencing the HTML fragment using a Publishing Template.