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Show Comments and Tracked Changes in PDF Output

To include comments and tracked changes (stored within your DITA topics) in the DITA Map PDF - based on XSL-FO transformation scenario output, follow these steps:

  1. Edit a DITA Map PDF - based on XSL-FO transformation scenario.
  2. In the Parameters tab, set the value of the show.changes.and.comments parameter to yes. If you also want to display change bars for inserted or deleted content in the PDF, set the show.changebars parameter to yes. If you want to only show the changebars, without other styling of the changes, you should set both the show.changes.and.comments and show.changes.and.comments.as.changebars.only parameters to yes.
  3. Optionally, you can configure any of these other parameters to adjust the colors of the comments and tracked changes:
    • ct.insert.color - Specifies the color for insertion type tracked changes, as a plain color (e.g. red, yellow, blue), or with a hexadecimal equivalent (e.g. #FFFFFF). The default value is 'blue'.
    • ct.delete.color - Specifies the color for deletion type tracked changes, as a plain color (e.g. red, yellow, blue), or with a hexadecimal equivalent (e.g. #FFFFFF). The default value is 'red'.
    • ct.comment.bg.color - Specifies the background color for comment type tracked changes, as a plain color (e.g. red, yellow, blue), or with a hexadecimal equivalent (e.g. #FFFFFF). The default value is 'yellow'.
  4. Click OK and then the Apply Associated button to run the transformation scenario.

Result: Comment threads and tracked changes will now appear in the PDF output. Details about each comment or change will be available in the footer section for each page.