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Elements View in Author Mode

The Elements view presents a list of all defined elements that are valid at the current cursor position according to the schema associated to the document. By default, it is located on the right side of the editor. If the view is not displayed, it can be opened by selecting it from the Window > Show View menu.

The upper part of the view features a combo box that contains the ordered ancestors of the current element. Selecting a new element in this combo box updates the list of the allowed elements. By default, only the elements that are allowed at the current cursor position are listed. However, if the Show only allowed items option is not selected in the View preferences page, all elements allowed by the schema will be listed.

Double-clicking any of the listed elements inserts that element into the edited document at the current cursor position.

Pressing F2 with an element selected will display information about that particular element.

Figure 1. Elements View in Author Mode