
Used by
Element sound/midi-instrument
Namespace No namespace
Diagram musicxml206.tmp#id250 musicxml206.tmp#id242 musicxml206.tmp#id243 musicxml206.tmp#id244 musicxml206.tmp#id245 musicxml206.tmp#id246 musicxml206.tmp#id247 musicxml206.tmp#id248 musicxml206.tmp#id249 musicxml206.tmp#id241
Type midi-instrument
content: complex
minOccurs: 0
maxOccurs: unbounded
Model midi-channel{0,1} , midi-name{0,1} , midi-bank{0,1} , midi-program{0,1} , midi-unpitched{0,1} , volume{0,1} , pan{0,1} , elevation{0,1}
Children elevation, midi-bank, midi-channel, midi-name, midi-program, midi-unpitched, pan, volume
<midi-instrument id="">
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
id xs:IDREF required
<xs:element name="midi-instrument" type="midi-instrument" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
Schema location file:/C:/Users/mihai/Desktop/MusicXML-Schema/musicxml.xsd
Element sound/offset
Namespace No namespace
Diagram musicxml104.tmp#id8 musicxml105.tmp#id483 musicxml105.tmp#id482
Type offset
Type hierarchy
content: complex
minOccurs: 0
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
sound yes-no optional
<xs:element name="offset" type="offset" minOccurs="0"/>
Schema location file:/C:/Users/mihai/Desktop/MusicXML-Schema/musicxml.xsd
Complex Type sound
Namespace No namespace
The sound element contains general playback parameters. They can stand alone within a part/measure, or be a component element within a direction.
Tempo is expressed in quarter notes per minute. If 0, the sound-generating program should prompt the user at the time of compiling a sound (MIDI) file.
Dynamics (or MIDI velocity) are expressed as a percentage of the default forte value (90 for MIDI 1.0).
Dacapo indicates to go back to the beginning of the movement. When used it always has the value "yes".
Segno and dalsegno are used for backwards jumps to a segno sign; coda and tocoda are used for forward jumps to a coda sign. If there are multiple jumps, the value of these parameters can be used to name and distinguish them. If segno or coda is used, the divisions attribute can also be used to indicate the number of divisions per quarter note. Otherwise sound and MIDI generating programs may have to recompute this.
By default, a dalsegno or dacapo attribute indicates that the jump should occur the first time through, while a  tocoda attribute indicates the jump should occur the second time through. The time that jumps occur can be changed by using the time-only attribute.
Forward-repeat is used when a forward repeat sign is implied, and usually follows a bar line. When used it always has the value of "yes".
The fine attribute follows the final note or rest in a movement with a da capo or dal segno direction. If numeric, the value represents the actual duration of the final note or rest, which can be ambiguous in written notation and different among parts and voices. The value may also be "yes" to indicate no change to the final duration.
If the sound element applies only one time through a repeat, the time-only attribute indicates which time to apply the sound element.
Pizzicato in a sound element effects all following notes. Yes indicates pizzicato, no indicates arco.

The pan and elevation attributes are deprecated in Version 2.0. The pan and elevation elements in the midi-instrument element should be used instead. The meaning of the pan and elevation attributes is the same as for the pan and elevation elements. If both are present, the mid-instrument elements take priority.
The damper-pedal, soft-pedal, and sostenuto-pedal attributes effect playback of the three common piano pedals and their MIDI controller equivalents. The yes value indicates the pedal is depressed; no indicates  the pedal is released. A numeric value from 0 to 100 may also be used for half pedaling. This value is the percentage that the pedal is depressed. A value of 0 is equivalent to no, and a value of 100 is equivalent to yes.
MIDI instruments are changed using the midi-instrument element defined in the common.mod file.

The offset element is used to indicate that the sound takes place offset from the current score position. If the sound element is a child of a direction element, the sound offset element overrides the direction offset element if both elements are present. Note that the offset reflects the intended musical position for the change in sound. It should not be used to compensate for latency issues in particular hardware configurations.
Diagram musicxml48.tmp#id493 musicxml48.tmp#id494 musicxml48.tmp#id495 musicxml48.tmp#id496 musicxml48.tmp#id497 musicxml48.tmp#id498 musicxml48.tmp#id499 musicxml48.tmp#id500 musicxml48.tmp#id501 musicxml48.tmp#id502 musicxml48.tmp#id503 musicxml48.tmp#id504 musicxml48.tmp#id505 musicxml48.tmp#id506 musicxml48.tmp#id507 musicxml48.tmp#id508 musicxml48.tmp#id509 musicxml48.tmp#id491 musicxml48.tmp#id492
Used by
Model midi-instrument* , offset{0,1}
Children midi-instrument, offset
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
coda xs:token optional
dacapo yes-no optional
dalsegno xs:token optional
damper-pedal yes-no-number optional
divisions divisions optional
dynamics xs:decimal optional
elevation rotation-degrees optional
fine xs:token optional
forward-repeat yes-no optional
pan rotation-degrees optional
pizzicato yes-no optional
segno xs:token optional
soft-pedal yes-no-number optional
sostenuto-pedal yes-no-number optional
tempo non-negative-decimal optional
time-only xs:token optional
tocoda xs:token optional
<xs:complexType name="sound">
    <xs:documentation>The sound element contains general playback parameters. They can stand alone within a part/measure, or be a component element within a direction. Tempo is expressed in quarter notes per minute. If 0, the sound-generating program should prompt the user at the time of compiling a sound (MIDI) file. Dynamics (or MIDI velocity) are expressed as a percentage of the default forte value (90 for MIDI 1.0). Dacapo indicates to go back to the beginning of the movement. When used it always has the value "yes". Segno and dalsegno are used for backwards jumps to a segno sign; coda and tocoda are used for forward jumps to a coda sign. If there are multiple jumps, the value of these parameters can be used to name and distinguish them. If segno or coda is used, the divisions attribute can also be used to indicate the number of divisions per quarter note. Otherwise sound and MIDI generating programs may have to recompute this. By default, a dalsegno or dacapo attribute indicates that the jump should occur the first time through, while a tocoda attribute indicates the jump should occur the second time through. The time that jumps occur can be changed by using the time-only attribute. Forward-repeat is used when a forward repeat sign is implied, and usually follows a bar line. When used it always has the value of "yes". The fine attribute follows the final note or rest in a movement with a da capo or dal segno direction. If numeric, the value represents the actual duration of the final note or rest, which can be ambiguous in written notation and different among parts and voices. The value may also be "yes" to indicate no change to the final duration. If the sound element applies only one time through a repeat, the time-only attribute indicates which time to apply the sound element. Pizzicato in a sound element effects all following notes. Yes indicates pizzicato, no indicates arco. The pan and elevation attributes are deprecated in Version 2.0. The pan and elevation elements in the midi-instrument element should be used instead. The meaning of the pan and elevation attributes is the same as for the pan and elevation elements. If both are present, the mid-instrument elements take priority. The damper-pedal, soft-pedal, and sostenuto-pedal attributes effect playback of the three common piano pedals and their MIDI controller equivalents. The yes value indicates the pedal is depressed; no indicates the pedal is released. A numeric value from 0 to 100 may also be used for half pedaling. This value is the percentage that the pedal is depressed. A value of 0 is equivalent to no, and a value of 100 is equivalent to yes. MIDI instruments are changed using the midi-instrument element defined in the common.mod file. The offset element is used to indicate that the sound takes place offset from the current score position. If the sound element is a child of a direction element, the sound offset element overrides the direction offset element if both elements are present. Note that the offset reflects the intended musical position for the change in sound. It should not be used to compensate for latency issues in particular hardware configurations.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="midi-instrument" type="midi-instrument" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
    <xs:element name="offset" type="offset" minOccurs="0"/>
  <xs:attribute name="tempo" type="non-negative-decimal"/>
  <xs:attribute name="dynamics" type="xs:decimal"/>
  <xs:attribute name="dacapo" type="yes-no"/>
  <xs:attribute name="segno" type="xs:token"/>
  <xs:attribute name="dalsegno" type="xs:token"/>
  <xs:attribute name="coda" type="xs:token"/>
  <xs:attribute name="tocoda" type="xs:token"/>
  <xs:attribute name="divisions" type="divisions"/>
  <xs:attribute name="forward-repeat" type="yes-no"/>
  <xs:attribute name="fine" type="xs:token"/>
  <xs:attribute name="time-only" type="xs:token"/>
  <xs:attribute name="pizzicato" type="yes-no"/>
  <xs:attribute name="pan" type="rotation-degrees"/>
  <xs:attribute name="elevation" type="rotation-degrees"/>
  <xs:attribute name="damper-pedal" type="yes-no-number"/>
  <xs:attribute name="soft-pedal" type="yes-no-number"/>
  <xs:attribute name="sostenuto-pedal" type="yes-no-number"/>
Schema location file:/C:/Users/mihai/Desktop/MusicXML-Schema/musicxml.xsd
Attribute sound/@tempo
Namespace No namespace
Type non-negative-decimal
content: simple
minInclusive 0
Used by
Complex Type sound
<xs:attribute name="tempo" type="non-negative-decimal"/>
Schema location file:/C:/Users/mihai/Desktop/MusicXML-Schema/musicxml.xsd
Attribute sound/@dynamics
Namespace No namespace
Type xs:decimal
content: simple
Used by
Complex Type sound
<xs:attribute name="dynamics" type="xs:decimal"/>
Schema location file:/C:/Users/mihai/Desktop/MusicXML-Schema/musicxml.xsd
Attribute sound/@dacapo
Namespace No namespace
Type yes-no
content: simple
enumeration yes, no
Used by
Complex Type sound
<xs:attribute name="dacapo" type="yes-no"/>
Schema location file:/C:/Users/mihai/Desktop/MusicXML-Schema/musicxml.xsd
Attribute sound/@segno
Namespace No namespace
Type xs:token
content: simple
Used by
Complex Type sound
<xs:attribute name="segno" type="xs:token"/>
Schema location file:/C:/Users/mihai/Desktop/MusicXML-Schema/musicxml.xsd
Attribute sound/@dalsegno
Namespace No namespace
Type xs:token
content: simple
Used by
Complex Type sound
<xs:attribute name="dalsegno" type="xs:token"/>
Schema location file:/C:/Users/mihai/Desktop/MusicXML-Schema/musicxml.xsd
Attribute sound/@coda
Namespace No namespace
Type xs:token
content: simple
Used by
Complex Type sound
<xs:attribute name="coda" type="xs:token"/>
Schema location file:/C:/Users/mihai/Desktop/MusicXML-Schema/musicxml.xsd
Attribute sound/@tocoda
Namespace No namespace
Type xs:token
content: simple
Used by
Complex Type sound
<xs:attribute name="tocoda" type="xs:token"/>
Schema location file:/C:/Users/mihai/Desktop/MusicXML-Schema/musicxml.xsd
Attribute sound/@divisions
Namespace No namespace
Type divisions
content: simple
Used by
Complex Type sound
<xs:attribute name="divisions" type="divisions"/>
Schema location file:/C:/Users/mihai/Desktop/MusicXML-Schema/musicxml.xsd
Attribute sound/@forward-repeat
Namespace No namespace
Type yes-no
content: simple
enumeration yes, no
Used by
Complex Type sound
<xs:attribute name="forward-repeat" type="yes-no"/>
Schema location file:/C:/Users/mihai/Desktop/MusicXML-Schema/musicxml.xsd
Attribute sound/@fine
Namespace No namespace
Type xs:token
content: simple
Used by
Complex Type sound
<xs:attribute name="fine" type="xs:token"/>
Schema location file:/C:/Users/mihai/Desktop/MusicXML-Schema/musicxml.xsd
Attribute sound/@time-only
Namespace No namespace
Type xs:token
content: simple
Used by
Complex Type sound
<xs:attribute name="time-only" type="xs:token"/>
Schema location file:/C:/Users/mihai/Desktop/MusicXML-Schema/musicxml.xsd
Attribute sound/@pizzicato
Namespace No namespace
Type yes-no
content: simple
enumeration yes, no
Used by
Complex Type sound
<xs:attribute name="pizzicato" type="yes-no"/>
Schema location file:/C:/Users/mihai/Desktop/MusicXML-Schema/musicxml.xsd
Attribute sound/@pan
Namespace No namespace
Type rotation-degrees
content: simple
maxInclusive 180
minInclusive -180
Used by
Complex Type sound
<xs:attribute name="pan" type="rotation-degrees"/>
Schema location file:/C:/Users/mihai/Desktop/MusicXML-Schema/musicxml.xsd
Attribute sound/@elevation
Namespace No namespace
Type rotation-degrees
content: simple
maxInclusive 180
minInclusive -180
Used by
Complex Type sound
<xs:attribute name="elevation" type="rotation-degrees"/>
Schema location file:/C:/Users/mihai/Desktop/MusicXML-Schema/musicxml.xsd
Attribute sound/@damper-pedal
Namespace No namespace
Type yes-no-number
content: simple
Used by
Complex Type sound
<xs:attribute name="damper-pedal" type="yes-no-number"/>
Schema location file:/C:/Users/mihai/Desktop/MusicXML-Schema/musicxml.xsd
Attribute sound/@soft-pedal
Namespace No namespace
Type yes-no-number
content: simple
Used by
Complex Type sound
<xs:attribute name="soft-pedal" type="yes-no-number"/>
Schema location file:/C:/Users/mihai/Desktop/MusicXML-Schema/musicxml.xsd
Attribute sound/@sostenuto-pedal
Namespace No namespace
Type yes-no-number
content: simple
Used by
Complex Type sound
<xs:attribute name="sostenuto-pedal" type="yes-no-number"/>
Schema location file:/C:/Users/mihai/Desktop/MusicXML-Schema/musicxml.xsd