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Quick Start Guide: Content Author

This Quick Start Guide is meant to help the Content Author get started using Oxygen Content Fusion as quickly as possible.

  1. [Prerequisite] Before using Oxygen Content Fusion, your system administrator first needs to set up and configure your Enterprise server and the server address needs to be configured.
  2. Install the Oxygen Content Fusion Connector add-on in Oxygen XML Editor or Oxygen XML Author.
  3. Click the Show Content Fusion Task Manager toolbar button (or go to Window > Show View > Content Fusion Tasks Manager) to open the Content Fusion Task Manager view. If this is your first time using it, click the Connect button to open the Oxygen Content Fusion interface in your default browser, click SIGN UP, and follow the instructions to create your account. When finished, click Authorize.
  4. Create a task, add documents, and upload the task to the Oxygen Content Fusion server.
  5. Share the task link with Reviewers.
  6. Once the Reviewers are finished, pull the changes and use the built-in Merge tool to integrate the changes back into Oxygen XML Editor/Author.
  7. Delete the task.

Result: The Content Author can now continue to work with the documents with the suggested changes merged into the content. For example, they could accept or reject the suggested changes, continue to edit the documents, and then commit the changes to their particular repository.