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DIFF Preferences

To access the DIFF preferences page, go to Window (Eclipse on macOSX) and choose Preferences > Oxygen XML Developer Eclipse plugin > DIFF. This preferences page includes the following sections and options:

Enable file comparison in Text mode
When selected, the text-based comparison mode is available when comparing XML files.
Enable file comparison in Author mode
When selected, the visual comparison mode is available when comparing XML files.
Two-Way Diff section
Default algorithm
The default algorithm used for comparing two files. The following options are available:
  • Auto - Selects the most appropriate algorithm, based on the compared content and its size (selected by default).
  • XML Fast - Comparison that works well on large files or fragments, but it is less precise than XML Accurate.
  • XML Accurate - Comparison that is more precise than XML Fast, at the expense of speed. It compares two XML files or fragments looking for identical XML nodes.
Algorithm strength
Controls the amount of resources allocated to the application to perform the comparison. The algorithm stops searching more differences when reaches the maximum allowed resources. A dialog box is displayed when this limit is reached and partial results are displayed. Four settings are available: Low, Medium (default), High and Very High.
Three-Way Diff section
Default algorithm
The default algorithm used for performing a three-way comparison. The following options are available:
  • Auto - Selects the most appropriate algorithm, based on the compared content and its size (selected by default).
  • XML Fast - Comparison that works well on large files or fragments, but it is less precise than XML Accurate.
  • XML Accurate - Comparison that is more precise than XML Fast, at the expense of speed. It compares two XML files or fragments looking for identical XML nodes.
Algorithm strength
Controls the amount of resources allocated to the application to perform the comparison. The algorithm stops searching more differences when reaches the maximum allowed resources. A dialog box is displayed when this limit is reached and partial results are displayed. Four settings are available: Low, Medium (default), High and Very High.
Show pseudo conflicts
Specifies whether or not the file comparison displays pseudo-conflicts. A pseudo-conflict occurs when two users make the same change (for example, when they both add or remove the same line of code).
XML Diff section
In this section, you can choose to ignore Namespaces, Prefixes, Namespace declarations, and the Attribute order.