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Editing Schematron Quick Fixes

Oxygen XML Developer Eclipse plugin provides support for editing the Schematron Quick Fixes (SQF). They help you resolve issues that appear in XML documents that are validated against Schematron schemas by offering you solution proposals. The Schematron Quick Fixes are an extension of the Schematron language and they allow you to define fixes for Schematron validation messages. Specifically, they are associated with assert or report messages. You can define a library of Quick Fixes by editing them directly in the current Schematron file or in a separate file. Oxygen XML Developer Eclipse plugin assists you in editing Schematron Quick Fixes with schema-based content completion, syntax highlighting, and validation as you type.

A typical use case is using Schematron Quick Fixes to assist content authors with common editing tasks. For example, you can use Schematron rules to automatically report certain validation warnings (or errors) when performing regular editing tasks, such as inserting specific elements or changing IDs to match specific naming conventions.

For information about applying and detecting the Schematron schemas that include SQF, see Associating a Schema to XML Documents.

Displaying the Schematron Quick Fix Proposals

The defined Schematron Quick Fixes are displayed on validation errors in Text mode.

Figure 1. Example of a Schematron Quick Fix