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DITA has a solid vocabulary for specifying metadata. There are <prolog> elements in the topics, and <topicmeta>, <bookmeta> elements in the bookmaps. They can be used to define authors, dates, audiences, organizations, etc. See: https://www.oxygenxml.com/dita/1.3/specs/archSpec/base/metadata-in-maps-and-topics.html

It is up to you to decide where this information should be presented, in the PDF content or in the PDF document properties.

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Metadata - XML Fragment

In the merged map file, the metadata section is placed inside the <oxy:front-page> element. This is different from the original placement in the map or bookmap (after the title), but allows for the usage of information from it in the title page.


This is an example of a section taken from a merged bookmap. It only contains some of the possible metadata elements. The bookmeta metadata section is inherited from topicmeta:

<bookmap xmlns:ditaarch="http://dita.oasis-open.org/architecture/2005/"
  xmlns:opentopic-index="http://www.idiominc.com/opentopic/index" cascade="merge" 
    class="- map/map bookmap/bookmap "
  ditaarch:DITAArchVersion="1.3" >
  <oxy:front-page xmlns:oxy="http://www.oxygenxml.com/extensions/author">
   <bookmeta xmlns:dita-ot="http://dita-ot.sourceforge.net/ns/201007/dita-ot"
     class="- map/topicmeta bookmap/bookmeta ">
     <author class="- topic/author ">Howe Tuduit</author>
     <bookid class="- topic/data bookmap/bookid ">
       <isbn class="- topic/data bookmap/isbn ">071271271X</isbn>
       <booknumber class="- topic/data bookmap/booknumber ">SG99-9999-00</booknumber>
        <maintainer class="- topic/data bookmap/maintainer ">
        <organization class="- topic/data bookmap/organization ">ACME Tools</organization>
        <person class="- topic/data bookmap/person "/>
     <bookrights class="- topic/data bookmap/bookrights ">
         <bookowner class="- topic/data bookmap/bookowner ">
  <organization class="- topic/data bookmap/organization ">ACME Tools, Inc.</organization>

For the DITA Map PDF - based on HTML5 & CSS transformation type, the merged map is further processed resulting in a collection of HTML5 <div> elements. These elements preserve the original DITA @class attribute values and add a new value derived from the DITA element name.

    class="- map/map bookmap/bookmap bookmap" ... >
   <div class=" front-page/front-page front-page">
     class="- map/topicmeta bookmap/bookmeta boometa">
     <div class="- topic/author author">Howe Tuduit</div>
     <div class="- topic/data bookmap/bookid bookid">
       <div class="- topic/data bookmap/isbn isbn">071271271X</div>
       <div class="- topic/data bookmap/booknumber booknumber">SG99-9999-00</div>
       <div class="- topic/data bookmap/maintainer maintainer">
          <div class="- topic/data bookmap/organization organization">ACME Tools</div>
          <div class="- topic/data bookmap/person person"/>
      <div class="- topic/data bookmap/bookrights bookrights">
         <div class="- topic/data bookmap/bookowner bookowner">
              <div class="- topic/data bookmap/organization organization">
                                          ACME Tools, Inc.
     <div class=" front-page/front-page-title front-page-title">


The maps have a more simple structure, they use the <topicmeta> element for metadata sections. This is also a simplified example, as there may be many more elements in the metadata section:

<map xmlns:ditaarch="http://dita.oasis-open.org/architecture/2005/"
          cascade="merge" class="- map/map "
<oxy:front-page xmlns:oxy="http://www.oxygenxml.com/extensions/author">
  <topicmeta class="- map/topicmeta ">
      <author class="- topic/author ">Dan C</author>
      <metadata class="- topic/metadata ">
         <prodinfo class="- topic/prodinfo ">
             <prodname class="- topic/prodname ">oXygen PDF CSS DITA Plugin</prodname>
      <audience class="- topic/audience "/>

For the DITA Map PDF - based on HTML5 & CSS transformation type, the merged map is further processed resulting in a collection of HTML5 <div> elements. These elements preserve the original DITA @class attribute values and add a new value derived from the DITA element name.

<div xmlns:ditaarch="http://dita.oasis-open.org/architecture/2005/"
          cascade="merge" class="- map/map "
<div class=" front-page/front-page front-page">
  <div class="- map/topicmeta topicmeta">
      <div class="- topic/author author">Dan C</div>
      <div class="- topic/metadata metadata">
         <div class="- topic/prodinfo prodinfo">
             <div class="- topic/prodname prodname">oXygen PDF CSS DITA Plugin</div>
      <div class="- topic/audience audience"/>
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Metadata - Built-in CSS rules

The [PLUGIN_DIR]/css/print/p-meta.css file contains the rules that extract metadata.

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How to Create a Searchable PDF

To make a PDF searchable, you need to add some <keyword> or <indexterm> elements inside bookmaps, maps, or topics. Most of the search engines will parse the resulting document and extract those keywords and create a search base.
Note: Both <keyword> and <indexterm> elements can be combined inside the <keywords> element. They will be equally processed by the search engine.
In the generated PDF, keywords are displayed in the Document Properties.


If you want your keywords to appear inside a bookmap, you need to define them inside the <bookmeta> element:
      <keyword>web server</keyword>
      <keyword>hard disk</keyword>


If you want your keywords to appear inside a map, you need to define them inside the <topicmeta> element:
      <indexterm>care and preparation</indexterm>


If you want your keywords to appear inside one or more topics, you need to define them inside the <prolog> element:
Warning: Keywords must be at map level or at topic level, you cannot combine them.
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How to Add the Publication Audience to the Custom PDF Metadata

The audience element indicates the users the publication is addressing. This can be placed inside a <topicmeta> element in a <map> as in the following example:
        <audience type="programmer" job="programming" experiencelevel="expert"/>

To collect the @type attribute, add the following in your customization CSS:

*[class ~= "map/map"] > *[class ~= "map/topicmeta"] > *[class ~= "topic/audience"] {
    -oxy-pdf-meta-custom: "Audience" attr(type);
Notice: It is best to use the class selector (such as *[class ~= "map/topicmeta"]) instead of topicmeta to cover cases where the elements are specialized (for instance, in a bookmap the bookmeta is a topicmeta, so your selector will also function for bookmaps, not only simple maps.
Note: The selector begins with map > to choose the <topicmeta> that is a direct child of the map, not other <topicmeta> elements from other <topicref> elements.
Tip: You can define multiple key value pairs by separating them with commas:
-oxy-pdf-meta-custom: "Audience" attr(type), "Job" attr(job)

The metadata is displayed in the Custom tab of the Document Properties dialog box from Acrobat Reader:

Document Properties dialog in Acrobat Reader
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How to Show Metadata in the Cover Page

The following CSS extensions are used in the subsequent examples:
  • oxy_xpath - Executes an XPath expression and returns string content. Use this whenever you need to extract data from an element other than the one matched by the CSS rule selector.
  • :after(N) - Creates more than one after pseudo-element. The argument value represents how far the generated content is from the real content. For example, in the second code snippet in the next section, the content of the :after is closer to the title (upper) than the content of the :after(2).
Note: The attr() CSS function can also be used but it is limited to extracting attribute values from the matched element.

Processing Metadata for Bookmaps

Suppose you need to present the Author and the ISBN (when it exists) just under the publication title and suppose your bookmap contains:
<bookmap id="taskbook">
        <booklibrary>Retro Tools</booklibrary>
        <mainbooktitle>Product tasks</mainbooktitle>
        <booktitlealt>Tasks and what they can do</booktitlealt>
        <author>Howe Tuduit</author>
            <created date="1/1/2015"/>
            <revised modified="3/4/2016"/>
            <revised modified="3/5/2016"/>
The entire <booktitle> element content is displayed on the first page of the PDF, so if you need to add the information after it, in your customization CSS, add the following CSS rules:
*[class ~= "bookmap/booktitle"]:after {
    display: block;
    content: "by " oxy_xpath('//*[contains(@class, " bookmap/bookmeta ")]/*[contains(@class, " topic/author ")]/text()');
    margin-top: 4em;
    text-align: center;
    color: gray;
*[class ~= "bookmap/booktitle"]:after(2) {
    display: block;
    content: oxy_xpath('if(//*[contains(@class, " bookmap/isbn ")]) then concat("ISBN ", //*[contains(@class, " bookmap/isbn ")]/text()) else ""'); 
    text-align: center;
    color: gray;

Processing Metadata for DITA Maps

Suppose you need to present the Revision Date just under the publication title and suppose your DITA map contains:
  <title>Growing Flowers</title>
      <revised modified="2021-04-26"/>
The entire <title> element content is displayed on the first page of the PDF. If you need to add the information after it, add the following CSS rules in your customization CSS:
*[class ~= "front-page/front-page-title"] > *[class ~= "topic/title"]:after {
    display: block;
    content: "last revision " oxy_xpath('(//*[contains(@class, " map/topicmeta ")])[1] \
    //*[contains(@class, " topic/revised ")]/@modified');
    margin-top: 4em;
    text-align: center;
    color: gray;
Note: The [1] predicate is used to avoid duplicated results as the topicmeta is included in all children topics.

Generating Synthetic Pages for Metadata

Suppose you need to show this information on a page that follows the title page, instead of on the title page. In this case, you need to prepare a named page and place the content in it. Add the following rules in your customization CSS:

@page page-for-meta {
    background-color: yellow; /* Just to see it better*/
    @top-left-corner {
        content:""; /* Remove the default header */
    @top-right-corner {
        content:""; /* Remove the default header */

*[class ~= "bookmap/booktitle"]:after {
    page: page-for-meta;
*[class ~= "bookmap/booktitle"]:after(2) {
    page: page-for-meta;
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How to Show Metadata Information (Revision History) in the Topic Prologue

This topic explains how to present metadata information that is normally hidden in the published output. For the example that follows, this will be the revision history list:

<task id="task_3ml_qm3_rf">
    <title>Removing the battery</title>
                <change-completed>Build no 1.</change-completed>
                <change-completed>Build no 2.</change-completed>
By default, the <prolog> element is hidden (display:none) and has several properties that make it collapse, even if the display property is changed.
  • It has a transparent color.
  • The font has size zero.
  • The width and height values are zero.
Start by resetting the prolog properties, but only for prologs that contains a history list. The others will be kept hidden.
*[class~="topic/prolog"]:has(*[class~="relmgmt-d/change-historylist"] ){
Next, the following will keep the children of the prolog hidden (other than the change history):
*[class~="topic/prolog"]:has(*[class~="relmgmt-d/change-historylist"]) > *:not([class~="relmgmt-d/change-historylist"]) {
The <change-item>, <change-revisionid>, and <change-completed> (like the descendents of the <change-historylist>) are specializations of the topic/data element and are also hidden in the output, so you need to make them visible. In the following selector, you can add more classes, depending on what elements you want to be visible.
*[class~="relmgmt-d/change-completed"] {
Now some styling for the entire list:
*[class~="relmgmt-d/change-historylist"] {
    border: 3pt solid silver;
    padding: 0.5em;
*[class~="relmgmt-d/change-historylist"]:before {
    content: "Revision History:";
And the child elements:
/* Example of styling some of the descendends of the history list. */
*[class~="relmgmt-d/change-item"] {
*[class~="relmgmt-d/change-revisionid"]:before {
    content: "Revision ID: " !important;
*[class~="relmgmt-d/change-completed"]:before {
    content: "Completed: "  !important;

In the output, the history list is now visible:

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How to Remove or Change the PDF Keywords

The keywords defined in the prolog sections of topics are automatically collected and set as PDF keywords. These are shown by the readers in the PDF document properties window.

If you need to remove them, you can use the following CSS snippet in your customization CSS:

:root {

To change them, if you have a hard-coded list, you just enumerate each of them in the property content, separating them with comma:

:root {
	-oxy-pdf-meta-keywords:"alpha, beta, gamma";

If you need to extract them by other criteria from the merged map, you can use the oxy_xpath() function instead of the hard-coded list.

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How to Remove the PDF Publication Title Property

The title defined in the PDF reader is automatically collected from the map's main title.

If you want to display the map name instead of the title, you can use one of the following rules in your customization CSS:

 * Titles (maps).
*[class ~= "front-page/front-page-title"] *[class ~= "topic/title"]:not([class ~= 'bookmap/booktitle']) {
    -oxy-pdf-meta-title: unset;
 * Titles (bookmaps).
*[class ~= "front-page/front-page"] *[class ~= "bookmap/booktitle"] > *[class ~= "bookmap/mainbooktitle"] {
    -oxy-pdf-meta-title: unset;
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How to Change the PDF Publication Title Property

The <title> element of a bookmap is quite complex and contains elements for the book library and an alternate title:

    <booklibrary>Retro Tools</booklibrary>
    <mainbooktitle>Main Book Title</mainbooktitle>
    <booktitlealt>Book Title Alternative</booktitlealt>

For the publication title, the built-in CSS uses only the content of the <mainbooktitle>. If you want to collect all of the text from the <booktitle>, you can add the following rule to your customization CSS:

:root {
    -oxy-pdf-meta-title: oxy_xpath('(//*[contains(@class, "bookmap/booktitlealt")])[1]/text()');
    -oxy-pdf-meta-description: "";

An XPath expression is used to collect all the <booktitlealt> elements from the merged map, select the first one, then use its text.

The built-in CSS uses the <booktitlealt> as the PDF description. In the example above, this property is cleared since it was moved as a title.

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How to Use Data Elements from the Map to Create Custom PDF Metadata

To use a key value in the CSS, the key must be referenced from the content (either a topic or map).

If you do not have it referenced, you may force a reference by using the <topicmeta> or <bookmeta> section of your map and a <data> element. This has no effect on the published content, but allows the CSS rules to use its content.

    <data keyref="my_key"/>

This is expanded in the merged HTML file to:

<div class="- map/topicmeta bookmap/bookmeta topicmeta bookmeta">
	<div keyref="my_key" class="- topic/data data">
		<div class="- topic/keyword keyword">KEY VALUE</div>

Suppose that you need the expanded key value in the footer of the publication. You can define a string-set on this data element:

*[class ~= "topic/data"][keyref="my_key"] {
	string-set: key-string content(text);
@page {	
	@bottom-left {
		content: "My key is: " string(key-string) !important;		

Or you can use the value from a :before pseudo-element, like the one for the title:

*[class ~= "topic/title"]:before {
	content: oxy_xpath("//*[contains(@class, 'topic/data')][@keyref = 'my_key']//text()");

Another use-case is to use the key as a source for a custom PDF document property:

*[class ~= "topic/data"][keyref="my_key"] {
	-oxy-pdf-meta-custom: attr(keyref) content(text);
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How to Control the PDF Viewer

The PDF document may contain settings for the PDF Viewer. This helps to make the viewing experience common for all of the readers. For example, you can specify the zoom level that the document is presented, or whether the outline view should be displayed.

There are several CSS properties you can use. These properties should be set on the root element. If they are set on multiple elements, the first one will be taken into account.


  • To hide the PDF Viewer toolbar and menu bar:
    :root {
      -oxy-pdf-viewer-hide-menubar: true;
      -oxy-pdf-viewer-hide-toolbar: true;
  • To make the document be displayed with a different zoom level:
    :root {
      -oxy-pdf-viewer-zoom: 50%;
  • To make the PDF Viewer just as large as the displayed document (e.g. if there is a zoom level that makes the document smaller, then the window of the viewer will be just as big as the page):
    :root {
      -oxy-pdf-viewer-fit-window: true;
  • If you need the pages to be displayed as a single continuous column (to be able to scroll in a single view port), use:
    :root {
      -oxy-pdf-viewer-page-layout: one-column;

    The supported include: single-page, two-columns-left, and more.

  • To make the document outline view visible, use:
    :root {
      -oxy-pdf-viewer-page-mode: use-outlines;

    The supported values include: use-thumbs, use-none. For more details, see the list of Chemistry extension CSS properties.