Comments, draft-comment, and required-cleanup elements

Standard XML comment mark-up, and DITA specific draft-comment and required-cleanup elements, allow authors to leave notes, comments and unfinished edits that will not be included in the output when the document is published.

Standard XML comment mark-up can be incorporated in DITA documents, because DITA documents are, of course, XML documents. XML comments are delimited by a <!-- prefix and a --> suffix.

An example of an XML comment is:
<p>The kerb weight of the vehicle is 1395 kg.</p>
<!-- Check this is the correct kerb weight for XRW model -->

The draft-comment phrase element is a DITA-specific alternative to the XML comment, and has a similar purpose.

Use the draft-comment element or XML comment if you want to leave comments or notes for other authors. You should prefer the draft-comment element to XML comment, because it is possible to deliberately include draft-comment content in the output for document review and editing.

An example of a draft-comment is:
<p>The kerb weight of the vehicle is 1395 kg.
<draft-comment>Check this is the correct kerb weight for XRW model</draft-comment>

The required-cleanup block element is used during the migration of legacy (pre-DITA) content to DITA, to allow what would otherwise be invalid mark-up to be preserved during conversion. It is most commonly used by automatic conversion processes, such as the H2D HTML to DITA transformation provided in the DITA Open Toolkit.

The required-cleanup element can contain any well-formed mark-up.

Do not use the required-cleanup element for any purpose other than identifying invalid DITA mark-up that needs to be corrected.