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Highlights Span Unexpectedly to the End of the Page


Tracked changes and highlights span beyond what is expected.


If the change tracking insertions, comments, or highlights span over an area that is larger than expected, the markup that signals their end is missing.


To fix this, open the topic where the highlights start and check if the XML processing instructions that define the end of the highlighted interval are correct (it is easiest to see them in Text mode). The intervals are defined as follows:

For highlights:

<?oxy_custom_start type="oxy_content_highlight" color="140,255,140"?>

For comments:

<?oxy_comment_start author="dan" timestamp="20201102T092905+0200" comment="Test"?>

For inserted text:

<?oxy_insert_start author="dan" timestamp="20201102T093034+0200"?>

Make sure all the ending processing instructions are located before the root element end tag.