
Used by
Included schema EventsML-G2_1.1-spec-Framework-Power.xsd
IPTC-EventsML-G2-1.1-specific extension to the IPTC NAR 1.3 Framework for G2-Standards, document version 4
This XML Schema requires the NAR Framework 1.3
Schema for EventsML-G2 created by Michael Steidl (IPTC)
Date of creation of this XML Schema: 2008-10-17
Date of creation of this file version: 2009-02-09
attribute form default: unqualified
element form default: qualified
version: 1.0
Schema location file:/C:/Users/mihai/Desktop/EventsML-G2_1.1/1.1/specification/EventsML-G2_1.1-spec-Framework-Power.xsd
Element ConceptWEventType/conceptId
The preferred unambiguous identifier for the concept.
Diagram ConceptItem0.tmp#id221 ConceptItem0.tmp#id222 ConceptItem0.tmp#id223 ConceptItem0.tmp#id220
Type ConceptIdType
content: complex
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
ANY attribute from ANY namespace OTHER than ''
created DateOptTimeType optional
The date (and, optionally, the time) when the concept identifier was created.
qcode QCodeType required
retired DateOptTimeType optional
The date (and, optionally, the time) after which the concept identifier should not be applied as the value of a property anymore.
<xs:element name="conceptId" type="ConceptIdType">
    <xs:documentation>The preferred unambiguous identifier for the concept.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/C:/Users/mihai/Desktop/EventsML-G2_1.1/1.1/specification/EventsML-G2_1.1-spec-Framework-Power.xsd
Element ConceptWEventType/type
The nature of the concept.
Diagram ConceptItem0.tmp#id86 ConceptItem0.tmp#id16 ConceptItem0.tmp#id85 ConceptItem0.tmp#id22 ConceptItem0.tmp#id56 ConceptItem0.tmp#id148
Type QualPropType
Type hierarchy
content: complex
minOccurs: 0
Model name*
Children name
<type creator="" dir="" id="" xml:lang="" modified="" qcode="">
  <name creator="" dir="" id="" xml:lang="" modified="" part="" role="" validfrom="" validto="">{0,unbounded}</name>
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
ANY attribute from ANY namespace OTHER than ''
creator QCodeType optional
If the element is empty, specifies which entity (person, organisation or system) will edit the property. If the element is non-empty, specifies which entity (person, organisation or system) has edited the property.
dir restriction of xs:string optional
The directionality of textual content.
id xs:ID optional
The local identifier of the property.
modified DateOptTimeType optional
The date (and, optionally, the time) when the property was last modified. The initial value is the date (and, optionally, the time) of creation of the property.
qcode QCodeType required
A qualified code which identifies a concept.
xml:lang union of(xs:language, restriction of xs:string) optional
Attempting to install the relevant ISO 2- and 3-letter
         codes as the enumerated possible values is probably never
         going to be a realistic possibility.  See
         RFC 3066 at and the IANA registry
         at for
         further information.

         The union allows for the 'un-declaration' of xml:lang with
         the empty string.
<xs:element name="type" type="QualPropType" minOccurs="0">
    <xs:documentation>The nature of the concept.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/C:/Users/mihai/Desktop/EventsML-G2_1.1/1.1/specification/EventsML-G2_1.1-spec-Framework-Power.xsd
Element eventDetails
A set of properties with details about an event
Diagram ConceptItem2.tmp#id226 ConceptItem2.tmp#id265 ConceptItem2.tmp#id266 ConceptItem2.tmp#id267 ConceptItem2.tmp#id268 ConceptItem2.tmp#id269 ConceptItem2.tmp#id271 ConceptItem2.tmp#id273 ConceptItem2.tmp#id275 ConceptItem2.tmp#id276 ConceptItem2.tmp#id277 ConceptItem0.tmp#id278 ConceptItem2.tmp#id282
content: complex
Used by
Complex Type ConceptWEventType
Element event
Model dates , occurStatus{0,1} , newsCoverageStatus{0,1} , (registration | accessStatus | participationRequirement | subject | location | participant | organiser | contactInfo | language | newsCoverage) , ANY element from ANY namespace OTHER than ''
Children accessStatus, contactInfo, dates, language, location, newsCoverage, newsCoverageStatus, occurStatus, organiser, participant, participationRequirement, registration, subject
  <occurStatus creator="" dir="" id="" xml:lang="" modified="" qcode="">{0,1}</occurStatus>
  <newsCoverageStatus creator="" dir="" id="" xml:lang="" modified="" qcode="">{0,1}</newsCoverageStatus>
<xs:element name="eventDetails">
    <xs:documentation>A set of properties with details about an event</xs:documentation>
      <xs:documentation>The type with details specific to an event</xs:documentation>
      <xs:element name="dates">
          <xs:documentation>All dates pertaining to the event, in particular the start and end date and any recurrence information</xs:documentation>
            <xs:element name="start" type="ApproximateDateTimePropType">
                <xs:documentation>The date the event commences.</xs:documentation>
            <xs:choice minOccurs="0">
              <xs:element name="end" type="ApproximateDateTimePropType">
                  <xs:documentation>The date the event ends.</xs:documentation>
              <xs:element name="duration" type="xs:duration">
                  <xs:documentation>The period the event will last.</xs:documentation>
            <xs:group ref="RecurrenceGroup" minOccurs="0"/>
            <xs:element name="confirmation" type="QCodePropType" minOccurs="0">
                <xs:documentation>Flags to indicate if start and/or end date and times are confirmed.</xs:documentation>
      <xs:element name="occurStatus" type="QualPropType" minOccurs="0">
          <xs:documentation>Indicates the certainty of the occurrence of the event</xs:documentation>
      <xs:element name="newsCoverageStatus" type="QualPropType" minOccurs="0">
          <xs:documentation>The planning of the news coverage of the event</xs:documentation>
      <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <xs:element name="registration" type="BlockType">
            <xs:documentation>How and when to register for the event. Could also include information about cost, and so on. May also hold accreditation information</xs:documentation>
        <xs:element name="accessStatus" type="QualPropType">
            <xs:documentation>Indication of the accessibility of the event</xs:documentation>
        <xs:element name="participationRequirement">
            <xs:documentation>A requirement for participating in the event</xs:documentation>
              <xs:extension base="Flex1PropType">
                <xs:attribute name="role" type="QCodeType">
                    <xs:documentation>Refinement of the semantics of the property</xs:documentation>
        <xs:element name="subject" type="Flex1ConceptPropType">
            <xs:documentation>A subject covered by the event.</xs:documentation>
        <xs:element name="location">
            <xs:documentation>A location (geographical area or point of interest) the even takes place</xs:documentation>
              <xs:extension base="FlexLocationPropType">
                <xs:attribute name="role">
                    <xs:documentation>Refinement of the semantics of the location regarding the event</xs:documentation>
        <xs:element name="participant" type="Flex1PartyPropType">
            <xs:documentation>A person or organisation (e.g. group of artists) participating in the event.</xs:documentation>
        <xs:element name="organiser" type="Flex1PartyPropType">
            <xs:documentation>A person or organisation organising the event.</xs:documentation>
        <xs:element name="contactInfo" type="ContactInfoType">
            <xs:documentation>Primary information for the public to get in contact with the event.</xs:documentation>
        <xs:element ref="language">
            <xs:documentation>A language used at the event. The language used to report about the event may be different.</xs:documentation>
        <xs:element name="newsCoverage">
            <xs:documentation>Information about the intended coverage by the news provider of this event information. This information is aimed at the editorial staff of the receiver</xs:documentation>
              <xs:element name="g2contentType" minOccurs="0">
                  <xs:documentation>The kind of planned G2 item(s)</xs:documentation>
                    <xs:extension base="xs:string">
                      <xs:attributeGroup ref="editAttributes"/>
              <xs:element ref="itemClass" minOccurs="0"/>
              <xs:element name="assignedTo" type="Flex1PartyPropType" minOccurs="0">
                  <xs:documentation>The party which is assigned to cover the event and produce the planned G2 item.</xs:documentation>
              <xs:element name="scheduled" type="ApproximateDateTimePropType" minOccurs="0">
                  <xs:documentation>The scheduled time of delivery for the planned G2 item(s).</xs:documentation>
              <xs:element name="service" type="QualPropType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
                  <xs:documentation>An editorial service by which the planned G2 item will be distributed.</xs:documentation>
              <xs:element name="edNote" type="BlockType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
                  <xs:documentation>Additional natural language information about the planned coverage addressed to the editorial people receiving and processing the item.</xs:documentation>
              <xs:group ref="DescriptiveMetadataGroup" minOccurs="0"/>
              <xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
                  <xs:documentation>Extension point for any provider specific properties for news coverage</xs:documentation>
            <xs:attributeGroup ref="editAttributes"/>
            <xs:attribute name="role" type="QCodeType">
                <xs:documentation>A refinement of the semantics of the property</xs:documentation>
            <xs:anyAttribute namespace="##other"/>
      <xs:any namespace="##other" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
          <xs:documentation>Extension point for any provider specific properties</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/C:/Users/mihai/Desktop/EventsML-G2_1.1/1.1/specification/EventsML-G2_1.1-spec-Framework-Power.xsd
Element eventDetails/dates
All dates pertaining to the event, in particular the start and end date and any recurrence information
Diagram ConceptItem2.tmp#id227 ConceptItem2.tmp#id232 ConceptItem2.tmp#id233 ConceptItem0.tmp#id235 ConceptItem0.tmp#id237 ConceptItem0.tmp#id262 ConceptItem0.tmp#id263 ConceptItem0.tmp#id234 ConceptItem2.tmp#id264
content: complex
Model start , (end | duration) , (rDate | rRule) , (exDate | exRule) , confirmation{0,1}
Children confirmation, duration, end, exDate, exRule, rDate, rRule, start
  <start approxend="" approxstart="" creator="" id="" modified="">{1,1}</start>
  <confirmation creator="" id="" modified="" qcode="">{0,1}</confirmation>
<xs:element name="dates">
    <xs:documentation>All dates pertaining to the event, in particular the start and end date and any recurrence information</xs:documentation>
      <xs:element name="start" type="ApproximateDateTimePropType">
          <xs:documentation>The date the event commences.</xs:documentation>
      <xs:choice minOccurs="0">
        <xs:element name="end" type="ApproximateDateTimePropType">
            <xs:documentation>The date the event ends.</xs:documentation>
        <xs:element name="duration" type="xs:duration">
            <xs:documentation>The period the event will last.</xs:documentation>
      <xs:group ref="RecurrenceGroup" minOccurs="0"/>
      <xs:element name="confirmation" type="QCodePropType" minOccurs="0">
          <xs:documentation>Flags to indicate if start and/or end date and times are confirmed.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/C:/Users/mihai/Desktop/EventsML-G2_1.1/1.1/specification/EventsML-G2_1.1-spec-Framework-Power.xsd
Element dates/eventDetails/start
The date the event commences.
Diagram ConceptItem0.tmp#id229 ConceptItem0.tmp#id16 ConceptItem0.tmp#id230 ConceptItem0.tmp#id231 ConceptItem0.tmp#id228
Type ApproximateDateTimePropType
Type hierarchy
content: complex
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
ANY attribute from ANY namespace OTHER than ''
approxend TruncatedDateTimeType optional
The date (and optionally the time) at which the approximation range ends.
approxstart TruncatedDateTimeType optional
The date (and optionally time) at which the approximation range begins.
creator QCodeType optional
If the element is empty, specifies which entity (person, organisation or system) will edit the property. If the element is non-empty, specifies which entity (person, organisation or system) has edited the property.
id xs:ID optional
The local identifier of the property.
modified DateOptTimeType optional
The date (and, optionally, the time) when the property was last modified. The initial value is the date (and, optionally, the time) of creation of the property.
<xs:element name="start" type="ApproximateDateTimePropType">
    <xs:documentation>The date the event commences.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/C:/Users/mihai/Desktop/EventsML-G2_1.1/1.1/specification/EventsML-G2_1.1-spec-Framework-Power.xsd
Element dates/eventDetails/end
The date the event ends.
Diagram ConceptItem0.tmp#id229 ConceptItem0.tmp#id16 ConceptItem0.tmp#id230 ConceptItem0.tmp#id231 ConceptItem0.tmp#id228
Type ApproximateDateTimePropType
Type hierarchy
content: complex
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
ANY attribute from ANY namespace OTHER than ''
approxend TruncatedDateTimeType optional
The date (and optionally the time) at which the approximation range ends.
approxstart TruncatedDateTimeType optional
The date (and optionally time) at which the approximation range begins.
creator QCodeType optional
If the element is empty, specifies which entity (person, organisation or system) will edit the property. If the element is non-empty, specifies which entity (person, organisation or system) has edited the property.
id xs:ID optional
The local identifier of the property.
modified DateOptTimeType optional
The date (and, optionally, the time) when the property was last modified. The initial value is the date (and, optionally, the time) of creation of the property.
<xs:element name="end" type="ApproximateDateTimePropType">
    <xs:documentation>The date the event ends.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/C:/Users/mihai/Desktop/EventsML-G2_1.1/1.1/specification/EventsML-G2_1.1-spec-Framework-Power.xsd
Element dates/eventDetails/duration
The period the event will last.
Type xs:duration
content: simple
<xs:element name="duration" type="xs:duration">
    <xs:documentation>The period the event will last.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/C:/Users/mihai/Desktop/EventsML-G2_1.1/1.1/specification/EventsML-G2_1.1-spec-Framework-Power.xsd
Element dates/eventDetails/confirmation
Flags to indicate if start and/or end date and times are confirmed.
Diagram ConceptItem0.tmp#id86 ConceptItem0.tmp#id16 ConceptItem0.tmp#id85
Type QCodePropType
content: complex
minOccurs: 0
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
ANY attribute from ANY namespace OTHER than ''
creator QCodeType optional
If the element is empty, specifies which entity (person, organisation or system) will edit the property. If the element is non-empty, specifies which entity (person, organisation or system) has edited the property.
id xs:ID optional
The local identifier of the property.
modified DateOptTimeType optional
The date (and, optionally, the time) when the property was last modified. The initial value is the date (and, optionally, the time) of creation of the property.
qcode QCodeType required
A qualified code which identifies a concept.
<xs:element name="confirmation" type="QCodePropType" minOccurs="0">
    <xs:documentation>Flags to indicate if start and/or end date and times are confirmed.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/C:/Users/mihai/Desktop/EventsML-G2_1.1/1.1/specification/EventsML-G2_1.1-spec-Framework-Power.xsd
Element eventDetails/occurStatus
Indicates the certainty of the occurrence of the event
Diagram ConceptItem0.tmp#id86 ConceptItem0.tmp#id16 ConceptItem0.tmp#id85 ConceptItem0.tmp#id22 ConceptItem0.tmp#id56 ConceptItem0.tmp#id148
Type QualPropType
Type hierarchy
content: complex
minOccurs: 0
Model name*
Children name
<occurStatus creator="" dir="" id="" xml:lang="" modified="" qcode="">
  <name creator="" dir="" id="" xml:lang="" modified="" part="" role="" validfrom="" validto="">{0,unbounded}</name>
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
ANY attribute from ANY namespace OTHER than ''
creator QCodeType optional
If the element is empty, specifies which entity (person, organisation or system) will edit the property. If the element is non-empty, specifies which entity (person, organisation or system) has edited the property.
dir restriction of xs:string optional
The directionality of textual content.
id xs:ID optional
The local identifier of the property.
modified DateOptTimeType optional
The date (and, optionally, the time) when the property was last modified. The initial value is the date (and, optionally, the time) of creation of the property.
qcode QCodeType required
A qualified code which identifies a concept.
xml:lang union of(xs:language, restriction of xs:string) optional
Attempting to install the relevant ISO 2- and 3-letter
         codes as the enumerated possible values is probably never
         going to be a realistic possibility.  See
         RFC 3066 at and the IANA registry
         at for
         further information.

         The union allows for the 'un-declaration' of xml:lang with
         the empty string.
<xs:element name="occurStatus" type="QualPropType" minOccurs="0">
    <xs:documentation>Indicates the certainty of the occurrence of the event</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/C:/Users/mihai/Desktop/EventsML-G2_1.1/1.1/specification/EventsML-G2_1.1-spec-Framework-Power.xsd
Element eventDetails/newsCoverageStatus
The planning of the news coverage of the event
Diagram ConceptItem0.tmp#id86 ConceptItem0.tmp#id16 ConceptItem0.tmp#id85 ConceptItem0.tmp#id22 ConceptItem0.tmp#id56 ConceptItem0.tmp#id148
Type QualPropType
Type hierarchy
content: complex
minOccurs: 0
Model name*
Children name
<newsCoverageStatus creator="" dir="" id="" xml:lang="" modified="" qcode="">
  <name creator="" dir="" id="" xml:lang="" modified="" part="" role="" validfrom="" validto="">{0,unbounded}</name>
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
ANY attribute from ANY namespace OTHER than ''
creator QCodeType optional
If the element is empty, specifies which entity (person, organisation or system) will edit the property. If the element is non-empty, specifies which entity (person, organisation or system) has edited the property.
dir restriction of xs:string optional
The directionality of textual content.
id xs:ID optional
The local identifier of the property.
modified DateOptTimeType optional
The date (and, optionally, the time) when the property was last modified. The initial value is the date (and, optionally, the time) of creation of the property.
qcode QCodeType required
A qualified code which identifies a concept.
xml:lang union of(xs:language, restriction of xs:string) optional
Attempting to install the relevant ISO 2- and 3-letter
         codes as the enumerated possible values is probably never
         going to be a realistic possibility.  See
         RFC 3066 at and the IANA registry
         at for
         further information.

         The union allows for the 'un-declaration' of xml:lang with
         the empty string.
<xs:element name="newsCoverageStatus" type="QualPropType" minOccurs="0">
    <xs:documentation>The planning of the news coverage of the event</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/C:/Users/mihai/Desktop/EventsML-G2_1.1/1.1/specification/EventsML-G2_1.1-spec-Framework-Power.xsd
Element eventDetails/registration
How and when to register for the event. Could also include information about cost, and
so on. May also hold accreditation information
Diagram ConceptItem0.tmp#id16 ConceptItem0.tmp#id22 ConceptItem0.tmp#id67 ConceptItem0.tmp#id68 ConceptItem0.tmp#id9 ConceptItem0.tmp#id11 ConceptItem0.tmp#id12 ConceptItem0.tmp#id66 ConceptItem0.tmp#id10 ConceptItem0.tmp#id65
Type BlockType
content: complex
mixed: true
Model a | span | ruby | br | inline | ANY element from ANY namespace OTHER than ''
Children a, br, inline, ruby, span
<registration creator="" dir="" id="" xml:lang="" media="" modified="" role="">
  <a class="" creator="" dir="" href="" hreflang="" id="" xml:lang="" modified="" rel="" rev="">{1,1}</a>
  <span class="" creator="" dir="" id="" xml:lang="" modified="">{1,1}</span>
  <ruby creator="" dir="" id="" xml:lang="" modified="">{1,1}</ruby>
  <inline class="" confidence="" creator="" dir="" id="" xml:lang="" literal="" modified="" qcode="" relevance="" type="" why="">{1,1}</inline>
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
ANY attribute from ANY namespace OTHER than ''
creator QCodeType optional
If the element is empty, specifies which entity (person, organisation or system) will edit the property. If the element is non-empty, specifies which entity (person, organisation or system) has edited the property.
dir restriction of xs:string optional
The directionality of textual content.
id xs:ID optional
The local identifier of the property.
media xs:NMTOKENS optional
modified DateOptTimeType optional
The date (and, optionally, the time) when the property was last modified. The initial value is the date (and, optionally, the time) of creation of the property.
role QCodeListType optional
A refinement of the semantics of the block.
xml:lang union of(xs:language, restriction of xs:string) optional
Attempting to install the relevant ISO 2- and 3-letter
         codes as the enumerated possible values is probably never
         going to be a realistic possibility.  See
         RFC 3066 at and the IANA registry
         at for
         further information.

         The union allows for the 'un-declaration' of xml:lang with
         the empty string.
<xs:element name="registration" type="BlockType">
    <xs:documentation>How and when to register for the event. Could also include information about cost, and so on. May also hold accreditation information</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/C:/Users/mihai/Desktop/EventsML-G2_1.1/1.1/specification/EventsML-G2_1.1-spec-Framework-Power.xsd
Element eventDetails/accessStatus
Indication of the accessibility of the event
Diagram ConceptItem0.tmp#id86 ConceptItem0.tmp#id16 ConceptItem0.tmp#id85 ConceptItem0.tmp#id22 ConceptItem0.tmp#id56 ConceptItem0.tmp#id148
Type QualPropType
Type hierarchy
content: complex
Model name*
Children name
<accessStatus creator="" dir="" id="" xml:lang="" modified="" qcode="">
  <name creator="" dir="" id="" xml:lang="" modified="" part="" role="" validfrom="" validto="">{0,unbounded}</name>
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
ANY attribute from ANY namespace OTHER than ''
creator QCodeType optional
If the element is empty, specifies which entity (person, organisation or system) will edit the property. If the element is non-empty, specifies which entity (person, organisation or system) has edited the property.
dir restriction of xs:string optional
The directionality of textual content.
id xs:ID optional
The local identifier of the property.
modified DateOptTimeType optional
The date (and, optionally, the time) when the property was last modified. The initial value is the date (and, optionally, the time) of creation of the property.
qcode QCodeType required
A qualified code which identifies a concept.
xml:lang union of(xs:language, restriction of xs:string) optional
Attempting to install the relevant ISO 2- and 3-letter
         codes as the enumerated possible values is probably never
         going to be a realistic possibility.  See
         RFC 3066 at and the IANA registry
         at for
         further information.

         The union allows for the 'un-declaration' of xml:lang with
         the empty string.
<xs:element name="accessStatus" type="QualPropType">
    <xs:documentation>Indication of the accessibility of the event</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/C:/Users/mihai/Desktop/EventsML-G2_1.1/1.1/specification/EventsML-G2_1.1-spec-Framework-Power.xsd
Element eventDetails/participationRequirement
A requirement for participating in the event
Diagram ConceptItem0.tmp#id26 ConceptItem0.tmp#id16 ConceptItem0.tmp#id22 ConceptItem0.tmp#id56 ConceptItem0.tmp#id64 ConceptItem0.tmp#id69 ConceptItem0.tmp#id70 ConceptItem0.tmp#id55 ConceptItem0.tmp#id74 ConceptItem0.tmp#id76 ConceptItem0.tmp#id80 ConceptItem0.tmp#id81 ConceptItem0.tmp#id73 ConceptItem0.tmp#id127 ConceptItem2.tmp#id270
Type extension of Flex1PropType
Type hierarchy
content: complex
Model (name | definition | note | facet) , (sameAs | broader | narrower | related) , ANY element from ANY namespace OTHER than ''
Children broader, definition, facet, name, narrower, note, related, sameAs
<participationRequirement creator="" dir="" id="" xml:lang="" literal="" modified="" qcode="" role="" type="">
  <name creator="" dir="" id="" xml:lang="" modified="" part="" role="" validfrom="" validto="">{1,1}</name>
  <definition creator="" dir="" id="" xml:lang="" media="" modified="" role="" validfrom="" validto="">{1,1}</definition>
  <note creator="" dir="" id="" xml:lang="" media="" modified="" role="" validfrom="" validto="">{1,1}</note>
  <facet creator="" dir="" id="" xml:lang="" literal="" modified="" qcode="" rel="" type="" validfrom="" validto="">{1,1}</facet>
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
ANY attribute from ANY namespace OTHER than ''
creator QCodeType optional
If the element is empty, specifies which entity (person, organisation or system) will edit the property. If the element is non-empty, specifies which entity (person, organisation or system) has edited the property.
dir restriction of xs:string optional
The directionality of textual content.
id xs:ID optional
The local identifier of the property.
literal xs:normalizedString optional
A free-text value assigned as property value.
modified DateOptTimeType optional
The date (and, optionally, the time) when the property was last modified. The initial value is the date (and, optionally, the time) of creation of the property.
qcode QCodeType optional
A qualified code which identifies a concept.
role QCodeType optional
Refinement of the semantics of the property
type QCodeType optional
The type of the concept assigned as controlled property value.
xml:lang union of(xs:language, restriction of xs:string) optional
Attempting to install the relevant ISO 2- and 3-letter
         codes as the enumerated possible values is probably never
         going to be a realistic possibility.  See
         RFC 3066 at and the IANA registry
         at for
         further information.

         The union allows for the 'un-declaration' of xml:lang with
         the empty string.
<xs:element name="participationRequirement">
    <xs:documentation>A requirement for participating in the event</xs:documentation>
      <xs:extension base="Flex1PropType">
        <xs:attribute name="role" type="QCodeType">
            <xs:documentation>Refinement of the semantics of the property</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/C:/Users/mihai/Desktop/EventsML-G2_1.1/1.1/specification/EventsML-G2_1.1-spec-Framework-Power.xsd
Element eventDetails/subject
A subject covered by the event.
Diagram ConceptItem0.tmp#id26 ConceptItem0.tmp#id16 ConceptItem0.tmp#id22 ConceptItem0.tmp#id56 ConceptItem0.tmp#id64 ConceptItem0.tmp#id69 ConceptItem0.tmp#id70 ConceptItem0.tmp#id55 ConceptItem0.tmp#id74 ConceptItem0.tmp#id76 ConceptItem0.tmp#id80 ConceptItem0.tmp#id81 ConceptItem0.tmp#id73 ConceptItem0.tmp#id127 ConceptItem0.tmp#id30 ConceptItem0.tmp#id83 ConceptItem0.tmp#id272
Type Flex1ConceptPropType
Type hierarchy
content: complex
Model (name | definition | note | facet) , (sameAs | broader | narrower | related) , ANY element from ANY namespace OTHER than '' , bag{0,1}
Children bag, broader, definition, facet, name, narrower, note, related, sameAs
<subject confidence="" creator="" dir="" id="" xml:lang="" literal="" modified="" qcode="" relevance="" type="" why="">
  <name creator="" dir="" id="" xml:lang="" modified="" part="" role="" validfrom="" validto="">{1,1}</name>
  <definition creator="" dir="" id="" xml:lang="" media="" modified="" role="" validfrom="" validto="">{1,1}</definition>
  <note creator="" dir="" id="" xml:lang="" media="" modified="" role="" validfrom="" validto="">{1,1}</note>
  <facet creator="" dir="" id="" xml:lang="" literal="" modified="" qcode="" rel="" type="" validfrom="" validto="">{1,1}</facet>
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
ANY attribute from ANY namespace OTHER than ''
confidence Int100Type optional
The confidence with which the metadata has been assigned.
creator QCodeType optional
If the element is empty, specifies which entity (person, organisation or system) will edit the property. If the element is non-empty, specifies which entity (person, organisation or system) has edited the property.
dir restriction of xs:string optional
The directionality of textual content.
id xs:ID optional
The local identifier of the property.
literal xs:normalizedString optional
A free-text value assigned as property value.
modified DateOptTimeType optional
The date (and, optionally, the time) when the property was last modified. The initial value is the date (and, optionally, the time) of creation of the property.
qcode QCodeType optional
A qualified code which identifies a concept.
relevance Int100Type optional
The relevance of the metadata to the news content to which it is attached.
type QCodeType optional
The type of the concept assigned as controlled property value.
why QCodeType optional
Why the metadata has been included.
xml:lang union of(xs:language, restriction of xs:string) optional
Attempting to install the relevant ISO 2- and 3-letter
         codes as the enumerated possible values is probably never
         going to be a realistic possibility.  See
         RFC 3066 at and the IANA registry
         at for
         further information.

         The union allows for the 'un-declaration' of xml:lang with
         the empty string.
<xs:element name="subject" type="Flex1ConceptPropType">
    <xs:documentation>A subject covered by the event.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/C:/Users/mihai/Desktop/EventsML-G2_1.1/1.1/specification/EventsML-G2_1.1-spec-Framework-Power.xsd
Element eventDetails/location
A location (geographical area or point of interest) the even takes place
Diagram ConceptItem0.tmp#id26 ConceptItem0.tmp#id16 ConceptItem0.tmp#id22 ConceptItem0.tmp#id56 ConceptItem0.tmp#id64 ConceptItem0.tmp#id69 ConceptItem0.tmp#id70 ConceptItem0.tmp#id55 ConceptItem0.tmp#id74 ConceptItem0.tmp#id76 ConceptItem0.tmp#id80 ConceptItem0.tmp#id81 ConceptItem0.tmp#id73 ConceptItem0.tmp#id100 ConceptItem0.tmp#id107 ConceptItem0.tmp#id99 ConceptItem2.tmp#id274
Type extension of FlexLocationPropType
Type hierarchy
content: complex
Model (name | definition | note | facet) , (sameAs | broader | narrower | related) , (geoAreaDetails | POIDetails) , ANY element from ANY namespace OTHER than ''
Children POIDetails, broader, definition, facet, geoAreaDetails, name, narrower, note, related, sameAs
<location creator="" dir="" id="" xml:lang="" literal="" modified="" qcode="" role="" type="">
  <name creator="" dir="" id="" xml:lang="" modified="" part="" role="" validfrom="" validto="">{1,1}</name>
  <definition creator="" dir="" id="" xml:lang="" media="" modified="" role="" validfrom="" validto="">{1,1}</definition>
  <note creator="" dir="" id="" xml:lang="" media="" modified="" role="" validfrom="" validto="">{1,1}</note>
  <facet creator="" dir="" id="" xml:lang="" literal="" modified="" qcode="" rel="" type="" validfrom="" validto="">{1,1}</facet>
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
ANY attribute from ANY namespace OTHER than ''
creator QCodeType optional
If the element is empty, specifies which entity (person, organisation or system) will edit the property. If the element is non-empty, specifies which entity (person, organisation or system) has edited the property.
dir restriction of xs:string optional
The directionality of textual content.
id xs:ID optional
The local identifier of the property.
literal xs:normalizedString optional
A free-text value assigned as property value.
modified DateOptTimeType optional
The date (and, optionally, the time) when the property was last modified. The initial value is the date (and, optionally, the time) of creation of the property.
qcode QCodeType optional
A qualified code which identifies a concept.
role optional
Refinement of the semantics of the location regarding the event
type QCodeType optional
The type of the concept assigned as controlled property value.
xml:lang union of(xs:language, restriction of xs:string) optional
Attempting to install the relevant ISO 2- and 3-letter
         codes as the enumerated possible values is probably never
         going to be a realistic possibility.  See
         RFC 3066 at and the IANA registry
         at for
         further information.

         The union allows for the 'un-declaration' of xml:lang with
         the empty string.
<xs:element name="location">
    <xs:documentation>A location (geographical area or point of interest) the even takes place</xs:documentation>
      <xs:extension base="FlexLocationPropType">
        <xs:attribute name="role">
            <xs:documentation>Refinement of the semantics of the location regarding the event</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/C:/Users/mihai/Desktop/EventsML-G2_1.1/1.1/specification/EventsML-G2_1.1-spec-Framework-Power.xsd
Element eventDetails/participant
A person or organisation (e.g. group of artists) participating in the event.
Diagram ConceptItem0.tmp#id26 ConceptItem0.tmp#id16 ConceptItem0.tmp#id22 ConceptItem0.tmp#id56 ConceptItem0.tmp#id64 ConceptItem0.tmp#id69 ConceptItem0.tmp#id70 ConceptItem0.tmp#id55 ConceptItem0.tmp#id74 ConceptItem0.tmp#id76 ConceptItem0.tmp#id80 ConceptItem0.tmp#id81 ConceptItem0.tmp#id73 ConceptItem0.tmp#id87 ConceptItem0.tmp#id95 ConceptItem0.tmp#id138 ConceptItem0.tmp#id201 ConceptItem0.tmp#id200
Type Flex1PartyPropType
Type hierarchy
content: complex
Model (name | definition | note | facet) , (sameAs | broader | narrower | related) , (personDetails | organisationDetails) , ANY element from ANY namespace OTHER than ''
Children broader, definition, facet, name, narrower, note, organisationDetails, personDetails, related, sameAs
<participant creator="" dir="" id="" xml:lang="" literal="" modified="" qcode="" role="" type="">
  <name creator="" dir="" id="" xml:lang="" modified="" part="" role="" validfrom="" validto="">{1,1}</name>
  <definition creator="" dir="" id="" xml:lang="" media="" modified="" role="" validfrom="" validto="">{1,1}</definition>
  <note creator="" dir="" id="" xml:lang="" media="" modified="" role="" validfrom="" validto="">{1,1}</note>
  <facet creator="" dir="" id="" xml:lang="" literal="" modified="" qcode="" rel="" type="" validfrom="" validto="">{1,1}</facet>
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
ANY attribute from ANY namespace OTHER than ''
creator QCodeType optional
If the element is empty, specifies which entity (person, organisation or system) will edit the property. If the element is non-empty, specifies which entity (person, organisation or system) has edited the property.
dir restriction of xs:string optional
The directionality of textual content.
id xs:ID optional
The local identifier of the property.
literal xs:normalizedString optional
A free-text value assigned as property value.
modified DateOptTimeType optional
The date (and, optionally, the time) when the property was last modified. The initial value is the date (and, optionally, the time) of creation of the property.
qcode QCodeType optional
A qualified code which identifies a concept.
role QCodeListType optional
A refinement of the semantics of the property.
type QCodeType optional
The type of the concept assigned as controlled property value.
xml:lang union of(xs:language, restriction of xs:string) optional
Attempting to install the relevant ISO 2- and 3-letter
         codes as the enumerated possible values is probably never
         going to be a realistic possibility.  See
         RFC 3066 at and the IANA registry
         at for
         further information.

         The union allows for the 'un-declaration' of xml:lang with
         the empty string.
<xs:element name="participant" type="Flex1PartyPropType">
    <xs:documentation>A person or organisation (e.g. group of artists) participating in the event.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/C:/Users/mihai/Desktop/EventsML-G2_1.1/1.1/specification/EventsML-G2_1.1-spec-Framework-Power.xsd
Element eventDetails/organiser
A person or organisation organising the event.
Diagram ConceptItem0.tmp#id26 ConceptItem0.tmp#id16 ConceptItem0.tmp#id22 ConceptItem0.tmp#id56 ConceptItem0.tmp#id64 ConceptItem0.tmp#id69 ConceptItem0.tmp#id70 ConceptItem0.tmp#id55 ConceptItem0.tmp#id74 ConceptItem0.tmp#id76 ConceptItem0.tmp#id80 ConceptItem0.tmp#id81 ConceptItem0.tmp#id73 ConceptItem0.tmp#id87 ConceptItem0.tmp#id95 ConceptItem0.tmp#id138 ConceptItem0.tmp#id201 ConceptItem0.tmp#id200
Type Flex1PartyPropType
Type hierarchy
content: complex
Model (name | definition | note | facet) , (sameAs | broader | narrower | related) , (personDetails | organisationDetails) , ANY element from ANY namespace OTHER than ''
Children broader, definition, facet, name, narrower, note, organisationDetails, personDetails, related, sameAs
<organiser creator="" dir="" id="" xml:lang="" literal="" modified="" qcode="" role="" type="">
  <name creator="" dir="" id="" xml:lang="" modified="" part="" role="" validfrom="" validto="">{1,1}</name>
  <definition creator="" dir="" id="" xml:lang="" media="" modified="" role="" validfrom="" validto="">{1,1}</definition>
  <note creator="" dir="" id="" xml:lang="" media="" modified="" role="" validfrom="" validto="">{1,1}</note>
  <facet creator="" dir="" id="" xml:lang="" literal="" modified="" qcode="" rel="" type="" validfrom="" validto="">{1,1}</facet>
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
ANY attribute from ANY namespace OTHER than ''
creator QCodeType optional
If the element is empty, specifies which entity (person, organisation or system) will edit the property. If the element is non-empty, specifies which entity (person, organisation or system) has edited the property.
dir restriction of xs:string optional
The directionality of textual content.
id xs:ID optional
The local identifier of the property.
literal xs:normalizedString optional
A free-text value assigned as property value.
modified DateOptTimeType optional
The date (and, optionally, the time) when the property was last modified. The initial value is the date (and, optionally, the time) of creation of the property.
qcode QCodeType optional
A qualified code which identifies a concept.
role QCodeListType optional
A refinement of the semantics of the property.
type QCodeType optional
The type of the concept assigned as controlled property value.
xml:lang union of(xs:language, restriction of xs:string) optional
Attempting to install the relevant ISO 2- and 3-letter
         codes as the enumerated possible values is probably never
         going to be a realistic possibility.  See
         RFC 3066 at and the IANA registry
         at for
         further information.

         The union allows for the 'un-declaration' of xml:lang with
         the empty string.
<xs:element name="organiser" type="Flex1PartyPropType">
    <xs:documentation>A person or organisation organising the event.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/C:/Users/mihai/Desktop/EventsML-G2_1.1/1.1/specification/EventsML-G2_1.1-spec-Framework-Power.xsd
Element eventDetails/contactInfo
Primary information for the public to get in contact with the event.
Diagram ConceptItem0.tmp#id132 ConceptItem0.tmp#id113 ConceptItem0.tmp#id116 ConceptItem0.tmp#id120 ConceptItem0.tmp#id121 ConceptItem0.tmp#id122 ConceptItem0.tmp#id124 ConceptItem0.tmp#id69 ConceptItem0.tmp#id112
Type ContactInfoType
content: complex
Model (email | im | phone | fax | web | address | note) , ANY element from ANY namespace OTHER than ''
Children address, email, fax, im, note, phone, web
<contactInfo role="">
  <email role="">{1,1}</email>
  <im role="" tech="">{1,1}</im>
  <phone role="" tech="">{1,1}</phone>
  <fax role="">{1,1}</fax>
  <web role="">{1,1}</web>
  <address role="">{1,1}</address>
  <note creator="" dir="" id="" xml:lang="" media="" modified="" role="" validfrom="" validto="">{1,1}</note>
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
ANY attribute from ANY namespace OTHER than ''
role QCodeListType optional
A refinement of the semantics of a contact information.
<xs:element name="contactInfo" type="ContactInfoType">
    <xs:documentation>Primary information for the public to get in contact with the event.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/C:/Users/mihai/Desktop/EventsML-G2_1.1/1.1/specification/EventsML-G2_1.1-spec-Framework-Power.xsd
Element eventDetails/newsCoverage
Information about the intended coverage by the news provider of this event information.
This information is aimed at the editorial staff of the receiver
Diagram ConceptItem0.tmp#id16 ConceptItem2.tmp#id299 ConceptItem2.tmp#id283 ConceptItem0.tmp#id147 ConceptItem2.tmp#id284 ConceptItem2.tmp#id285 ConceptItem2.tmp#id286 ConceptItem2.tmp#id287 ConceptItem0.tmp#id278 ConceptItem0.tmp#id289 ConceptItem0.tmp#id290 ConceptItem0.tmp#id291 ConceptItem0.tmp#id294 ConceptItem0.tmp#id295 ConceptItem0.tmp#id296 ConceptItem0.tmp#id297 ConceptItem0.tmp#id298 ConceptItem0.tmp#id288
content: complex
Model g2contentType{0,1} , itemClass{0,1} , assignedTo{0,1} , scheduled{0,1} , service* , edNote* , (language | genre | subject | slugline | headline | dateline | by | creditline | description) , ANY element from ANY namespace OTHER than ''
Children assignedTo, by, creditline, dateline, description, edNote, g2contentType, genre, headline, itemClass, language, scheduled, service, slugline, subject
<newsCoverage creator="" id="" modified="" role="">
  <g2contentType creator="" id="" modified="">{0,1}</g2contentType>
  <itemClass creator="" dir="" id="" xml:lang="" modified="" qcode="">{0,1}</itemClass>
  <assignedTo creator="" dir="" id="" xml:lang="" literal="" modified="" qcode="" role="" type="">{0,1}</assignedTo>
  <scheduled approxend="" approxstart="" creator="" id="" modified="">{0,1}</scheduled>
  <service creator="" dir="" id="" xml:lang="" modified="" qcode="">{0,unbounded}</service>
  <edNote creator="" dir="" id="" xml:lang="" media="" modified="" role="">{0,unbounded}</edNote>
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
ANY attribute from ANY namespace OTHER than ''
creator QCodeType optional
If the element is empty, specifies which entity (person, organisation or system) will edit the property. If the element is non-empty, specifies which entity (person, organisation or system) has edited the property.
id xs:ID optional
The local identifier of the property.
modified DateOptTimeType optional
The date (and, optionally, the time) when the property was last modified. The initial value is the date (and, optionally, the time) of creation of the property.
role QCodeType optional
A refinement of the semantics of the property
<xs:element name="newsCoverage">
    <xs:documentation>Information about the intended coverage by the news provider of this event information. This information is aimed at the editorial staff of the receiver</xs:documentation>
      <xs:element name="g2contentType" minOccurs="0">
          <xs:documentation>The kind of planned G2 item(s)</xs:documentation>
            <xs:extension base="xs:string">
              <xs:attributeGroup ref="editAttributes"/>
      <xs:element ref="itemClass" minOccurs="0"/>
      <xs:element name="assignedTo" type="Flex1PartyPropType" minOccurs="0">
          <xs:documentation>The party which is assigned to cover the event and produce the planned G2 item.</xs:documentation>
      <xs:element name="scheduled" type="ApproximateDateTimePropType" minOccurs="0">
          <xs:documentation>The scheduled time of delivery for the planned G2 item(s).</xs:documentation>
      <xs:element name="service" type="QualPropType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
          <xs:documentation>An editorial service by which the planned G2 item will be distributed.</xs:documentation>
      <xs:element name="edNote" type="BlockType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
          <xs:documentation>Additional natural language information about the planned coverage addressed to the editorial people receiving and processing the item.</xs:documentation>
      <xs:group ref="DescriptiveMetadataGroup" minOccurs="0"/>
      <xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
          <xs:documentation>Extension point for any provider specific properties for news coverage</xs:documentation>
    <xs:attributeGroup ref="editAttributes"/>
    <xs:attribute name="role" type="QCodeType">
        <xs:documentation>A refinement of the semantics of the property</xs:documentation>
    <xs:anyAttribute namespace="##other"/>
Schema location file:/C:/Users/mihai/Desktop/EventsML-G2_1.1/1.1/specification/EventsML-G2_1.1-spec-Framework-Power.xsd
Element newsCoverage/eventDetails/g2contentType
The kind of planned G2 item(s)
Diagram ConceptItem0.tmp#id16
Type extension of xs:string
content: complex
minOccurs: 0
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
creator QCodeType optional
If the element is empty, specifies which entity (person, organisation or system) will edit the property. If the element is non-empty, specifies which entity (person, organisation or system) has edited the property.
id xs:ID optional
The local identifier of the property.
modified DateOptTimeType optional
The date (and, optionally, the time) when the property was last modified. The initial value is the date (and, optionally, the time) of creation of the property.
<xs:element name="g2contentType" minOccurs="0">
    <xs:documentation>The kind of planned G2 item(s)</xs:documentation>
      <xs:extension base="xs:string">
        <xs:attributeGroup ref="editAttributes"/>
Schema location file:/C:/Users/mihai/Desktop/EventsML-G2_1.1/1.1/specification/EventsML-G2_1.1-spec-Framework-Power.xsd
Element newsCoverage/eventDetails/assignedTo
The party which is assigned to cover the event and produce the planned G2 item.
Diagram ConceptItem0.tmp#id26 ConceptItem0.tmp#id16 ConceptItem0.tmp#id22 ConceptItem0.tmp#id56 ConceptItem0.tmp#id64 ConceptItem0.tmp#id69 ConceptItem0.tmp#id70 ConceptItem0.tmp#id55 ConceptItem0.tmp#id74 ConceptItem0.tmp#id76 ConceptItem0.tmp#id80 ConceptItem0.tmp#id81 ConceptItem0.tmp#id73 ConceptItem0.tmp#id87 ConceptItem0.tmp#id95 ConceptItem0.tmp#id138 ConceptItem0.tmp#id201 ConceptItem0.tmp#id200
Type Flex1PartyPropType
Type hierarchy
content: complex
minOccurs: 0
Model (name | definition | note | facet) , (sameAs | broader | narrower | related) , (personDetails | organisationDetails) , ANY element from ANY namespace OTHER than ''
Children broader, definition, facet, name, narrower, note, organisationDetails, personDetails, related, sameAs
<assignedTo creator="" dir="" id="" xml:lang="" literal="" modified="" qcode="" role="" type="">
  <name creator="" dir="" id="" xml:lang="" modified="" part="" role="" validfrom="" validto="">{1,1}</name>
  <definition creator="" dir="" id="" xml:lang="" media="" modified="" role="" validfrom="" validto="">{1,1}</definition>
  <note creator="" dir="" id="" xml:lang="" media="" modified="" role="" validfrom="" validto="">{1,1}</note>
  <facet creator="" dir="" id="" xml:lang="" literal="" modified="" qcode="" rel="" type="" validfrom="" validto="">{1,1}</facet>
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
ANY attribute from ANY namespace OTHER than ''
creator QCodeType optional
If the element is empty, specifies which entity (person, organisation or system) will edit the property. If the element is non-empty, specifies which entity (person, organisation or system) has edited the property.
dir restriction of xs:string optional
The directionality of textual content.
id xs:ID optional
The local identifier of the property.
literal xs:normalizedString optional
A free-text value assigned as property value.
modified DateOptTimeType optional
The date (and, optionally, the time) when the property was last modified. The initial value is the date (and, optionally, the time) of creation of the property.
qcode QCodeType optional
A qualified code which identifies a concept.
role QCodeListType optional
A refinement of the semantics of the property.
type QCodeType optional
The type of the concept assigned as controlled property value.
xml:lang union of(xs:language, restriction of xs:string) optional
Attempting to install the relevant ISO 2- and 3-letter
         codes as the enumerated possible values is probably never
         going to be a realistic possibility.  See
         RFC 3066 at and the IANA registry
         at for
         further information.

         The union allows for the 'un-declaration' of xml:lang with
         the empty string.
<xs:element name="assignedTo" type="Flex1PartyPropType" minOccurs="0">
    <xs:documentation>The party which is assigned to cover the event and produce the planned G2 item.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/C:/Users/mihai/Desktop/EventsML-G2_1.1/1.1/specification/EventsML-G2_1.1-spec-Framework-Power.xsd
Element newsCoverage/eventDetails/scheduled
The scheduled time of delivery for the planned G2 item(s).
Diagram ConceptItem0.tmp#id229 ConceptItem0.tmp#id16 ConceptItem0.tmp#id230 ConceptItem0.tmp#id231 ConceptItem0.tmp#id228
Type ApproximateDateTimePropType
Type hierarchy
content: complex
minOccurs: 0
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
ANY attribute from ANY namespace OTHER than ''
approxend TruncatedDateTimeType optional
The date (and optionally the time) at which the approximation range ends.
approxstart TruncatedDateTimeType optional
The date (and optionally time) at which the approximation range begins.
creator QCodeType optional
If the element is empty, specifies which entity (person, organisation or system) will edit the property. If the element is non-empty, specifies which entity (person, organisation or system) has edited the property.
id xs:ID optional
The local identifier of the property.
modified DateOptTimeType optional
The date (and, optionally, the time) when the property was last modified. The initial value is the date (and, optionally, the time) of creation of the property.
<xs:element name="scheduled" type="ApproximateDateTimePropType" minOccurs="0">
    <xs:documentation>The scheduled time of delivery for the planned G2 item(s).</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/C:/Users/mihai/Desktop/EventsML-G2_1.1/1.1/specification/EventsML-G2_1.1-spec-Framework-Power.xsd
Element newsCoverage/eventDetails/service
An editorial service by which the planned G2 item will be distributed.
Diagram ConceptItem0.tmp#id86 ConceptItem0.tmp#id16 ConceptItem0.tmp#id85 ConceptItem0.tmp#id22 ConceptItem0.tmp#id56 ConceptItem0.tmp#id148
Type QualPropType
Type hierarchy
content: complex
minOccurs: 0
maxOccurs: unbounded
Model name*
Children name
<service creator="" dir="" id="" xml:lang="" modified="" qcode="">
  <name creator="" dir="" id="" xml:lang="" modified="" part="" role="" validfrom="" validto="">{0,unbounded}</name>
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
ANY attribute from ANY namespace OTHER than ''
creator QCodeType optional
If the element is empty, specifies which entity (person, organisation or system) will edit the property. If the element is non-empty, specifies which entity (person, organisation or system) has edited the property.
dir restriction of xs:string optional
The directionality of textual content.
id xs:ID optional
The local identifier of the property.
modified DateOptTimeType optional
The date (and, optionally, the time) when the property was last modified. The initial value is the date (and, optionally, the time) of creation of the property.
qcode QCodeType required
A qualified code which identifies a concept.
xml:lang union of(xs:language, restriction of xs:string) optional
Attempting to install the relevant ISO 2- and 3-letter
         codes as the enumerated possible values is probably never
         going to be a realistic possibility.  See
         RFC 3066 at and the IANA registry
         at for
         further information.

         The union allows for the 'un-declaration' of xml:lang with
         the empty string.
<xs:element name="service" type="QualPropType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:documentation>An editorial service by which the planned G2 item will be distributed.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/C:/Users/mihai/Desktop/EventsML-G2_1.1/1.1/specification/EventsML-G2_1.1-spec-Framework-Power.xsd
Element newsCoverage/eventDetails/edNote
Additional natural language information about the planned coverage addressed to the editorial people receiving and processing the item.
Diagram ConceptItem0.tmp#id16 ConceptItem0.tmp#id22 ConceptItem0.tmp#id67 ConceptItem0.tmp#id68 ConceptItem0.tmp#id9 ConceptItem0.tmp#id11 ConceptItem0.tmp#id12 ConceptItem0.tmp#id66 ConceptItem0.tmp#id10 ConceptItem0.tmp#id65
Type BlockType
content: complex
minOccurs: 0
maxOccurs: unbounded
mixed: true
Model a | span | ruby | br | inline | ANY element from ANY namespace OTHER than ''
Children a, br, inline, ruby, span
<edNote creator="" dir="" id="" xml:lang="" media="" modified="" role="">
  <a class="" creator="" dir="" href="" hreflang="" id="" xml:lang="" modified="" rel="" rev="">{1,1}</a>
  <span class="" creator="" dir="" id="" xml:lang="" modified="">{1,1}</span>
  <ruby creator="" dir="" id="" xml:lang="" modified="">{1,1}</ruby>
  <inline class="" confidence="" creator="" dir="" id="" xml:lang="" literal="" modified="" qcode="" relevance="" type="" why="">{1,1}</inline>
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
ANY attribute from ANY namespace OTHER than ''
creator QCodeType optional
If the element is empty, specifies which entity (person, organisation or system) will edit the property. If the element is non-empty, specifies which entity (person, organisation or system) has edited the property.
dir restriction of xs:string optional
The directionality of textual content.
id xs:ID optional
The local identifier of the property.
media xs:NMTOKENS optional
modified DateOptTimeType optional
The date (and, optionally, the time) when the property was last modified. The initial value is the date (and, optionally, the time) of creation of the property.
role QCodeListType optional
A refinement of the semantics of the block.
xml:lang union of(xs:language, restriction of xs:string) optional
Attempting to install the relevant ISO 2- and 3-letter
         codes as the enumerated possible values is probably never
         going to be a realistic possibility.  See
         RFC 3066 at and the IANA registry
         at for
         further information.

         The union allows for the 'un-declaration' of xml:lang with
         the empty string.
<xs:element name="edNote" type="BlockType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:documentation>Additional natural language information about the planned coverage addressed to the editorial people receiving and processing the item.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/C:/Users/mihai/Desktop/EventsML-G2_1.1/1.1/specification/EventsML-G2_1.1-spec-Framework-Power.xsd
Element event
Structured information about an event without a concept identifier
Diagram ConceptItem0.tmp#id56 ConceptItem0.tmp#id64 ConceptItem0.tmp#id69 ConceptItem0.tmp#id70 ConceptItem0.tmp#id74 ConceptItem0.tmp#id76 ConceptItem0.tmp#id80 ConceptItem0.tmp#id81 ConceptItem0.tmp#id73 ConceptItem2.tmp#id225
content: complex
Used by
Element events
Model name+ , (definition | note | facet) , (sameAs | broader | narrower | related) , eventDetails
Children broader, definition, eventDetails, facet, name, narrower, note, related, sameAs
  <name creator="" dir="" id="" xml:lang="" modified="" part="" role="" validfrom="" validto="">{1,unbounded}</name>
<xs:element name="event">
    <xs:documentation>Structured information about an event without a concept identifier</xs:documentation>
      <xs:element ref="name" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
      <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <xs:element ref="definition"/>
        <xs:element ref="note"/>
        <xs:element ref="facet"/>
      <xs:group ref="ConceptRelationshipsGroup"/>
      <xs:element ref="eventDetails"/>
Schema location file:/C:/Users/mihai/Desktop/EventsML-G2_1.1/1.1/specification/EventsML-G2_1.1-spec-Framework-Power.xsd
Element events
A wrapper for events in a News Item.
Diagram ConceptItem2.tmp#id300
content: complex
Model event+
Children event
<xs:element name="events">
    <xs:documentation>A wrapper for events in a News Item.</xs:documentation>
      <xs:element ref="event" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
Schema location file:/C:/Users/mihai/Desktop/EventsML-G2_1.1/1.1/specification/EventsML-G2_1.1-spec-Framework-Power.xsd
Complex Type ConceptWEventType
The type for a NAR based concept extended by eventDetails
Diagram ConceptItem0.tmp#id22 ConceptItem2.tmp#id219 ConceptItem2.tmp#id224 ConceptItem0.tmp#id56 ConceptItem0.tmp#id64 ConceptItem0.tmp#id69 ConceptItem0.tmp#id70 ConceptItem0.tmp#id74 ConceptItem0.tmp#id76 ConceptItem0.tmp#id80 ConceptItem0.tmp#id81 ConceptItem0.tmp#id73 ConceptItem0.tmp#id87 ConceptItem0.tmp#id95 ConceptItem0.tmp#id100 ConceptItem0.tmp#id107 ConceptItem2.tmp#id225
Used by
Model conceptId , type{0,1} , name+ , (definition | note | facet) , (sameAs | broader | narrower | related) , (personDetails | organisationDetails | geoAreaDetails | POIDetails | eventDetails) , ANY element from ANY namespace OTHER than ''
Children POIDetails, broader, conceptId, definition, eventDetails, facet, geoAreaDetails, name, narrower, note, organisationDetails, personDetails, related, sameAs, type
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
ANY attribute from ANY namespace OTHER than ''
dir restriction of xs:string optional
The directionality of textual content.
xml:lang union of(xs:language, restriction of xs:string) optional
Attempting to install the relevant ISO 2- and 3-letter
         codes as the enumerated possible values is probably never
         going to be a realistic possibility.  See
         RFC 3066 at and the IANA registry
         at for
         further information.

         The union allows for the 'un-declaration' of xml:lang with
         the empty string.
<xs:complexType name="ConceptWEventType">
    <xs:documentation>The type for a NAR based concept extended by eventDetails</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="conceptId" type="ConceptIdType">
        <xs:documentation>The preferred unambiguous identifier for the concept.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="type" type="QualPropType" minOccurs="0">
        <xs:documentation>The nature of the concept.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element ref="name" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
    <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
      <xs:element ref="definition"/>
      <xs:element ref="note"/>
      <xs:element ref="facet"/>
    <xs:group ref="ConceptRelationshipsGroup" minOccurs="0"/>
    <xs:choice minOccurs="0">
      <xs:element ref="personDetails"/>
      <xs:element ref="organisationDetails"/>
      <xs:element ref="geoAreaDetails"/>
      <xs:element ref="POIDetails"/>
      <xs:element ref="eventDetails"/>
    <xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
  <xs:attributeGroup ref="i18nAttributes"/>
  <xs:anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
Schema location file:/C:/Users/mihai/Desktop/EventsML-G2_1.1/1.1/specification/EventsML-G2_1.1-spec-Framework-Power.xsd
Attribute participationRequirement/eventDetails/@role
Namespace No namespace
Refinement of the semantics of the property
Type QCodeType
content: simple
pattern [^\s:]+:[^\s]+
Used by
<xs:attribute name="role" type="QCodeType">
    <xs:documentation>Refinement of the semantics of the property</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/C:/Users/mihai/Desktop/EventsML-G2_1.1/1.1/specification/EventsML-G2_1.1-spec-Framework-Power.xsd
Attribute location/eventDetails/@role
Namespace No namespace
Refinement of the semantics of the location regarding the event
Used by
<xs:attribute name="role">
    <xs:documentation>Refinement of the semantics of the location regarding the event</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/C:/Users/mihai/Desktop/EventsML-G2_1.1/1.1/specification/EventsML-G2_1.1-spec-Framework-Power.xsd
Attribute newsCoverage/eventDetails/@role
Namespace No namespace
A refinement of the semantics of the property
Type QCodeType
content: simple
pattern [^\s:]+:[^\s]+
Used by
<xs:attribute name="role" type="QCodeType">
    <xs:documentation>A refinement of the semantics of the property</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/C:/Users/mihai/Desktop/EventsML-G2_1.1/1.1/specification/EventsML-G2_1.1-spec-Framework-Power.xsd