[oXygen-user] oXygen 11 component changes

Syd Bauman
Tue Oct 13 09:42:27 CDT 2009

First off, let me say how happy I am with oXygen 11 overall. I am
especially tickled to have XPath content completion in Schematron.

That said (you knew there was a "but" coming, didn't you? :-), some
of the changes to the components are causing me at least confusion,
if not headaches. This is primarily because I have gotten into the
(bad?) habit of using oXygen's versions of some components from my
commandline rather installing them myself.

  Summary question: should I use oxygen/lib/jing.jar or the oNVDL from

I used to use onvdl.jar as a commandline RELAX NG and Schematron 1.5
validator (and, rarely, as an NVDL validator :-). I did this with
commands like
   java -jar /Applications/oxygen/lib/onvdl.jar -c schema.rnc file.xml
   java -jar /Applications/oxygen/lib/onvdl.jar schema.rng file.xml
   java -jar /Applications/oxygen/lib/onvdl.jar schema.sch file.xml

I don't remember exactly why I switched from using `jing` (20030619)
to oNVDL sometime ago -- but I considered some fix or improvement
George had made as important. This worked fine at least in oXygen 10,
and maybe earlier.

When I installed oXygen 11, though, I found that "the NVDL
implementation from oNVDL was moved to jing-trang". There is no
`jing-trang`, so I presume this means `jing` and `trang`. Does this
mean that oNVDL has been superseded, and I should use `jing` for my
commandline RELAXNG and Schematron 1.5 (and rarely NVDL) validation,
or that I should download oNVDL separately and use it?

Saxon 9
----- -
  Summary problem: "License file saxon-license.lic not found" when
  using oXygen's Saxon from commandline

I like to use a Saxon .jar file from oxygen/lib/ as my commandline
XSLT 2 processor. I started doing this with Saxon 8 in oXygen 8 or 9,
I think. As the names of the Saxon JAR files sometimes changed
between releases of oXygen, I would occasionally have to look in
oxygen/lib/ at the various *.jar files to figure out which was the
right one to use, and change my `saxon` shell script front-end

This time, when installing the new oXygen broke my `saxon` front end,
I dove into oxygen/lib/ and found only 2 possible choices:
`saxon.jar` and `saxon9ee.jar`. It didn't take long to figure out
that the former is Saxon 6, so I used the latter (remember, this is
for XSLT 2 processing).

This instantly caused a "License file saxon-license.lic not found"
error. On a quick web-search I found that the amazing Michael Kay had
already answered this: I was using the `java -jar` command syntax and
had to switch to the `java -cp [CP] net.sf.saxon.Transform -sa`
format. Well, this instantly caused a "you're not licensed to use SA
processing" error, which persisted until I had that "doh!" moment of
realizing that the -sa switch meant schema-aware. But removing that
switch puts me right back to the "License file saxon-license.lic not

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