Case in titles

Sentence case should be used for topic, section, figure, table and other titles.

It is possible to create titles for topics, figures and tables with letter case structures including the following:
  • start case (first letter of each word capitalised, with the remainder lower case)
  • all capitals
  • title case (first letter of the first and last words capitalised, nouns and verbs initial capitalised, with the remainder lower case)
  • all lower case
  • all lower case except the first letter
  • sentence case (first word and proper nouns initial capitalised, with the remainder lower case)
  • camel case (the first letter of each word capitalised, with spaces and punctuation removed)

Other variations are also possible, such as all lower case except nouns.

For titles in publications, the following options are the most common:
  • all capitals
  • title case
  • sentence case
  • all lower case
Title case and sentence case afford the maximum re-use possibilities, because they can be easily transformed, in the processing stage, into:
  • start case
  • all capitals
  • all lower case
  • camel case

You should use sentence case for all titles in DITA, other than publication titles. Sentence case is easier for an author to use, as it has simpler rules (first word and proper nouns must be initial capitalised).

The preceding applies to English, and may not be applicable in other languages (and writing systems) such as German, for example, where the first letter of all nouns is capitalised.