
Used by
Element score-instrument/instrument-name
Namespace No namespace
The instrument-name element is typically used within a software application, rather than appearing on the printed page of a score.
Type xs:string
content: simple
<xs:element name="instrument-name" type="xs:string">
    <xs:documentation>The instrument-name element is typically used within a software application, rather than appearing on the printed page of a score.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/C:/Users/mihai/Desktop/MusicXML-Schema/musicxml.xsd
Element score-instrument/instrument-abbreviation
Namespace No namespace
The optional instrument-abbreviation element is typically used within a software application, rather than appearing on the printed page of a score.
Type xs:string
content: simple
minOccurs: 0
<xs:element name="instrument-abbreviation" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
    <xs:documentation>The optional instrument-abbreviation element is typically used within a software application, rather than appearing on the printed page of a score.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/C:/Users/mihai/Desktop/MusicXML-Schema/musicxml.xsd
Element score-instrument/solo
Namespace No namespace
The solo element was added in Version 2.0. It is present if performance is intended by a solo instrument.
Diagram musicxml53.tmp#id207
Type empty
content: complex
<xs:element name="solo" type="empty">
    <xs:documentation>The solo element was added in Version 2.0. It is present if performance is intended by a solo instrument.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/C:/Users/mihai/Desktop/MusicXML-Schema/musicxml.xsd
Element score-instrument/ensemble
Namespace No namespace
The ensemble element was added in Version 2.0. It is present if performance is intended by an ensemble such as an orchestral section. The text of the ensemble element contains the size of the section, or is empty if the ensemble size is not specified.
Diagram musicxml216.tmp#id24
Type number-or-empty
content: simple
<xs:element name="ensemble" type="number-or-empty">
    <xs:documentation>The ensemble element was added in Version 2.0. It is present if performance is intended by an ensemble such as an orchestral section. The text of the ensemble element contains the size of the section, or is empty if the ensemble size is not specified.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/C:/Users/mihai/Desktop/MusicXML-Schema/musicxml.xsd
Complex Type score-instrument
Namespace No namespace
The score-instrument type represents a single instrument within a score-part. As with the score-part type, each score-instrument has a required ID attribute, a name, and an optional abbreviation.
A score-instrument type is also required if the score specifies MIDI 1.0 channels, banks, or programs. An initial midi-instrument assignment can also be made here. MusicXML software should be able to automatically assign reasonable channels and  instruments without these elements in simple cases, such as where part names match General MIDI instrument names.
Diagram musicxml10.tmp#id896 musicxml10.tmp#id892 musicxml10.tmp#id893 musicxml10.tmp#id894 musicxml10.tmp#id895
Used by
Model instrument-name , instrument-abbreviation{0,1} , (solo | ensemble)
Children ensemble, instrument-abbreviation, instrument-name, solo
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
id xs:ID required
<xs:complexType name="score-instrument">
    <xs:documentation>The score-instrument type represents a single instrument within a score-part. As with the score-part type, each score-instrument has a required ID attribute, a name, and an optional abbreviation. A score-instrument type is also required if the score specifies MIDI 1.0 channels, banks, or programs. An initial midi-instrument assignment can also be made here. MusicXML software should be able to automatically assign reasonable channels and instruments without these elements in simple cases, such as where part names match General MIDI instrument names.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="instrument-name" type="xs:string">
        <xs:documentation>The instrument-name element is typically used within a software application, rather than appearing on the printed page of a score.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="instrument-abbreviation" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
        <xs:documentation>The optional instrument-abbreviation element is typically used within a software application, rather than appearing on the printed page of a score.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:choice minOccurs="0">
      <xs:element name="solo" type="empty">
          <xs:documentation>The solo element was added in Version 2.0. It is present if performance is intended by a solo instrument.</xs:documentation>
      <xs:element name="ensemble" type="number-or-empty">
          <xs:documentation>The ensemble element was added in Version 2.0. It is present if performance is intended by an ensemble such as an orchestral section. The text of the ensemble element contains the size of the section, or is empty if the ensemble size is not specified.</xs:documentation>
  <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID" use="required"/>
Schema location file:/C:/Users/mihai/Desktop/MusicXML-Schema/musicxml.xsd
Attribute score-instrument/@id
Namespace No namespace
Type xs:ID
use: required
Used by
Complex Type score-instrument
<xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID" use="required"/>
Schema location file:/C:/Users/mihai/Desktop/MusicXML-Schema/musicxml.xsd