[oXygen-user] Struggling with conkeyref/conaction=pushafter

Franz-Josef Knelangen fjk at akgsoftware.de
Wed Mar 29 00:44:09 CDT 2023


>> I heard of ditvalref branch filtering and I tested this. It does not create the desired result as duplicates of every reused topic are created. This is not what I want and it messes up many topic references. Can I set up branch filtering differently so that no topic duplicates are created? Probably not...

I use a generated prefix to realize duplicates. The affected topics all start with an underscore, _topic-name.dita, so that the generated topics look like

 *   bahn_topic-name.html
 *   strasse_topic-name.html


<topicref href="submaps/chapter-bahn.ditamap" format="ditamap" navtitle="Bahn"
            <ditavalref href="filters/viv-webhelp-rail.ditaval">

<topicref href="submaps/chapter-strasse.ditamap" format="ditamap" navtitle="Straße"
            <ditavalref href="filters/viv-webhelp-road.ditaval">

Franz-Josef Knelangen
Leiter Dokumentation

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