[oXygen-user] [ANN] Oxygen XML Editor version 25.1 has been released!

Alin Belu alin_belu at oxygenxml.com
Fri Mar 17 08:27:37 CDT 2023

Hello everyone,

We are incredibly excited to announce the immediate availability of 
*version 25.1* of its industry-leading XML suite of products: *Oxygen 
XML Editor*, *Author*, *Developer*, *Web Author*, *Publishing Engine*, 
*WebHelp*, *PDF Chemistry*, and *Scripting*, as well as *version 3.0* of 
the *Oxygen Feedback* comment management platform.

Some of the highlights of this release include various productivity 
improvements for *DITA authors* and new possibilities for *DITA 
publishers* who produce either CSS-based PDF or WebHelp output. *JSON 
schema designers* can look forward to more functionality to help them in 
Design mode, as well as upgrades to some of the JSON tools, and support 
for editing JSON Lines documents. *YAML developers* will be happy to see 
that the YAML editing support was bolstered to a level similar to 
Oxygen's JSON support. Many of Oxygen's *popular add-ons* were updated 
with new options, visual improvements, performance enhancements, and 
ease-of-use features. The *scripting community* now has access to some 
*ready-to-use GitHub project templates and GitHub actions* that allow 
users to automate scripts and some of the existing scripts were 
improved, while new ones were added. This release also provides various 
important *component updates*, *bug fixes*, and *security enhancements*.

*Oxygen XML Web Author*, the cutting-edge web-based XML authoring tool, 
comes with even more improvements and updates. This release brings you 
updates for the *comparison* tool and *image maps*, new plugins are 
available for adding support for *CALS tables in custom frameworks*, 
rendering *LaTeX equations*, and providing *client-side evaluation of 
XPath* expressions. Various other enhancements were implemented as well.

One of the major additions in the latest version of *Oxygen Feedback* is 
the *Content Indexing and Search* feature, which enables you to utilize 
Oxygen Feedback as an external search engine for your published Oxygen 
WebHelp Responsive output.


*What's new in Oxygen XML Editor 25.1*

*Oxygen XML Editor version 25.1* is a minor release of the 
industry-leading bundle of tools for content authors, developers, 
collaborators, and publishers. This release offers both enhancements to 
existing functionality and some brand new features that were requested 
by the community.

For *DITA authors*, when working with DITA-OT projects that define 
multiple output configurations (called contexts), it is easier to select 
the current context used to see how the DITA content looks like in that 
configuration using the *re-designed interface*. It facilitates the 
*context selection with improved grouping and filtering options*. 
Starting with DITA 1.3, it is possible to *specify filters for a branch 
of a DITA map* through a functionality called branch filtering. Oxygen's 
advanced *DITA map validation and completeness check now factors in 
branch filtering*. DITA 1.3 also introduced the concept of key scopes, 
enabling you to specify different sets of key definitions for different 
map branches. Oxygen's *DITA Reusable Components view* has a new 
filtering option to show keys with the closest relative key scope to the 
current editing location, and key references are validated taking the 
key scope into account. The *DITA Map Metrics Report* that contains 
useful statistics for the current DITA map was *redesigned to allow 
easier navigation* to its various categories. *Performance was improved 
when editing large DITA maps* and the Change or remove profiling 
attribute value refactoring action also updates DITAVAL filter files.

*DITA publishers* who produce CSS-based PDF output have the possibility 
of *displaying line numbers or visual markers for whitespace characters 
in code blocks*, making code snippets easier to read in the output. The 
*error reporting was improved* when publishing DITA-OT Project files. 
For example, the transformation error messages displayed in the Results 
pane contain the ID of the deliverable. You can also *c**ontrol the 
behavior of footnotes* using a new transformation parameter that when 
set to yes, causes footnotes that are referenced multiple times 
throughout a publication to be cloned and placed at the bottom of the 
page for each occurrence instead of subsequent references pointing back 
to the original footnote. For *WebHelp publishers*, this release added 
new parameters for *disabling the generation of index terms* and 
*excluding topic IDs from context-sensitive help*, a new extension point 
can also be used to help you *fine-tune the XSLT transformation* that 
generates the mapping for context-sensitive help, and the JQuery library 
that comes bundled with WebHelp is accessible in the browser's global 
context enabling developers to use it.

The innovative *JSON Schema Design mode* received further enhancements. 
A new action was added to *flatten the entire hierarchy of JSON 
schemas*, the Extract Definition type actions work on multiple 
selections of components, and the *functionality of search actions was 
extended* to enable them to be used on the root schema component. The 
*XSD to JSON Schema conversion tool* and the *JSON Schema Documentation 
Generator* were both upgraded to fix various issues and enhance 
performance. Also, basic *editing support was added for JSON Lines 
documents*, and JSON property names are now displayed after ending 
brackets to make the code more readable when editing JSON documents in 
Text mode.

*YAML developers* have *access to an Outline view* that displays the 
list of all the components of the document in a hierarchical (tree-like) 
representation and can be used to navigate to a specific part, or to 
move or delete components. *Content completion assistance* was 
implemented to help you *edit YAML documents by offering proposals for 
inserting YAML structures* that are valid at the current editing 
location. Various actions (e.g. *Toggle Line Comments*, *Copy JSON 
Pointer*, and *Copy XPath*) were also implemented to bring the *YAML 
editing support to a level similar to Oxygen's JSON support*.

For *XSLT and XQuery users*, a new version of the *Saxon XSLT and XQuery 
Transformer add-on is now available for Saxon 12 *and the Saxon 11 
version of the add-on was also updated to incorporate Saxon 11.5, the 
latest maintenance release of the Saxon 11 engine. Also, the output of 
*XQuery Trace functions* (used in XML refactoring actions for debugging 
purposes) is presented in the Results view to make the information more 
readily available.

Many of the most *popular add-ons received updates* and some interesting 
*new add-ons were implemented*. The *Git Client add-on* offers *new 
options, visual improvements, performance enhancements, and ease-of-use 
features*. Various performance, layout, and rendering improvements were 
implemented for both the *JSON Schema and OpenAPI Documentation 
Generator tools*, and the *Batch Documents Converter and Terminology 
Checker add-ons* also received various updates to bolster their 
functionality. A *new Live Tutorials add-on* is available to help you 
create tutorials for learning various editing functions for a certain 
vocabulary. This add-on also comes bundled with some *small tutorials 
that teach you how to do various DITA editing tasks*. Another new add-on 
is available to help you *manage Fluenta DITA translation projects*.

Other improvements include basic editing support and syntax highlights 
for *Dockerfile* documents, relative references in Framework Extension 
Script files are automatically resolved, certain *XML refactoring 
operations process faster*, and as usual, this release includes various 
important *component updates*, *bug fixes*, and *security enhancements*.

For more information, see: 


*What's new in Oxygen XML Scripting 25.1*

*Oxygen XML Scripting version 25.1* offers updates and improvements for 
some of the scripts that are available to provide a variety of functions 
that can be scheduled or triggered using a command-line tool on Windows, 
Linux, or macOS.

The *scripting community *now has access to some *ready-to-use GitHub 
project templates and GitHub actions* that allow users to automate 
scripts that will be triggered every time you push changes to your 
repository. For example, there are templates that execute *validation* 
and *transformation* operations, while other templates allow you to 
*compare directories* or *generate **XSD/XSL/WSDL Documentation*. The 
Validation script also received various improvements. For example, 
*framework validation scenarios are automatically detected for OpenAPI, 
AsyncAPI, and JSON-LD documents*. New scripts were added for *generating 
JSON Schema or OpenAPI Documentation*.

For more information, see: 


*What's new in Oxygen XML Web Author 25.1*

*Version 25.1.0* of *Oxygen XML Web Author* is a minor release for the 
innovative web-based XML authoring tool. This release brings you 
improvements for the comparison tool and image maps, new plugins are 
available for adding support for CALS tables in custom frameworks, 
rendering LaTeX equations, and providing client-side evaluation of XPath 
expressions, while various other enhancements also were implemented.

This latest version includes several notable improvements. One of the 
main areas of focus was on *enhancing stability and performance for 
non-Latin language input method editors (IME)*. The Web Author's file 
comparison tool has also been improved with new parameters and better 
visual highlighting of *surround-type edits*. New actions that *move 
selected block elements* have been introduced to help improve 
productivity. *Image maps* now support images referenced using keys, and 
several *new open-source plugins are available*, including one for 
adding *support for CALS tables in custom frameworks*, one for rendering 
*LaTeX equations*, and another for *evaluating XPath expressions* 
client-side. This version also includes a range of other *productivity 
improvements*, *component updates*, *bug fixes*, and *security 

For more information, see: 


*What's new in Oxygen Feedback 3.0*

*Version 3.0* of *Oxygen Feedback* offers exciting new enhancements for 
the modern comment management platform that provides a simple and 
efficient way for your community to interact with and offer feedback 
about your content.

Some of the most significant additions for this version include the new 
*search functionality* that allows you to use Oxygen Feedback as an 
external search engine for your published Oxygen WebHelp Responsive 
output. The benefit of this functionality is the *efficiency of the 
search process*, which is performed on a pre-built index of the HTML 
content. Oxygen Feedback supports a vast list of languages to be used in 
the indexing process.

The page ratings component was enhanced to provide the possibility of 
displaying a survey when a user gives a negative rating for a page. The 
*page ratings statistics page* in the administration interface now has 
columns for both positive and negative votes, and shows the negative 
survey messages, which are also sent to admins in daily email 
notifications. You also have the ability to choose whether to display 
like/dislike icons instead of text responses (e.g. Yes and No) for the 
page ratings component.

Both Cloud and Enterprise editions also include other *productivity 
improvements*, *bug fixes*, and *customization options*.

For more information about the *Oxygen Feedback Cloud edition*, see: 

For more information about the *Oxygen Feedback Enterprise edition*, 
see: https://www.oxygenxml.com/oxygen_feedback_enterprise/whats_new.html


*What's new in Oxygen Publishing Engine 25.1*

*Oxygen Publishing Engine* offers the same publishing functionality from 
Oxygen XML Editor to be used for automation and continuous 
integration/delivery (CI/CD) tasks. *Version 25.1* includes the 
improvements and additions implemented in *Oxygen XML WebHelp* and 
*Oxygen PDF Chemistry*.

For *Oxygen XML WebHelp publishers*, this release added a new parameter 
for excluding topic IDs from context-sensitive help mappings, a new 
parameter to disable the generation of index terms, a new extension 
point to help you insert custom XSLT code to modify the XSLT 
transformation that generates the mapping for context-sensitive help, 
and the JQuery library that comes bundled with WebHelp is accessible in 
the browser's global context enabling developers to use it.

Starting with *version 25.1* of *Oxygen PDF Chemistry*, you have the 
ability to *embed videos in your PDF output*. It is possible to *display 
line numbers or markers for whitespace characters* in code blocks to 
make your code snippets easier to read. You can also *control the 
behavior of footnotes* using a new transformation parameter that when 
set to yes, causes footnotes that are referenced multiple times 
throughout a publication to be cloned and placed at the bottom of the 
page for each occurrence, instead of subsequent references pointing back 
to the original footnote.

This release also includes various *bug fixes* and *security enhancements*.

For more information, see: 


We hope you will enjoy our latest release of the Oxygen XML suite of 
As always, thank you for your support and don't forget that feedback is 

Best regards,

Alin Belu
Oxygen XML Editor
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