[oXygen-user] "Lexical error" in applying Format & Indent to XQuery

Joe Wicentowski joewiz at gmail.com
Fri Jul 29 12:34:05 CDT 2022

Dear oXygen Support,

I encountered an unexpected error today when applying "Format & Indent" to
a valid XQuery file. The error is:

Cannot format the document. Lexical error at line 21, column 33.
> Encountered: "]" (93), after : ""

The XQuery is as follows, and line 21, column 33 corresponds to the nested
array constructors [[]] :

*xquery version* "3.1";
> *declare namespace* *array*="http://www.w3.org/2005/xpath-functions/array"
> ;
> *let* *$permArray* := *function*(*$myAr* *as* *array*(*))
> {
>   *let* *$extend* := *function*(*$ar* *as* *array*(*), *$mem* *as* *item*
> ()*)
>                  {
>                    *array*{
>                           *for* *$i* *in* 1 *to* (*array:size*(*$ar*) +1)
>                             *return*
>                                *array:insert-before*(*$ar*, *$i*, *$mem*)
>                         }
>                  },
>       *$extendAllSubArrays* :=  *function*(*$zero* *as* *array*(*), *$mem*
> *as* *item*()*)
>                               {
>                                 *array:join*(
>                                             *for* *$i* *in* 1 *to*
> *array:size*(*$zero*)
>                                              *return* *$extend*(*$zero*(
> *$i*), *$mem*)
>                                            )
>                                }
>      *return*
>        *array:fold-left*(*$myAr*, [[]],  *$extendAllSubArrays*)
> }
> *return* *$permArray*([1, 2, 3]) => *serialize*(*map* { *"method"*: "json"
> })

The query was shared on the XML.com Slack at

Using the XQuery debugger, oXygen returns the expected results:


But for some reason oXygen is unable to perform "format & indent" on the
source XQuery. Could you please investigate this "lexical error"?

Thank you,
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