[oXygen-user] Problem reloading jars that contains XSL

Christophe Marchand cmarchand at oxiane.com
Mon Nov 5 03:44:43 CST 2018


I have an xsl - let's name it MAIN.XSL - that import another, located in 
a jar file :

href="jar:file:/Users/cmarchand/devel/foe.jar!/path/to/file.xsl" />

This works perfectly, in Oxygen, with Saxon, everywhere.

Now, if I change my <foe>/src/main/xsl/path/to/file.xsl file (inside or 
outside Oxygen), and rebuild the jar, when I come back to my MAIN.XSL, 
Oxygen displays an Error :

I/O error reported by XML parser processing 
jar:file:/Users/cmarchand/devel/foe.jar!/path/to/file.xsl: JAR entry 
path/to/file.xsl not found in /Users/cmarchand/devel/foe.jar

Of course, jar exists, is well formed, can be loaded by JVM, and 
file.xsl also exists, is also well formed, and is also correctly run by 
Saxon outside Oxygen.

If I restart Oxygen, without changing foe.jar, everything works 
correctly. Problem exists from Oxygen 15 to 20.1

I think Matthieu Ricaud had previously reported this problem, but maybe 
verbally, at XMLPrague ...

Thanks in advance,

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