[oXygen-user] oh where oh where has my oXygen gone?

Syd Bauman Syd_Bauman at Brown.edu
Fri Feb 15 17:43:24 CST 2013

  Oh where, oh where has my oXygen gone?
  Oh where, oh where can it be?
  I put fourteen point two on Ubuntu,
  And now it's hidden from me.

I had oXygen 14.1 installed on both my Ubuntu 12.04 machines (work &
home). On both machines, the way I launch oXygen is to tap the SUPER
key to bring up the dash, and then type "oxy". The applications that
show up are Oxygen XML Editor, Oxygen XML Author, and Oxygen XML

This morning I downloaded the new oxygen-64bit.sh and ran it under
`sudo` on the work machine. I installed in the default location,
deleting the previous version. I then tapped the SUPER key to bring
up the dash, typed "oxy" ... and no applications showed up.

I notice that there 9 .desktop files in my 14.1 installation at home,
and none in my 14.2 installation at work. I looked at one of the
.desktop files, and I am pretty sure this is the problem.

1) Did I do something wrong during installation so that the .desktop
   files were not installed?

2) Anyone else suffer this?

3) Noting that these 9 files, and the change of several file names
   from 14.1 to 14.2, are the only differences in the list of files
   in the main /opt/Oxygen XML Editor 14/ directories, can I just
   copy the 14.1 .desktop file to the 14.2 installation, changing all
   occurrences of "14.1" to "14.2" as I go?

4) While I'm at it, on my home machine the oXygen icon does not
   appear in the application-switcher bar that pops up when I press
   ALT-tab. (Instead I get a generic grey box with a question mark.)
   It does show up in the launcher. Any thoughts?

Thanks in advance for any answers, and as always thanks for a great

[1] I never use the latter two, and would be happy to get rid of

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