[oXygen-user] Open Toolkit Processing Applied to URI-based Resources--How Does It Work?

Eliot Kimber ekimber at reallysi.com
Fri Oct 28 09:33:35 CDT 2011

I haven't had a chance to test this new feature yet, but I'm wondering is it
simply a pre-process that accesses all the dependencies and makes a local
copy with pointers rewritten as necessary or is it actually modifying the
Ant processes to allow direct operation on HTTP-based resources?

If the former, what user agent string does Oxygen use when making the HTTP

I'm thinking about this in the context of our content management systems
(RSuite CMS, DocZone, RSuite Cloud), where currently we have built-in
facilities to do map export and then run the Toolkit but where all the
resources are URL-accessible and so could be processed directly.

However, in most cases, some amount of transformation is required to be
applied to the data as it comes out of the repository, either to filter out
things like CMS-specific metadata or to rewrite pointers to reflect the
location as exported.

But we also have a facility for imposing transformations into object access
requests, configurable by conditions including the user agent. So, for
example, if Oxygen is requesting resources specifically in order to then run
the Toolkit on them, given a distinguishing user agent string I could
configure transforms to condition the data as it comes out without having
implement a completely separate export action. That would be very handy.

On the other hand, if it is the Toolkit, not Oxygen that is requesting the
resources, that might require different transformation logic, not sure.

So really I'm just curious about what's really going on under the covers.



Eliot Kimber
Senior Solutions Architect
"Bringing Strategy, Content, and Technology Together"
Main: 512.554.9368

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